Austrian chapel will sound Islamic prayer call fives times daily for 21 days before Christmas [video

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You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
You don’t have a mass of nutjob evangelicals over there. Be wary of Christian extremists demanding that magical beliefs be justification for evil, disguised here under “religious freedoms.”

Actually, Austria's a lot more anti-Muslim in views than the U.S.A is.
Well sure; Austria has a long and proud history of villainizing and rounding up the untermensch.
“I really hape (have) my hopes up that my favorite European country had (has) not succumbed to the evils of Satan’s Cult.”

You really need to learn to analyze first, before reacting. He stated Austria is his favorite European country- a compliment, and hopes they have not succumbed. You would have been much better offer approaching the thread, bearing facts it has not, rather than ranting and raving.
I wonder if the mosques will play O Holy Night for all the days of Rhamadan?

What you mean like the Mosques in New York and Texas do?

Why are Americans so obsessed with my nation? Oh that's right we know, YES it fucking ENDED 72 YEARS ago, GET OVER IT ALREADY.

I add that my nation has had ZERO terrorist attacks unlike the French, Merkel's developing Islamic Republic and the British.

Instead of posting crap about my nation we think Americans should attend to what occur in their own nation, the amount of Mosques you now have in EVERY American State for eg, also WHEN did you last DEPORT ANY Imans?


Also Americans to attend to the amount of RADICAL ISLAMICS with their Terrorist Network in America:


No he said we have succumbed to Islam which is ridiculous and also 100% inaccurate. Re. Ranting I am allowed to rant now and then, others are ranting all day in multiple threads and every day, my rants are not frequent.
Last edited:
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
You don’t have a mass of nutjob evangelicals over there. Be wary of Christian extremists demanding that magical beliefs be justification for evil, disguised here under “religious freedoms.”

Actually, Austria's a lot more anti-Muslim in views than the U.S.A is.

Of course we are we are very Anti-Islam and especially very Anti-Political Islam and America now has elected two full on Political Islamists to the American Congress and this is a situation that would NEVER occur in my nation, we are VERY INTOLERANT we are not all about Muh Feelings like more than half of the American nation is, we are NOT Politically Correct and we have a Right-Wing Government who does not give a CRAP about Muh Feelings.

Sobi we both know that my nation and Poland are going to both be okay and we know there are those at this forum who HATE my nation and also HATE Poland but we should not care about this because our nations will be okay and America once The Donald is not President anymore is probably going to get another Democrat and then their Borders will be opened and the UN Migrant Pact will be signed and then they will have approx 100 MILLIONS from Third World Shit Holes imported in and that is a situation that Americans need to prepare for and them saying oh well we have 300 million guns so we will defend America from the savages, of course they WON'T do that IF they were going to use their 300 million guns to defend America from savages then MILLIONS of Americans would have already been on their border with Mexico NOW shooting Warning Shots at the Caravan.
So if that’s what you think then do us a favor and never open your fucking yap again about America and Americans! Dipshit!

No what I post with those images is accurate it is something you should concentrate on you decide to ignore that instead, the American nation is a time bomb waiting to go off this the combination of the amount of Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells you have and the Leftists threatening violence and being Pro-Islam.

My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
Look asshole! Your fucking country gave birth to Adolf Hitler! Don’t bitch to me about Sharia! Your country gave birth to the monster who slaughtered over six million human beings!
I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
You don’t have a mass of nutjob evangelicals over there. Be wary of Christian extremists demanding that magical beliefs be justification for evil, disguised here under “religious freedoms.”

Actually, Austria's a lot more anti-Muslim in views than the U.S.A is.

Of course we are we are very Anti-Islam n.

Islam cares a sh.. about your opinion.
Europeans have not children, in one generation it is over.
A good advise to you, begin to study arabic or turkish language and culture.
Too sad that western countries are hijacked by demon possessed schizophrenic as their governments.
Too sad that only few people can see who govern about them in reality


Go away low IQ ignorant Troll Boi.


your post is funny

ALL your posts are funny ALL 4,282 are funny.

You shall change your psychiatrist, he prescribed you too weak medicine.Your today's posts look like written by the guy below

Someone above can't stay on topic, and also can't quote right.
Oh, and they can't figure out that Germans were the main Holocaust perps.

Irosie is basically the same thing as a Muslim, BTW.

I'd rather have Islamic Tatars, or Islamic Bosniaks in my country, than Jews..

fine with me-------do you think it can be arranged?
No what I post with those images is accurate it is something you should concentrate on you decide to ignore that instead, the American nation is a time bomb waiting to go off this the combination of the amount of Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells you have and the Leftists threatening violence and being Pro-Islam.

My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
Look asshole! Your fucking country gave birth to Adolf Hitler! Don’t bitch to me about Sharia! Your country gave birth to the monster who slaughtered over six million human beings!

