Austrian chapel will sound Islamic prayer call fives times daily for 21 days before Christmas [video

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I wonder if the mosques will play O Holy Night for all the days of Rhamadan?

What you mean like the Mosques in New York and Texas do?

Why are Americans so obsessed with my nation? Oh that's right we know, YES it fucking ENDED 72 YEARS ago, GET OVER IT ALREADY.

I add that my nation has had ZERO terrorist attacks unlike the French, Merkel's developing Islamic Republic and the British.

Instead of posting crap about my nation we think Americans should attend to what occur in their own nation, the amount of Mosques you now have in EVERY American State for eg, also WHEN did you last DEPORT ANY Imans?


Also Americans to attend to the amount of RADICAL ISLAMICS with their Terrorist Network in America:

So if that’s what you think then do us a favor and never open your fucking yap again about America and Americans! Dipshit!

No what I post with those images is accurate it is something you should concentrate on you decide to ignore that instead, the American nation is a time bomb waiting to go off this the combination of the amount of Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells you have and the Leftists threatening violence and being Pro-Islam.

My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.
What you mean like the Mosques in New York and Texas do?

Why are Americans so obsessed with my nation? Oh that's right we know, YES it fucking ENDED 72 YEARS ago, GET OVER IT ALREADY.

I add that my nation has had ZERO terrorist attacks unlike the French, Merkel's developing Islamic Republic and the British.

Instead of posting crap about my nation we think Americans should attend to what occur in their own nation, the amount of Mosques you now have in EVERY American State for eg, also WHEN did you last DEPORT ANY Imans?


Also Americans to attend to the amount of RADICAL ISLAMICS with their Terrorist Network in America:

So if that’s what you think then do us a favor and never open your fucking yap again about America and Americans! Dipshit!

No what I post with those images is accurate it is something you should concentrate on you decide to ignore that instead, the American nation is a time bomb waiting to go off this the combination of the amount of Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells you have and the Leftists threatening violence and being Pro-Islam.

My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

I hate to say it, but America's Negroes are worse than Europe's Muslims.
At least in terms of violence.
Lucy, what the f*** is going on here?

Also I add that this situation has ZERO to do with this Government, this situation is NOT State Sanctioned, this situation has ZERO to do with Sebastian or HC Strache and this situation is 100% some type of Art Happening from the sound and visual concept artists and PRIVATE members of the public ie. NOT Government members they are Werner Puntigam and Klaus Hollinetz IF you read the article they even include this in the article about Puntigam and Hollinetz the sound and visual concept artists:

Werner Puntigam - Klaus Hollinetz, Siankwede

So this again reinforce what I comment about the OP posting vile Propaganda about my nation saying that we have succumbed to Islam, if a nation has succumbed to Islam then the GOVERNMENT of that nation orchestrate this type of situation with a chapel and that is NOT what occur in my nation what occur is that Werner Puntigam and Klaus Hollinetz are staging an Art Happening and for this they decide to do this at that chapel and as we are Pro-Freedom of Expression they have a RIGHT to do this that they decide to do, they are NOT causing public disturbance, they are NOT causing a threat to this nation. We know all about hateful Americans who HATE this nation and would like us destroyed, Americans would LIKE this nation to be Cucked and Fucked like Merkel's developing Islamic Republic is, well it is NOT going to happen so hateful Americans can forget about it.
You sound pretty hateful yourself!
My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.[/QUOTE]

Where's Jan III Sobieski when you need him to take out the Turks?

delirium tremens ????

Someone has no sense of humor, you're no Three Stooge kind of Jew, at least not on "Purpose"

As for Muslims, they are disrespectful to their host nations, hmmm sounds like your tribe too, BTW.

Muslims don't in Arabia, not in Europa.

I really hape my hopes up that my favorite European country had not succumbed to the evils of Satan’s Cult.

Breitbart News reports: The noise is considered “a special kind of audiovisual experience,” when recordings of muezzin calls, which were taped in Algeria, Mozambique, Istanbul, and Singapore, are played from the chapel of the Upper Austrian Cultural Quarter’s Ursuline Church.

More of this disgusting news @ Austrian chapel will sound Islamic prayer call fives times daily for 21 days before Christmas [video]

to justify AMERICA'S failing in deporting 11 MILLION illegal savages and outlawing Sanctuary Citys etc.

11 million?
Maybe in just California, more like 25 million in the entire U.S.A.

As for Muslims vs Mexicans, I'm betting Austria will resist & deport before America does.

Anglo-Saxons are weak & stupid, they are truly the garbage of the European continent, up there with Albanian Muslims, BTW.
lucy dear-------have a nice chocolate, marzipan, apricot pastry----mit schlag---------and a nice cup of hot chocolate-------TIMES seven. ----it will calm
you. We are addressing THE ISSUE out of concern------uhm---later on
try to waltz down the banks of the Danube

It's amazing how you identify more with Austrians & even Germans than with Poles.

As for Muslims, a lot of them aren't so sneaky as your tribe, none the less neither of you "Semites" belong in Europe, you're not indigenous to Europe.

Muslims belong in Arabia, point blank.
What you mean like the Mosques in New York and Texas do?

Why are Americans so obsessed with my nation? Oh that's right we know, YES it fucking ENDED 72 YEARS ago, GET OVER IT ALREADY.

I add that my nation has had ZERO terrorist attacks unlike the French, Merkel's developing Islamic Republic and the British.

Instead of posting crap about my nation we think Americans should attend to what occur in their own nation, the amount of Mosques you now have in EVERY American State for eg, also WHEN did you last DEPORT ANY Imans?


