Autographed Trump Hats and Books Sold on His Website Were Signed by Machine

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
ABC News is reporting that Donald Trump lead people to believe that Make America Great Again hats he sold were autographed by himself, when in fact these autographs were written by machines.

Autographed Trump Hats and Books Sold on His Website Were Signed by Machine

Steve Grad, an authenticator interviewed by ABC,says he has "a low opinion of how the Trump campaign marketed the hats".

A man who bought the hats regrets buying them because he didn't know the true story.
"Had I known, not only would I not have bought this, but I'm pretty sure no one would have"

The misleading claim was also made in the advertising of a special edition of the book "The Art of the Deal".

Grad said he has "seen signatures of Trump's before that have failed authentication", including ones on items sold in "the gift shops of his own hotels." He said that "the general public is not even aware of what an autopen is".
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This is important.

Thank GOD the MSM is digging deep on Trump....just like they did for Obama.
OMG have the FBI start an investigation now this kind of thing can not be tolerated.
Oh noes Trump will surely lose the election now.....oh wait
In some people's minds, what's right or wrong depends on whether you won the elections are not. Unbelievable.

On things that are important to me how Trump's hats were signed is about 1,234th on the list
The people who were conned do not care about the fact that you don't find this important.

Well you go ahead and fret about it...meanwhile Trump will be sworn in as POTUS in January
Oh noes Trump will surely lose the election now.....oh wait
In some people's minds, what's right or wrong depends on whether you won the elections are not. Unbelievable.

On things that are important to me how Trump's hats were signed is about 1,234th on the list

It's that high?! lol

Once something reaches 20 it's in the Twilight Zone

I am sure there will be plenty of real opportunities to slam Trump when he becomes President, but using an auto pen isn't one of them. It's petty bullshit.

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