9 Crucial Ways Denmark is Superior to the US

Well, they get free healthcare, free college, plus they get money for going to college, mandatory vacation, 37 hour workweek, and 52 weeks of maternity leave.

All of those are either paid for by, or legislated by their government.
How is any of those things free when their taxes are far more than half their income?

Want a car?

Private and passenger cars:
  • 65,800 DKK and below – 25%
  • 65,801 DKK- 204,600 DKK – 85%
  • Above 204,601 DKK – 150%
1 Danish Krone = 0.14 US Dollar
How is any of those things free when their taxes are far more than half their income?

Want a car?

Private and passenger cars:
  • 65,800 DKK and below – 25%
  • 65,801 DKK- 204,600 DKK – 85%
  • Above 204,601 DKK – 150%
1 Danish Krone = 0.14 US Dollar

True, it’s just that high taxes are filtered through the government so the whole of the country gets these benefits. So, directly from the government, indirectly from the people.

The left wants that system in America..but our system of government and the number of people we have would make that very difficult.

Imagine having a system like that where politicians and policies change every few years, the benefits would change also. You might find that one day you have a benefit up until the next election then that benefit might be gone.

Denmark, with its low population and its centrist government probably has a lot to do with their ability to have the life they do.

I’d be curious if their government has as much strife as ours does

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