Also Americans to attend to the amount of RADICAL ISLAMICS with their Terrorist Network in America:

So if that’s what you think then do us a favor and never open your fucking yap again about America and Americans! Dipshit!

No what I post with those images is accurate it is something you should concentrate on you decide to ignore that instead, the American nation is a time bomb waiting to go off this the combination of the amount of Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells you have and the Leftists threatening violence and being Pro-Islam.

My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
You really need to learn to analyze first, before reacting. He stated Austria is his favorite European country- a compliment, and hopes they have not succumbed. You would have been much better offer approaching the thread, bearing facts it has not, rather than ranting and raving.
I wonder if the mosques will play O Holy Night for all the days of Rhamadan?

What you mean like the Mosques in New York and Texas do?

Why are Americans so obsessed with my nation? Oh that's right we know, YES it fucking ENDED 72 YEARS ago, GET OVER IT ALREADY.

I add that my nation has had ZERO terrorist attacks unlike the French, Merkel's developing Islamic Republic and the British.

Instead of posting crap about my nation we think Americans should attend to what occur in their own nation, the amount of Mosques you now have in EVERY American State for eg, also WHEN did you last DEPORT ANY Imans?


Also Americans to attend to the amount of RADICAL ISLAMICS with their Terrorist Network in America:

Wow Austria completely succumbs to Islam. Unreal.

IDK, Austria's at the top of the list, of Non-Ex-Soviet bloc countries, which are most likely to resist Balkanized Multi-Culti Diversity,
of course includes Muslim migrants & their children.
There are more mosques in Austria than there are Universities. Austria is lost.

^^^^ Ignore Black Flag Troll Boi, he is only posting to Troll like he does in ALL threads.
Wow Austria completely succumbs to Islam. Unreal.

IDK, Austria's at the top of the list, of Non-Ex-Soviet bloc countries, which are most likely to resist Balkanized Multi-Culti Diversity,
of course includes Muslim migrants & their children.
There are more mosques in Austria than there are Universities. Austria is lost.

^^^^ Ignore Black Flag Troll Boi, he is only posting to Troll like he does in ALL threads.

Note that the Leftists troll more, they also tend to look more like "Trolls" too.

I'd imagine Irosie looks identical to the Troll under the bridge.
So if that’s what you think then do us a favor and never open your fucking yap again about America and Americans! Dipshit!

No what I post with those images is accurate it is something you should concentrate on you decide to ignore that instead, the American nation is a time bomb waiting to go off this the combination of the amount of Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells you have and the Leftists threatening violence and being Pro-Islam.

My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
You don’t have a mass of nutjob evangelicals over there. Be wary of Christian extremists demanding that magical beliefs be justification for evil, disguised here under “religious freedoms.”
No what I post with those images is accurate it is something you should concentrate on you decide to ignore that instead, the American nation is a time bomb waiting to go off this the combination of the amount of Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells you have and the Leftists threatening violence and being Pro-Islam.

My nation has not these problems your nation has and instead of the OP and others obsessing about what is NOT happening in my nation instead should concentrate energy on what IS the actual dangers in America.
You can’t have it both ways, you wanna bitch about someone’s country? Then don’t bitch when they talk about yours!

I was not bitching about America, my comments are 100% accurate as illustrated by the images I posted. The OP and others in this thread were posting horsecrap about my nation succumbing to Islam which is 100% NOT accurate, so that IS the differance.
Well get back to me when America is ruled by sharia, until then you are not accurate either.

You know what else we do NOT have in my nation that you DO have in the American nation? Crazed Leftist Judges who rule that Female Genital Mutilation MUST be allowed as LEGAL and also we do NOT have Transgender Weirdo Bathrooms unlike America our men who have a penis know to use male bathroom and women with vagina we know to use female bathroom.

You have a Judge who last week ruled that YOUR American Muslims CAN mutilate and DESTROY the lives of young girls, that Female Genital Mutilation - ONE of the big situations in Sharia Law - is LEGAL in America and to be AGAINST Female Genital Mutilation is UnConstitutional. Do you even pay attention to what happens in America? Apparently no you do not or you would already know about this:

Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Female genital mutilation case: Nearly all federal charges dropped against Michigan doctor - CNN

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates
You don’t have a mass of nutjob evangelicals over there. Be wary of Christian extremists demanding that magical beliefs be justification for evil, disguised here under “religious freedoms.”

Actually, Austria's a lot more anti-Muslim in views than the U.S.A is.
You really need to learn to analyze first, before reacting. He stated Austria is his favorite European country- a compliment, and hopes they have not succumbed. You would have been much better offer approaching the thread, bearing facts it has not, rather than ranting and raving.
I wonder if the mosques will play O Holy Night for all the days of Rhamadan?

What you mean like the Mosques in New York and Texas do?

Why are Americans so obsessed with my nation? Oh that's right we know, YES it fucking ENDED 72 YEARS ago, GET OVER IT ALREADY.

I add that my nation has had ZERO terrorist attacks unlike the French, Merkel's developing Islamic Republic and the British.

Instead of posting crap about my nation we think Americans should attend to what occur in their own nation, the amount of Mosques you now have in EVERY American State for eg, also WHEN did you last DEPORT ANY Imans?


Also Americans to attend to the amount of RADICAL ISLAMICS with their Terrorist Network in America:


No he said we have succumbed to Islam which is ridiculous and also 100% inaccurate. Re. Ranting I am allowed to rant now and then, others are ranting all day in multiple threads and every day, my rants are not frequent.
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