Scientific America: Conservatism Has Shortened Life Expectancy In The US

A story in this month’s Scientific Americanpoints out that Americans are dying younger and at a greater rate than citizens of other industrially advanced countries. The reason for this is not complex, it’s easy to say exactly why:

Conservative ideology is causing more Americans to die.

The story points out that life expectancy in America is lower now than it has been in any year since 1996. That means that the advances in medical science and social behavior that have led to an almost continual rise in life expectancy for a century and a half stopped in America in the last few years and, in fact, we have gone backwards.

In fact, the only reason American life expectancy has dropped significantly in any years since before the Civil War, when these things began be be tracked systematically, has been due to the Civil War and the First World War combined with the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.

Modern American conservatism is having the same effect on American lives and life spans as war and disease has had in the past.​

Conservatism is literally killing Americans. And it’s doing it in three easily understood ways:

Pro life.

If you get the vax, you can't get Covid?
A story in this month’s Scientific Americanpoints out that Americans are dying younger and at a greater rate than citizens of other industrially advanced countries. The reason for this is not complex, it’s easy to say exactly why:

Conservative ideology is causing more Americans to die.

The story points out that life expectancy in America is lower now than it has been in any year since 1996. That means that the advances in medical science and social behavior that have led to an almost continual rise in life expectancy for a century and a half stopped in America in the last few years and, in fact, we have gone backwards.

In fact, the only reason American life expectancy has dropped significantly in any years since before the Civil War, when these things began be be tracked systematically, has been due to the Civil War and the First World War combined with the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.

Modern American conservatism is having the same effect on American lives and life spans as war and disease has had in the past.​

Conservatism is literally killing Americans. And it’s doing it in three easily understood ways:

Pro life.

Actually native Americans' average height and lifespans started declining in 1820, when the waves of mass immigration collapsed incomes and jobs. This is just the latest cycle of what 'Diversity' really results in. Wages are also back to 1955 levels in buying power. Blacks, hispanics, and wetbacks all have high rates of morbid obesity and diseases and drug and alcohol abuse as well. Left wing social policies kill; just ask the 60 million babies murdered by sociopaths for the crime of Inconvenience.
REmove criminal illegal aliens, blacks, and indian reservations from the data and get back to us on that screed.
You are obviously not from a rural community if you’re offended by that. Anyone with eyes knows the issues in rural communities.

Or maybe you are from a rural community and want to turn a blind eye to the problems. That’s also really common.
You are obviously not from a rural community if you’re offended by that. Anyone with eyes knows the issues in rural communities.

Or maybe you are from a rural community and want to turn a blind eye to the problems. That’s also really common.

I read made up massaged stats every day. Yours aren't new and have been parsed hundreds of times. It's not a new commie idiot claim, it's been around a while. Smoking dope ruins memory. Give it up.
I read made up massaged stats every day. Yours aren't new and have been parsed hundreds of times. It's not a new commie idiot claim, it's been around a while. Smoking dope ruins memory. Give it up.
Claiming its massaged is just your want to avoid listening to the truth.

Rural communities have increasing rates of substance abuse.

Rural communities have more obesity. Less exercise. Poorer diets. Poorer socioeconomic status. More suicide.

Rural communities are not doing well and if people like you keep trying to wave your hands and ignore it, it’s going to continue to get worse.
These people are literally borderline third world and they don't care about moving out of it...The problem is land votes in our system and not people so they have an oversized amount of power to shut things down and hold us back as a nation. It is very sad.
A story in this month’s Scientific Americanpoints out that Americans are dying younger and at a greater rate than citizens of other industrially advanced countries. The reason for this is not complex, it’s easy to say exactly why:

Conservative ideology is causing more Americans to die.

The story points out that life expectancy in America is lower now than it has been in any year since 1996. That means that the advances in medical science and social behavior that have led to an almost continual rise in life expectancy for a century and a half stopped in America in the last few years and, in fact, we have gone backwards.

In fact, the only reason American life expectancy has dropped significantly in any years since before the Civil War, when these things began be be tracked systematically, has been due to the Civil War and the First World War combined with the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.

Modern American conservatism is having the same effect on American lives and life spans as war and disease has had in the past.​

Conservatism is literally killing Americans. And it’s doing it in three easily understood ways:

Pro life.
This stupid statement assumes that all who used a gun for self-defense actually discharged the weapon and struck the perp. In fact, the mere presence of gun in the hands of the potential victim is often enough to discourage the perp.

"To believe fully the claims of millions of self-defense gun uses each year would mean believing that decent law-abiding citizens shot hundreds of thousands of criminals. But the data from emergency departments belie this claim, unless hundreds of thousands of wounded criminals are afraid to seek medical care. But virtually all criminals who have been shot went to the hospital, and can describe in detail what happened there." (op cit)
A story in this month’s Scientific Americanpoints out that Americans are dying younger and at a greater rate than citizens of other industrially advanced countries. The reason for this is not complex, it’s easy to say exactly why:

Conservative ideology is causing more Americans to die.

The story points out that life expectancy in America is lower now than it has been in any year since 1996. That means that the advances in medical science and social behavior that have led to an almost continual rise in life expectancy for a century and a half stopped in America in the last few years and, in fact, we have gone backwards.

In fact, the only reason American life expectancy has dropped significantly in any years since before the Civil War, when these things began be be tracked systematically, has been due to the Civil War and the First World War combined with the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.

Modern American conservatism is having the same effect on American lives and life spans as war and disease has had in the past.​

Conservatism is literally killing Americans. And it’s doing it in three easily understood ways:

Pro life.
A story in this month’s Scientific Americanpoints out that Americans are dying younger and at a greater rate than citizens of other industrially advanced countries. The reason for this is not complex, it’s easy to say exactly why:

Conservative ideology is causing more Americans to die.

The story points out that life expectancy in America is lower now than it has been in any year since 1996. That means that the advances in medical science and social behavior that have led to an almost continual rise in life expectancy for a century and a half stopped in America in the last few years and, in fact, we have gone backwards.

In fact, the only reason American life expectancy has dropped significantly in any years since before the Civil War, when these things began be be tracked systematically, has been due to the Civil War and the First World War combined with the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.

Modern American conservatism is having the same effect on American lives and life spans as war and disease has had in the past.​

Conservatism is literally killing Americans. And it’s doing it in three easily understood ways:

Pro life.
I bet being a faggot or a trans-guinea pig is more indicative of a shorter lifespan than being conservative.
Funny how a liberal rag that calls itself "Scientific America" fails to note the millions of illegal aliens who have entered the country but instead comes to the conclusion that too many innocent American babies are being saved from abortion butchers.

You've never heard of Scientific American????

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