Austria Launches New Migrant Policy: Benefits Cut, Phones, Cash Seized


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
That ought to raise the hackles of the EU.

The new government in Austria, made up of the Conservative People’s Party and the far-right Freedom Party, both pledged to crack down in immigrants to the nation. And they've put their promises into practice.

"Phones will be seized upon entry, allowing border officials to analyse mobile data to determine migrants’ identities," the Express newspaper reports. "Money will also be taken from migrants and put towards the cost of caring for people arriving in the country. And benefits will be stopped for some migrants who have not yet 'paid into' the country."

The move comes as European Union Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos writes that “Europe’s Migrants Are Here to Stay."

Story @ Austria Launches New Migrant Policy: Benefits Cut, Phones, Cash Seized
It is too late.

An average european family has 1.4 kids + 2 dogs.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 8 kids, no dogs + coming relatives & tribes .

Still a couple of decades and Islam govern Austria and donkeys fill motorways.

The New Austrian National Anthem in 2030

It is too late.

An average european family has 1.4 kids + 2 dogs.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 8 kids, no dogs + coming relatives & tribes .

Still a couple of decades and Islam govern Austria and donkeys fill motorways.

The New Austrian National Anthem in 2030

Greece deported Muslim Turks in mass from it's territories following WW1.

Austria is a sovereign state and may do as they please.

Look here:

You can not deport millions.The sad Truth is Europa is lost.
It is almost impossible for white Europeans to receive an immigration visa to USA.
Therefore probably Russia, as a country of future.
But in five or seven years Russia can be closed for any immigration.
Muslims will kill or convert all non-Muslims like Quran is demands.
No exception.
And nothing is posible to change the situation.

It is too late.

An average european family has 1.4 kids + 2 dogs.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 8 kids, no dogs + coming relatives & tribes .

Still a couple of decades and Islam govern Austria and donkeys fill motorways.

The New Austrian National Anthem in 2030

Greece deported Muslim Turks in mass from it's territories following WW1.

In Germany for example more as 40 % of all youth are Muslims, in France probably 50 %
No one desire a civil war with sees of blood in any Europeans city.

Europeans shall flee from Europa, otherwise it will be too late.
It is too late.

An average european family has 1.4 kids + 2 dogs.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 8 kids, no dogs + coming relatives & tribes .

Still a couple of decades and Islam govern Austria and donkeys fill motorways.

The New Austrian National Anthem in 2030

^^^^ You know nothing about my nation you are a maniac you post crap on a daily basis about things you know nothing about. This latest post of yours is beyond moronic and ignorant.
That ought to raise the hackles of the EU.

The new government in Austria, made up of the Conservative People’s Party and the far-right Freedom Party, both pledged to crack down in immigrants to the nation. And they've put their promises into practice.

"Phones will be seized upon entry, allowing border officials to analyse mobile data to determine migrants’ identities," the Express newspaper reports. "Money will also be taken from migrants and put towards the cost of caring for people arriving in the country. And benefits will be stopped for some migrants who have not yet 'paid into' the country."

The move comes as European Union Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos writes that “Europe’s Migrants Are Here to Stay."

Story @ Austria Launches New Migrant Policy: Benefits Cut, Phones, Cash Seized

The parasites have been warned they should go somewhere else we do not want them, they only get this one warning they better not have us resort to using violence on them because history should tell them that will not end well for these parasites.

"European Union Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos"

He can fuck off nobody elected him, we do not listen to him or anyone else at the EU Commission and they are warned if they want to begin trouble with us then we are ready so bring it on but they will not like the result.
It is too late.

An average european family has 1.4 kids + 2 dogs.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 8 kids, no dogs + coming relatives & tribes .

Still a couple of decades and Islam govern Austria and donkeys fill motorways.

The New Austrian National Anthem in 2030

Greece deported Muslim Turks in mass from it's territories following WW1.

In Germany for example more as 40 % of all youth are Muslims, in France probably 50 %
No one desire a civil war with sees of blood in any Europeans city.

Europeans shall flee from Europa, otherwise it will be too late.

^^^^ We are not Germany or France.
It is too late.

An average european family has 1.4 kids + 2 dogs.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 8 kids, no dogs + coming relatives & tribes .

Still a couple of decades and Islam govern Austria and donkeys fill motorways.

The New Austrian National Anthem in 2030

Greece deported Muslim Turks in mass from it's territories following WW1.

In Germany for example more as 40 % of all youth are Muslims, in France probably 50 %
No one desire a civil war with sees of blood in any Europeans city.

Europeans shall flee from Europa, otherwise it will be too late.

^^^^ We are not Germany or France.

You are a very tiny country with 1.3 kids pro woman.
Who can help you?
You must accept you lost.
Demography is unchangeable.

That ought to raise the hackles of the EU.

The new government in Austria, made up of the Conservative People’s Party and the far-right Freedom Party, both pledged to crack down in immigrants to the nation. And they've put their promises into practice.

"Phones will be seized upon entry, allowing border officials to analyse mobile data to determine migrants’ identities," the Express newspaper reports. "Money will also be taken from migrants and put towards the cost of caring for people arriving in the country. And benefits will be stopped for some migrants who have not yet 'paid into' the country."

The move comes as European Union Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos writes that “Europe’s Migrants Are Here to Stay."

Story @ Austria Launches New Migrant Policy: Benefits Cut, Phones, Cash Seized






- Snip -


^^^^ These idiot journalists should know exactly what we mean when we mention military, they do know what we mean its just they are frightened to even openly think it because they have been told this would never happen again, the deal is now the parasites remain in their shit holes in Africa and the Middle East or we are going to go that historical route just one more time. Deus Vult.

