Automatic Voter Registration Signed Into Law In CA

California hits another home run.

American democracy = voting rights.

Red states are busy trying to keep people from voting. Because they know they won't get the outcome they want, so they cheat. American democracy doesn't work for them anymore.
The problem with the auto voter bill is it CANNOT tell the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL citizens.

Present the 'mountain' of factual data showing how many people voted illegally in the US for the last 20 years.
The "LAST" twenty years have no bearing on a NEW law idiot. When you change the rules the results ALSO change.
it's just keep getting better and better. you don't have elected representatives that speaks for your wishes as their BOSS. you have Dictators at every level. when are you going to say ENOUGH?
Government-Mandated Speech: Jerry Brown Signs Law Forcing Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion
By Lauretta Brown | October 12, 2015 | 12:50 PM EDT

( – Gov. Jerry Brown (D.-Calif.) signed a law on Friday mandating that all licensed pregnancy centers in the state “disseminate to clients” a message promoting public programs with “free or low-cost access” to abortion and contraceptive services.

The new law makes no exception for pro-life and faith-based crisis pregnancy centers.

Critics of the law say that it violates the right to freedom of speech, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment.

AB 775, known in the state legislature as The Reproductive FACT Act, requires all pregnancy centers that are licensed as clinics to post the following notice:

“California has public programs that provide immediate free or low-cost access to comprehensive family planning services (including all FDA-approved methods of contraception), prenatal care, and abortion for eligible women. To determine whether you qualify, contact the county social services office at [insert the telephone number].”

According to the legislation, pregnancy centers that fail to disseminate this message “are liable for a civil penalty of five hundred dollars ($500) for a first offense and one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each subsequent offense.”

Assembly member David Chiu (D-San Francisco), the bill’s primary author, argued in the legislature that "a growing and alarming movement is working to mislead women in order to achieve their political ideology. We have a responsibility as lawmakers (YOUR dictators) to make sure that the information given to women who are making their own healthcare decisions is accurate and timely.”

NARAL President Ilyse Hogue celebrated the bill’s passage in a statement on Friday.

"Anti-choice (get that bs, anti CHOICE) crisis pregnancy centers are ground-zero in the fight for reproductive freedom,” she said, “and Gov. Brown and the California legislature can be proud of leading the first successful statewide effort to ensure that no woman is tricked into walking through doors of a CPC [crisis pregnancy center] to be manipulated and shamed again.”

However, the legislation was dubbed “the bully bill” by its pro-life opponents who argued that the bill forces pro-life pregnancy centers to violate their conscience rights by participating in an abortion referral.

JUST WOW and all of here:
Government-Mandated Speech: Jerry Brown Signs Law Forcing Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion
so long as 50% of all illegal aliens live on the west coast,,,,fine with the red and swing states, why even bother have elections in California at this point?
We the people get big win in Americas most populous state - WTG CA

CA joined OR with automatic voter registration, I'm guessing we won't see any of the so-called red states making it easier for people to vote anytime soon - wonder why? Why are red state(r)s afraid of voters/democracy?

Automatic voter registration signed into law in California


By Steve Benen
Following up on a report from last month, it was earlier this year when Oregon took a historic step, turning the traditional model for voter registration on its head. Though the trend in recent years has shown some Republican state policymakers making registration more difficult in many states, Gov. Kate Brown (D) and the Democratic-led legislature made Oregon the nation’s first state with an opt-out, rather than an opt-in, model.

For years, the burden has been on the individual – if you’re eligible to vote, it’s up to you to take the affirmative steps needed to register. Oregon, however, embraced automatic voter registration, though anyone who wants to withdraw from the system voluntarily is free to do so.


More masturbation for the mouth breathing populace. How the hell does this accomplish anything? Was there a big problem with voter suppression in California? This is the legislative equivalent of a drunk guy flashing his penis to brag about how big it is, being way to drunk to notice he's hung like a field mouse.
California passes auto voter law, its economy is twice the size of Texas and California's economy is 8th among NATIONS economically.

There is a reason when California does something the nation follows. We know how to get shit done.

wouldn't surprise me if Jerry hasn't already registered all 308,000 bigfoots that live in callyfornia.
California passes auto voter law, its economy is twice the size of Texas and California's economy is 8th among NATIONS economically.

There is a reason when California does something the nation follows. We know how to get shit done.


Oh yes, gettin' 'er done, Cali is.

Rank 35 for poverty rate in the country. (click here to see why you fail)
Rank 42 for unemployment rate. (click here to see why you fail)
Rank 33 for debt as ratio of GDP. (click here to see why you fail)
Rank 29 for HS graduation rate. (click here to see why you fail)

Where, oh where, is there any category in which California leads the way? Oh right, how could I forget?

Rank 1 in illegal immigrants! You fail, now go away.
California passes auto voter law, its economy is twice the size of Texas and California's economy is 8th among NATIONS economically.

There is a reason when California does something the nation follows. We know how to get shit done.


Surviving bankruptcy?

5 billion dollar surplus for 2014-2015. Sorry to burst your bubble but Bush's Great Recession is in California's rear view mirror. Projected surplus for the next few years is 6-9 billion a year.

When are conservatives going to pay the 4 trillion dollars for Bush's disaster in Iraq?

Never, you do not take responsibility for your actions.
I think automatic voting is a great idea! Why shouldn't everyone be able to vote as soon as they get a ID?

Republicans would lose as most people aren't loserterians but reality isn't!
Hold on. You righties demand that people show a state drivers license to vote . Now your saying that doesn't do anything to prevent voter fraud ?!

Which is it?
I think there's a letter on the right hand bottom side that says citizen or not...

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