The country is not f....., the guy forget to take his medicine today
“I really hape (have) my hopes up that my favorite European country had (has) not succumbed to the evils of Satan’s Cult.”

You really need to learn to analyze first, before reacting. He stated Austria is his favorite European country- a compliment, and hopes they have not succumbed. You would have been much better offer approaching the thread, bearing facts it has not, rather than ranting and raving.
I wonder if the mosques will play O Holy Night for all the days of Rhamadan?

What you mean like the Mosques in New York and Texas do?

Why are Americans so obsessed with my nation? Oh that's right we know, YES it fucking ENDED 72 YEARS ago, GET OVER IT ALREADY.

I add that my nation has had ZERO terrorist attacks unlike the French, Merkel's developing Islamic Republic and the British.

Instead of posting crap about my nation we think Americans should attend to what occur in their own nation, the amount of Mosques you now have in EVERY American State for eg, also WHEN did you last DEPORT ANY Imans?


Also Americans to attend to the amount of RADICAL ISLAMICS with their Terrorist Network in America:


No he said we have succumbed to Islam which is ridiculous and also 100% inaccurate. Re. Ranting I am allowed to rant now and then, others are ranting all day in multiple threads and every day, my rants are not frequent.

Why did he post this OP thread? His motive for this was to post inaccurate Propaganda so that those at this forum who HATE my nation can indulge in the fantasy that we are literally going to be destroyed, well it is NOT going to happen so they should just forget about it and move on already.

There are probably those also at this forum who wish every day that we have a Terrorist Attack so that THOUSANDS of our peoples are killed and maimed, they would LIKE that thinking that is x THOUSAND less of them to breed more of them that we HATE and WANT destroyed. Do NOT think that this nation does NOT know that a majority of Americans HATE us and want us DEAD. Sorry to disappoint Americans but we are a nation who is Red Pilled and VERY VERY Woke, you will NOT get your fantasy wish as you HAVE succeeded in Cucking Germany into Self Hate and DESTROYING the spirit of the German peoples with the psychological Propaganda where they HATE themselves NOW and WANT to be Culturally Suicided of course American Groups are attempting this same shit on Poland and like with my nation you are wasting your time attempting to Guilt Complex Poland into Self Hate they are as Red Pilled and Woke as we are.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
Look asshole! Your fucking country gave birth to Adolf Hitler! Don’t bitch to me about Sharia! Your country gave birth to the monster who slaughtered over six million human beings!

The country is not f....., the guy forget to take his medicine today
None of that matters to me. What matters to me is this shit about “don’t talk about my nation” bullshit. Did you read what she said about Americans? Americans by the thousands died defeating that fucking monster her country gave birth to. I don’t want to hear her shit about America!
No what I post with those images is accurate it is something you should concentrate on you decide to ignore that instead, the American nation is a time bomb waiting to go off this the combination of the amount of Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells you have and the Leftists threatening violence and being Pro-Islam.

My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
Look asshole! Your fucking country gave birth to Adolf Hitler! Don’t bitch to me about Sharia! Your country gave birth to the monster who slaughtered over six million human beings!

^^^^ And THERE we have it, same horsecrap as usual from an American. ROFLAO sorry but the Guilt Complex SHIT goes NOWHERE with us, we have perfectly illustrated we are IMMUNE to the American Guilt Complex Propaganda in this nation AND in Poland AND in Hungary AND in Slovakia AND in Croatia AND in Lithuania AND in Slovenia AND in Italy etc, this crap ENDED 72 YEARS ago it means ZERO to those born like ME in the 1990s. The Propaganda EVEN was a Mega Fail when it was ATTEMPTED to use Muh 6 Million or whatever as an EXCUSE to ATTEMPT to get us to Open Borders and allow Third World Shit Holers in and we were like GTFO already with this crap.

Why don't we discuss America's GREAT friend Josef Stalin that AMERICA got into bed with to suck his Communist dick? Should we INSTEAD discuss the Holomodor where America's GREAT friend Josef Stalin systematically starved to death between SEVEN AND TWELVE MILLION CHRISTIAN UKRANIANS in 1930-31? Have you EVEN heard of the Holomodor? Probably not it does not feature on the American Educational Propaganda Programme.

I really hape my hopes up that my favorite European country had not succumbed to the evils of Satan’s Cult.

Breitbart News reports: The noise is considered “a special kind of audiovisual experience,” when recordings of muezzin calls, which were taped in Algeria, Mozambique, Istanbul, and Singapore, are played from the chapel of the Upper Austrian Cultural Quarter’s Ursuline Church.

More of this disgusting news @ Austrian chapel will sound Islamic prayer call fives times daily for 21 days before Christmas [video]

That would be special if you lived within a three blocks of the damm thing. 400 watt speakers..Day and night. Time for a shotgun approach.
I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
Look asshole! Your fucking country gave birth to Adolf Hitler! Don’t bitch to me about Sharia! Your country gave birth to the monster who slaughtered over six million human beings!

