Authorities seize General motors plant in Venezuela


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
General Motors said it has ceased all operations in Venezuela after authorities unexpectedly seized its plant in the city of Valencia. A court in the Zulia state said it imposed a broad embargo on the assets of General Motors Venezolana, C.A., or GMV, which has been in operation for nearly seven decades. GMV said authorities seized its plant Wednesday afternoon

Authorities Seize General Motors Plant in Venezuela.

This is one country that is in really, really bad shape they are in such a wonderful Socialist/ Communist Government see how well that works out love for the people right.
Socialism, like diversity, always creates poverty and misery and still liberals support both!!!
I think we should send Elizabeth Warren down there with 3 or 4 other people we don't care about to figure out how that government ran out of other people's money!

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