Help refugees wherever they come from, Austria's Kurz says


- Snip -


^^^^ The filthy Kebabs have been warned, they only get one warning they should listen to it, we are not Cucks like Germany, Sweden, France, the British etc we have a Patriotic Government elected by 59% of our peoples.

We have a right and a moral duty to protect our border, protect our nation, protect our peoples. We are historically a Christian nation, we are historically a Roman Catholic nation, 70% of our nation are Christian, 60% of our nation are Roman Catholic and are practising and attend Mass on a regular basis and in the end we answer to Jesus Christ Our Lord, Our Messiah, Our Saviour and no one else so Fuck the EU, Fuck the UN, Fuck Human Rights Groups, Fuck the Neo-Marxist and anti-Christian pro-Islam Francis squatting in The Vatican.

Everything is falling into place next year 2018 we will control the EU Agenda, this because of the rotating EU Presidency and 2018 we have control of the EU Presidency.

Far-right Freedom Party will control Austrian army in coalition deal
Last edited:
It is too late.

An average european family has 1.4 kids + 2 dogs.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 8 kids, no dogs + coming relatives & tribes .

Still a couple of decades and Islam govern Austria and donkeys fill motorways.

The New Austrian National Anthem in 2030

Greece deported Muslim Turks in mass from it's territories following WW1.

In Germany for example more as 40 % of all youth are Muslims, in France probably 50 %
No one desire a civil war with sees of blood in any Europeans city.

Europeans shall flee from Europa, otherwise it will be too late.

^^^^ We are not Germany or France.

You are a very tiny country with 1.3 kids pro woman.
Who can help you?
You must accept you lost.
Demography is unchangeable.


^^^^ We are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and again nobody cares what you think you know nothing about the situation, you know nothing of our new Government policy paper a 182 page document, it is easy to increase your own population which is what this Government is going to do, pay people to breed more it's that easy, Remove Kebab and pay own people to breed more, problem solved.
^^^^ We are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and again nobody cares what you think you know nothing about the situation, you know nothing of our new Government policy paper a 182 page document, it is easy to increase your own population which is what this Government is going to do, pay people to breed more it's that easy, Remove Kebab and pay own people to breed more, problem solved.
It is not that easy unfortunately. Every rich country has a low fertility rate (less than 2 births per woman). Poor countries of Africa and Asia have much higher rate.
It is too late.

An average european family has 1.4 kids + 2 dogs.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 8 kids, no dogs + coming relatives & tribes .

Still a couple of decades and Islam govern Austria and donkeys fill motorways.

The New Austrian National Anthem in 2030

Greece deported Muslim Turks in mass from it's territories following WW1.

In Germany for example more as 40 % of all youth are Muslims, in France probably 50 %
No one desire a civil war with sees of blood in any Europeans city.

Europeans shall flee from Europa, otherwise it will be too late.

^^^^ We are not Germany or France.

You are a very tiny country with 1.3 kids pro woman.
Who can help you?
You must accept you lost.
Demography is unchangeable.


^^^^ We are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and again nobody cares what you think you know nothing about the situation, you know nothing of our new Government policy paper a 182 page document, it is easy to increase your own population which is what this Government is going to do, pay people to breed more it's that easy, Remove Kebab and pay own people to breed more, problem solved.

I hope Austria will win the battle, but there are following steps at first necessary:

- Quit EU
- Prohibition of leftism
- Traditional Moral and Values
- Prohibition of homosexuality, prostitution, pornography, sodomy & Co
- Close ties to Russia
- Good border security
- All MSM medias under state control
- Monarchy with State supported Christian Church
- Etc. etc. etc.

Otherwise Austria has not enough children to compete with Muslims in 21st century.
^^^^ We are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and again nobody cares what you think you know nothing about the situation, you know nothing of our new Government policy paper a 182 page document, it is easy to increase your own population which is what this Government is going to do, pay people to breed more it's that easy, Remove Kebab and pay own people to breed more, problem solved.
It is not that easy unfortunately. Every rich country has a low fertility rate (less than 2 births per woman). Poor countries of Africa and Asia have much higher rate.

EU and NGOs invited all Third World to live in EU.
Africans will happy to live in former white countries.

^^^^ We are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and again nobody cares what you think you know nothing about the situation, you know nothing of our new Government policy paper a 182 page document, it is easy to increase your own population which is what this Government is going to do, pay people to breed more it's that easy, Remove Kebab and pay own people to breed more, problem solved.
It is not that easy unfortunately. Every rich country has a low fertility rate (less than 2 births per woman). Poor countries of Africa and Asia have much higher rate.

EU and NGOs invited all Third World to live in EU.
Africans will happy to live in former white countries.

And? Have you got some workable ideas how to solve this issue aside from the utter bullshit you wrote in previous post?
^^^^ We are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and again nobody cares what you think you know nothing about the situation, you know nothing of our new Government policy paper a 182 page document, it is easy to increase your own population which is what this Government is going to do, pay people to breed more it's that easy, Remove Kebab and pay own people to breed more, problem solved.
It is not that easy unfortunately. Every rich country has a low fertility rate (less than 2 births per woman). Poor countries of Africa and Asia have much higher rate.

EU and NGOs invited all Third World to live in EU.
Africans will happy to live in former white countries.

And? Have you got some workable ideas how to solve this issue aside from the utter bullshit you wrote in previous post?

The limiting factor is birth rates is years of education for women.

THe longer it takes to be ready to support a family, the higher the percentage of child bearing years are lost.

YOu want solutions?

FIght degree inflation, accelerate education for those that can handle it, end it for those that won't benefit from higher education, craft economic and tax policies to encourage single income house holds, the Gold Standard of Breeders.

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