Average Americans voting against themselves.

Is the Republican Party dangerous to America?

  • Yes

  • No

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Big money controls the nation. And they are dead set against others getting it. It falls on both parties and corporate influence must be choked off at the throat.
Where does the low information left think the Social Security tax money goes now? Democrats used to steal every dime until LBJ made it legal and now FICA taxes go into the general fund to be spent by politicians like an unaccounted windfall. Of course people still get their checks every month and that's why we are in debt. Bush tried to let Americans invest a tiny portion of their Social Security taxes in the Stock Market but democrats screamed. They wanted every damned dime.
Well then let's have the private investors invest the social security fund for the nation....for no fee. Everyone wins except for the slimeball financial advisor.
Hillary is bought and paid for by the wallstreet.

Some of the stuff on your list is liberal bullshit. Some of the stuff is what liberals themselves vote for. All of it is dumb rhetoric.
And Trump is supported by white trash cocksuckers that believe all of his bullshit about that fucking border wall that's NEVER going to happen:badgrin:

You want cuntservative BULLSHIT,:fu: will all of you dumbfucks will still be supporting that fat blob of Orange shit, after he gets blown out in the elections???


Dear BIG YANK BAL 1976
Whatever side you are rooting for, you make them look just as bad
as some of the Trump voters who are just plain embarrassing.

Your approach either alienates supporters for your side
and/or sends MORE Trump voters into action getting their friends to answer
these kind of taunts and challenges.

Do you think your posts do anything to discourage Trump voters
or encourage Hillary voters?

Yuck. If you want to help Hillary then work on inviting support
from both parties, from Sanders and Conservative voters who
don't like Trump or his support base.
Unfortunately you make them look good in comparison is this what you want??
Thanks for the pep talk, but it works both ways, if Trumps dogs start yapping their BS, and racism on here, it's gonna come right back at them whether you like it or not Mr constitutionalist..

90% of the folks on this site already know who they are voting for, so whatever we post on here isn't going to influence people one way or another..

Have a good day..:bye1:im outta here.
Average Americans voting against themselves


How did I know before I even opened this thread it was going to be anti-Republican. You people are so transparent it's almost sad.

The bottom line is voting Republican is voting against yourself. Voting Democrat is also voting against yourself. Both parties are whores to big money interests and both parties constantly work to suppress your Constitutional rights.

If you actually believe one is doing more for you than the other then you are exactly the brainwashed retard they are counting on come Election Day.
The Republican party is ONLY dangerous to the middle class and poor, for us rich/wealthy folks it's a party!
Average Americans voting against themselves


How did I know before I even opened this thread it was going to be anti-Republican. You people are so transparent it's almost sad.

The bottom line is voting Republican is voting against yourself. Voting Democrat is also voting against yourself. Both parties are whores to big money interests and both parties constantly work to suppress your Constitutional rights.

If you actually believe one is doing more for you than the other then you are exactly the brainwashed retard they are counting on come Election Day.

How did I know before I even opened this thread it was going to be anti-Republican.

Because you already know that if you're middle class Republicans have nothing to offer. But you vote for them anyway. How STUPID is that?
Average Americans voting against themselves


How did I know before I even opened this thread it was going to be anti-Republican. You people are so transparent it's almost sad.

The bottom line is voting Republican is voting against yourself. Voting Democrat is also voting against yourself. Both parties are whores to big money interests and both parties constantly work to suppress your Constitutional rights.

If you actually believe one is doing more for you than the other then you are exactly the brainwashed retard they are counting on come Election Day.

How did I know before I even opened this thread it was going to be anti-Republican.

Because you already know that if you're middle class Republicans have nothing to offer. But you vote for them anyway. How STUPID is that?

Because you already know that if you're middle class Republicans have nothing to offer.

Offer? You mean bribes with tax dollars?
Wow that was a lot of liberal talking points the sadder thing is not one of them was new or orginal.

Wow that was a lot of liberal talking points the sadder thing is not one of them was new or orginal.

The old adage, Facts is Facts.
The Republican party is ONLY dangerous to the middle class and poor, for us rich/wealthy folks it's a party!

Yes! Because your 40% tax on your fake trust is proof that the Republicans love you.

Yes! Because your 40% tax on your fake trust is proof that the Republicans love you

That's 4%, and that's why folks like Bill Gates are Nevada corporations.
Hillary is bought and paid for by the wallstreet.