The country is not f....., the guy forget to take his medicine today
None of that matters to me. What matters to me is this shit about “don’t talk about my nation” bullshit. Did you read what she said about Americans? Americans by the thousands died defeating that fucking monster her country gave birth to. I don’t want to hear her shit about America!

Do you need a tissue and some Play Doh?
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
Look asshole! Your fucking country gave birth to Adolf Hitler! Don’t bitch to me about Sharia! Your country gave birth to the monster who slaughtered over six million human beings!

^^^^ And THERE we have it, same horsecrap as usual from an American. ROFLAO sorry but the Guilt Complex SHIT goes NOWHERE with us, we have perfectly illustrated we are IMMUNE to the American Guilt Complex Propaganda in this nation AND in Poland AND in Hungary AND in Slovakia AND in Croatia AND in Lithuania AND in Slovenia AND in Italy etc, this crap ENDED 72 YEARS ago it means ZERO to those born like ME in the 1990s. The Propaganda EVEN was a Mega Fail when it was ATTEMPTED to use Muh 6 Million or whatever as an EXCUSE to ATTEMPT to get us to Open Borders and allow Third World Shit Holers in and we were like GTFO already with this crap.

Why don't we discuss America's GREAT friend Josef Stalin that AMERICA got into bed with to suck his Communist dick? Should we INSTEAD discuss the Holomodor where America's GREAT friend Josef Stalin systematically starved to death between SEVEN AND TWELVE MILLION CHRISTIAN UKRANIANS in 1930-31? Have you EVEN heard of the Holomodor? Probably not it does not feature on the American Educational Propaganda Programme.
Russia saved your ass from the Austrian monster. They were allies. You assholes along with Italy were the warmongerers. Yew people were fucking the Germans while the Americans and Russians liberated your sorry asses! Wewon’t Do it again.
Hitler loved muslims, because they hate jews as much as he did.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
Look asshole! Your fucking country gave birth to Adolf Hitler! Don’t bitch to me about Sharia! Your country gave birth to the monster who slaughtered over six million human beings!

^^^^ And THERE we have it, same horsecrap as usual from an American. ROFLAO sorry but the Guilt Complex SHIT goes NOWHERE with us, we have perfectly illustrated we are IMMUNE to the American Guilt Complex Propaganda in this nation AND in Poland AND in Hungary AND in Slovakia AND in Croatia AND in Lithuania AND in Slovenia AND in Italy etc, this crap ENDED 72 YEARS ago it means ZERO to those born like ME in the 1990s. The Propaganda EVEN was a Mega Fail when it was ATTEMPTED to use Muh 6 Million or whatever as an EXCUSE to ATTEMPT to get us to Open Borders and allow Third World Shit Holers in and we were like GTFO already with this crap.

Why don't we discuss America's GREAT friend Josef Stalin that AMERICA got into bed with to suck his Communist dick? Should we INSTEAD discuss the Holomodor where America's GREAT friend Josef Stalin systematically starved to death between SEVEN AND TWELVE MILLION CHRISTIAN UKRANIANS in 1930-31? Have you EVEN heard of the Holomodor? Probably not it does not feature on the American Educational Propaganda Programme.
^ is that madness what passes as political discourse in Austria? “Muh 6 million...” are you talking about the Holocaust? You say you’re fine with the Holocaust because you were born in the 1990’s, then claim outrage over what Stalin did a decade before your people even started the Holocaust? You foreigners make little sense.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
Look asshole! Your fucking country gave birth to Adolf Hitler! Don’t bitch to me about Sharia! Your country gave birth to the monster who slaughtered over six million human beings!

^^^^ And THERE we have it, same horsecrap as usual from an American. ROFLAO sorry but the Guilt Complex SHIT goes NOWHERE with us, we have perfectly illustrated we are IMMUNE to the American Guilt Complex Propaganda in this nation AND in Poland AND in Hungary AND in Slovakia AND in Croatia AND in Lithuania AND in Slovenia AND in Italy etc, this crap ENDED 72 YEARS ago it means ZERO to those born like ME in the 1990s. The Propaganda EVEN was a Mega Fail when it was ATTEMPTED to use Muh 6 Million or whatever as an EXCUSE to ATTEMPT to get us to Open Borders and allow Third World Shit Holers in and we were like GTFO already with this crap.

Why don't we discuss America's GREAT friend Josef Stalin that AMERICA got into bed with to suck his Communist dick? Should we INSTEAD discuss the Holomodor where America's GREAT friend Josef Stalin systematically starved to death between SEVEN AND TWELVE MILLION CHRISTIAN UKRANIANS in 1930-31? Have you EVEN heard of the Holomodor? Probably not it does not feature on the American Educational Propaganda Programme.

The British Empire had over 20 Holodomor style terror famines in just India.

But, I suppose Austria & Germany are the only ones wrong.

The hypocrisy is stunning.
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