Austria: New Restaurant financiall support - doesnt apply for Kebab


Gold Member
Only for traditional hosts, like schnitzel. What do you think? I don't think that's a good thing because kebab restaurants also create jobs and are also Austrian citizens or often, not always, but often. I find that discriminatory and racist. I remember how a colleague at the university said to me that only Austrians should get a scholarship and not foreigners.
Could not care less .
If Nazis only want fellow brthren and sympathisers to eat there , just blow up the place if you object so much .
I can also understand it and it's good to support local cuisine and traditions in Austria, I've changed my mind, maybe it's not so bad and it's not discrimination. I only briefly saw the title of the article that says "no kebab" and the post from the state parliament member that says "you have to support local cuisine" and it came across to me as if it was a little racist. Maybe not. I'm sorry.
Only for traditional hosts, like schnitzel. What do you think? I don't think that's a good thing because kebab restaurants also create jobs and are also Austrian citizens or often, not always, but often. I find that discriminatory and racist. I remember how a colleague at the university said to me that only Austrians should get a scholarship and not foreigners.

Depends what the purpose is.

I like traveling and to travel is to see different places. If everywhere's the same, then what's the point. Make Austria a little more "Austrian" and people might be more likely to go, and therefore make more money for Austria.

I doubt people will cross the border for a proper Austrian Kebab, do you?
I can also understand it and it's good to support local cuisine and traditions in Austria, I've changed my mind, maybe it's not so bad and it's not discrimination. I only briefly saw the title of the article that says "no kebab" and the post from the state parliament member that says "you have to support local cuisine" and it came across to me as if it was a little racist. Maybe not. I'm sorry.
Nothing wrong with some decent Racism .
Provided it is supported by facts and history and is not blind prejuduce and ignorance .

Now I think that far too many Americans are fat , not very bright and highly gullible .
Is that Racist ? Or just a list of unpalatable facts .

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