Some of the stuff on your list is liberal bullshit. Some of the stuff is what liberals themselves vote for. All of it is dumb rhetoric.

Hillary is bought and paid for by the wallstreet.

And yet Clinton wants to raise the minimum wage for working Americans. Does Trump?
The Republican party is ONLY dangerous to the middle class and poor, for us rich/wealthy folks it's a party!

Yes! Because your 40% tax on your fake trust is proof that the Republicans love you.

Yes! Because your 40% tax on your fake trust is proof that the Republicans love you

That's 4%, and that's why folks like Bill Gates are Nevada corporations.

The Feds don't care what state your fake trust is in, you're paying a higher rate than an individual.
It's a hallmark of irony that the party of self-hate is claiming that not voting for them is against one's self interest.

Yeh, time to import some more Muslims. That will solve all our problems. The existence of gay executions is just what the country has lacked.

It's a hallmark of irony that the party of self-hate is claiming that not voting for them is against one's self interest.

It's not self interest, it's financial survival. If you're are a baby boomer or older, unless something drastic happens, your generation will be the last of your family that will do well financially.
The Republican party is ONLY dangerous to the middle class and poor, for us rich/wealthy folks it's a party!

Yes! Because your 40% tax on your fake trust is proof that the Republicans love you.

Yes! Because your 40% tax on your fake trust is proof that the Republicans love you

That's 4%, and that's why folks like Bill Gates are Nevada corporations.

The Feds don't care what state your fake trust is in, you're paying a higher rate than an individual.

The Feds don't care what state your fake trust is in, you're paying a higher rate than an individual.

Really? Then why is Bill Gates a Nevada corporation?

Microsoft is a Nevada corporation.

Swift Trucking headquartered in Phoenix is a Nevada corporation.

Nevada IS special.
Why would any American citizen vote Republican when their Party leaders want to:

  • Privatize Social Security and give the money to Wall Street like they did workers pensions (401k),
  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to remove limits on private insurance profit (they tried 62 times although Obamacare largely uses their own proposed ideas to avoid single-payer Medicare),
  • De-fund public education in favor of privatized schools (how has that worked out?),
  • De-fund the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) to eliminate reliable factual news in favor of propaganda from corporate owned media (mostly accomplished),
  • Break up worker unions so employees can't defend themselves against corporate abuse like bad working conditions, low pay, and factory closings (mostly accomplished - notice the increases in airline near misses and accidents since Reagan smashed the air traffic controllers union?),
  • Override the sovereignty of national laws with international trade agreements so nations can be sued for lost corporate profits and factories can move to low wage countries among other outrages (NAFTA was a disaster and TPP is about to be - unfortunately the Clintons and Obama have cooperated on this),
  • Eliminate New Deal anti-trust regulations to reduce or eliminate industrial competition and allow large corporations to merge into mega-corps with near monopoly power (these mega-mergers began with Reagan),
  • And eliminate the power of USDA and FDA to regulate food and drug companies and let them police themselves (mostly accomplished - notice the increase in food scares lately, and the prescription drug commercials on radio and TV - particularly Viagra, Cialis, etc. all since Reagan).
I don't want to get too long here, so I will stop. Some would argue the Democrats are not innocent in these things; I would not disagree. But these policies are mostly Republican, or should I say corporate Republican.

I seriously don't believe the average Republican voter wants to do these things. It's corporate propaganda that convinces them to vote Republican. So swayed, they vote against their own best interests.

I am afraid this is a make it or break it election for America. The battle breaks down to a political war between powerful corporations and the rights of the people. Corporations already have near control of government (the dawn of fascism), and the two political party establishments, secured with corporate mass media and misinformation propaganda. Bernie Sanders is the exception. In simple terms, socialism is concern for the common citizen, and capitalism is concern for corporate power and profits. Elite power distorts government for the people, so the people need to control elite power in socialism as well as capitalism.

Noam Chomsky recently made these comments concerning the Republican Party:

People don't want to do away with those things. It's why they always vote democratic. Even in 2000 & 2004 gore & Kerry got more votes or were cheated in Florida and Ohio. So let's get that straight.

But why is it even close? People who have job security are easily convinced brown people want their shit. Or that Democrats are anti religion or want to take your guns.

Even Republicans who got fucked by bushanomics blame liberals. Think about any wounded in iraq vet who votes gop. Think about black and rich gay Republicans who vote GOP. They at least vote for the right reason. $.

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