AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH - America declines from 5th to 50th in last 60 years


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2010
Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital .....

2011 CIA World Factbook

In 1950, the US ranked 5th in the world for average life expectancy at birth.
U.S. Life Expectancy Declines : Discovery News

According to the 2011 CIA World Factbook, the US currently ranks 50th in the world.

- 49th Portugal 78.54 2011 est.

- 50th United States 78.37 2011 est.

- 51st Taiwan 78.32 2011 est.


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

- Preamble of the US Constitution:

Just how does allowing the average US life expectancy at birth (a measure of overall quality of life in a country ..... indicating the potential return on investment in human capital) to fall from 5th to 50th in the world, over a span of the last 60 years, contribute to "promote(ing) the general Welfare" that leads to "a more perfect Union?"

By comparison, these are the average life expectancies of the Axis nations that were defeated in WW2!

- 5th Japan 82.25 2011 est. (ironically, exactly the same rank the US held in 1950)

- 10th Italy 81.77 2011 est.

- 27th Germany 80.07 2011 est.

Table: U.S. States Ranked by Life Expectancy
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yep, the dumbasses keep eating processed food and drinking unfiltered water. its the new version of natural selection and I am enjoying watching it
What's the point of the OP? Life expectancy depends on an extremely wide variety of factors: gene pool. crime rate, wars fought in, typical diet, unemployment rate, alcoholism rate, miles driven per year, divorce rate, etc etc etc etc.
Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital .....

2011 CIA World Factbook

In 1950, the US ranked 5th in the world for average life expectancy at birth.
U.S. Life Expectancy Declines : Discovery News


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

- Preamble of the US Constitution:

Just how does allowing the average life expectancy at birth (a measure of overall quality of life in a country ..... indicating the potential return on investment in human capital) to fall from 5th to 50th in the world, over a span of the last 60 years, contribute to "promote(ing) the general Welfare" that leads to "a more perfect Union?"

Table: U.S. States Ranked by Life Expectancy

Since our life expectancy has increased about ten years over that time, I would say they are doing a pretty good job at promoting our general welfare.

Also, this a free country and those who feel they would have a longer life elsewhere are always free to go there and live instead.

Best of both worlds.
Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital .....

2011 CIA World Factbook

In 1950, the US ranked 5th in the world for average life expectancy at birth.
U.S. Life Expectancy Declines : Discovery News

According to the 2011 CIA World Factbook, the US currently ranks 50th in the world.

- 49th Portugal 78.54 2011 est.

- 50th United States 78.37 2011 est.

- 51st Taiwan 78.32 2011 est.


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

- Preamble of the US Constitution:

Just how does allowing the average life expectancy at birth (a measure of overall quality of life in a country ..... indicating the potential return on investment in human capital) to fall from 5th to 50th in the world, over a span of the last 60 years, contribute to "promote(ing) the general Welfare" that leads to "a more perfect Union?"

By comparison, these are the average life expectancies of the Axis nations that were defeated in WW2!

- 5th Japan 82.25 2011 est. (the same rank the US held in 1950)

- 10th Italy 81.77 2011 est.

- 27th Germany 80.07 2011 est.

Table: U.S. States Ranked by Life Expectancy

Unless you can show that the average age that Americans die at is lower then 1950 your premise is wrong. The proper premise is that other Countries have RAISED their life expectancy.

Unless you can show that the average age that Americans die at is lower then 1950 your premise is wrong. The proper premise is that other Countries have RAISED their life expectancy.

Is this like "giving tax cuts to the rich" by not raising their taxes at the same time you don't raise other people's taxes?
What's the point of the OP? Life expectancy depends on an extremely wide variety of factors: gene pool. crime rate, wars fought in, typical diet, unemployment rate, alcoholism rate, miles driven per year, divorce rate, etc etc etc etc.
Surely "Patrick2" can't be aguing that the the US is so "exceptional" that it can never be compared with any other country in the world!

Are the 49 other nations which all currently have average life expectancies exceeding the US somehow exempt from "an extremely wide variety of factors: gene pool. crime rate, wars fought in, typical diet, unemployment rate, alcoholism rate, miles driven per year, divorce rate, etc etc etc etc.?"

For starters, the 2011 CIA Work FactBook which the last time I looked was a branch of the US federal government, has a whole section on international comparisons and provides most of my data, would certainly disagree

I'm sure it would be news for the following nations to be told they have nothing to worry about when it comes to gene pool issues, crime, wars, diet problems, unemployment, alcoholism, illegal drugs, driving accidents, divorce, etc, etc, etc, etc. - that these are only problems unique to the US.

1 Monaco 89.73 2011 est.

2 Macau 84.41 2011 est.

3 San Marino 83.01 2011 est.

4 Andorra 82.43 2011 est.

5 Japan 82.25 2011 est.

6 Guernsey 82.16 2011 est.

7 Singapore 82.14 2011 est.

8 Hong Kong 82.04 2011 est.

9 Australia 81.81 2011 est.

10 Italy 81.77 2011 est.

11 Jersey 81.38 2011 est.

12 Canada 81.38 2011 est.

13 France 81.19 2011 est.

14 Spain 81.17 2011 est.

15 Switzerland 81.07 2011 est.

16 Sweden 81.07 2011 est.

17 Israel 80.96 2011 est.

18 Iceland 80.90 2011 est.

19 Anguilla 80.87 2011 est.

20 Bermuda 80.71 2011 est.

21 Cayman Islands 80.68 2011 est.

22 Isle of Man 80.64 2011 est.

23 New Zealand 80.59 2011 est.

24 Liechtenstein 80.31 2011 est.

25 Norway 80.20 2011 est.

26 Ireland 80.19 2011 est.

27 Germany 80.07 2011 est.

28 United Kingdom 80.05 2011 est.

29 Jordan 80.05 2011 est.

30 Greece 79.92 2011 est.

31 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 79.87 2011 est.

32 Austria 79.78 2011 est.

33 Faroe Islands 79.72 2011 est.

34 Malta 79.72 2011 est.

35 Netherlands 79.68 2011 est.

36 Luxembourg 79.61 2011 est.

37 Belgium 79.51 2011 est.

38 Virgin Islands 79.33 2011 est.

39 Finland 79.27 2011 est.

40 Turks and Caicos Islands 79.11 2011 est.

41 Korea, South 79.05 2011 est.

42 Wallis and Futuna 78.98 2011 est.

43 Puerto Rico 78.92 2011 est.

44 European Union 78.82 2010 est.

45 Bosnia and Herzegovina 78.81 2011 est.

46 Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha 78.76 2011 est.

47 Gibraltar 78.68 2011 est.

48 Denmark 78.63 2011 est.

49 Portugal 78.54 2011 est.

50 United States 78.37 2011 est.

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We're number 50!
(In your FACE! whatever nation is number 51!)
the UN says we are like 36......and the CIA stats i saw says we are at 34.....so who is right?.....you can live in the no 1 country and still get cancer and die at 40.....you can live in Nigeria and live to be 80.....maybe its how well you take care of yourself.....
Here's one problem - what is the provenance of the CIA's numbers. A standard game played in anti-US statistical manipulation is done with infant deaths. They always give a false high number for the US, because the US counts all live births, whereas a number of countries don't count preemies as ever having been alive, thus "improving" their infant mortality rates, and also their life expectancy rates.

What is the ultimate source of the numbers, and what methodology was used in obtaining them.
The question is what is your point exactly? You don't really seem to be the big on personal accountability type.
Here's the leftwing plan to improve healthcare stats: Carve up fetuses because Bipsie doesn't want to have a baby this week, pull the plug on Uncle Joe who's been in a coma for two months, and Grandma Marge - 80 years old - tryin' to get in the Guiness record book? Cmonnnnnnnnn...... send that bitch up to the death panel.
What's the point of the OP? Life expectancy depends on an extremely wide variety of factors: gene pool. crime rate, wars fought in, typical diet, unemployment rate, alcoholism rate, miles driven per year, divorce rate, etc etc etc etc.
Surely "Patrick2" can't be aguing that the the US is so "exceptional" that it can never be compared with any other country in the world!

Are the 49 other nations which all currently have average life expectancies exceeding the US somehow exempt from "an extremely wide variety of factors: gene pool. crime rate, wars fought in, typical diet, unemployment rate, alcoholism rate, miles driven per year, divorce rate, etc etc etc etc.?"

For starters, the 2011 CIA Work FactBook which the last time I looked was a branch of the US federal government, has a whole section on international comparisons and provides most of my data, would certainly disagree

I'm sure it would be news for the following nations to be told they have nothing to worry about when it comes to gene pool issues, crime, wars, diet problems, unemployment, alcoholism, illegal drugs, driving accidents, divorce, etc, etc, etc, etc. - that these are only problems unique to the US.



No matter how unbiased the study might be, it depends on the data avaiable to measure. Any infant death will dramatically lower the life expectancy averages. Most countries don't count infant deaths as they are counted in the USA.

If the infant is there and it dies, it's a death in the USA. In most of Europe, the baby has to be alive and well and of a minimum weight and length to be considered viable. Any preme is considered dead if below the norms. Not so in the USA.

The influx of illegals is also a factor. This something that is also affecting the avearage height of the people in the USA.

Any statistic taken by itself in a vacuum is deceptive.

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