Avg small business earns 45k - many would even be in the 47%!


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
The average small business owner clears about 45k.

Small Business Owner Salary - CBsalary

So many of the business owners on the lower side of that figure and who have children probably paid no net taxes last year. According to Romney they therefore have the victim mentality and want to be dependent on government.

Is it any wonder you assholes lost? If I'm a small business owner struggling to get by on 30k or so, and Romney says I've got a government dependency problem and that I have a victim mentality - all the while whining and moaning about businessmen making 8 X my profit having to pay a tiny bit more in taxes - who do you think I'd have voted for?
Remember this the next time you hear Michael Moore whining about how many US corporations don't pay taxes.

OOhpoo, it's not nice to debunk rethug fantasies. They need them to help them get throught their long lonely days....and nights.

Why everyone knows that ALL rethug small businessmen and women make at least 100 million a year.

Why you think they are so bat shit crazy about defending their tax rates? A 4% increase in taxes on their 100 million a year, they could barely get by.

Am I correct rethugs? Or what?
OOhpoo, it's not nice to debunk rethug fantasies. They need them to help them get throught their long lonely days....and nights.

Why everyone knows that ALL rethug small businessmen and women make at least 100 million a year.

Why you think they are so bat shit crazy about defending their tax rates? A 4% increase in taxes on their 100 million a year, they could barely get by.

Am I correct rethugs? Or what?
And if we tax them even 0.1% more they will fire everyone.

Because everyone knows that the way to increase your profits after a tax hike is to lower production!
YOU REALLY think we are suppose to BELIEVE THIS?

my gawd

You should continue to base your beliefs on your emotions rather than factual evidence.

I'm guessing you've never run a business.

Most business owners aren't wealthy and a great deal of them struggle to put food on the dinner table just like the people that work for them. And if they didn't pay federal income tax last year - they are leeches according to the right.
Everyone with an income regardless of its source should have to pay income tax.


Because no one should receive special treatment under the law.

Its not "special treatment". Anyone making a subsistence level of income should not have that income taxed - regardless of who they are. From a practical standpoint alone this is justified, as the income taxation of those on subsistence incomes will only increase the need for government social services.

You don't get a pass on gas taxes do you?

Gasoline is an excise tax. I fail to see your point. Unless its to say the poor actually do pay plenty of taxes its just not on their income.
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Because no one should receive special treatment under the law.

Its not "special treatment". Anyone making a subsistence level of income should not have that income taxed - regardless of who they are. From a practical standpoint alone this is justified, as the income taxation of those on subsistence incomes will only increase the need for government social services.

I don't think so. a minimum tax of say 250 a year woukld not put anyone not on welfare today in the poor house.

You don't get a pass on gas taxes do you?

Gasoline is an excise tax. I fail to see your point. Unless its to say the poor actually do pay plenty of taxes its just not on their income.

A tax is a tax. If you buy a gallon of gas you pay X in taxes. If you earn Y in income you should have to pay Z in taxes. Don't you want to be "fair"
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Romney meant the Obamaphone lady, he has respct for small business owners

Romney meant the 47% of people who do not pay federal income taxes. That's exactly what he said. That includes many small business owners, many retired folks (who paid plenty of taxes when they worked), and even many members of the U.S. military. If he's ignorant of the fact that the 47% includes many of those people, then he's just a moron, isn't he?
Because no one should receive special treatment under the law.

Its not "special treatment". Anyone making a subsistence level of income should not have that income taxed - regardless of who they are. From a practical standpoint alone this is justified, as the income taxation of those on subsistence incomes will only increase the need for government social services.

I don't think so. a minimum tax of say 250 a year woukld not put anyone not on welfare today in the poor house.
That would not be an income tax. You propose to tax someone $250 even if they make $0 in a year - that's not an income tax. Its a poor tax.

You don't get a pass on gas taxes do you?

Gasoline is an excise tax. I fail to see your point. Unless its to say the poor actually do pay plenty of taxes its just not on their income.

A tax is a tax. And all taxes should be equally applied to everyone. Don't you want to be "fair"

You have a strange concept of "equality". You propose taxing someone who makes $1 in a year at a rate of %25,000, and call it "equality".
Its not "special treatment". Anyone making a subsistence level of income should not have that income taxed - regardless of who they are. From a practical standpoint alone this is justified, as the income taxation of those on subsistence incomes will only increase the need for government social services.

I don't think so. a minimum tax of say 250 a year would not put anyone not on welfare today in the poor house.
That would not be an income tax. You propose to tax someone $250 even if they make $0 in a year - that's not an income tax. Its a poor tax.

Gasoline is an excise tax. I fail to see your point. Unless its to say the poor actually do pay plenty of taxes its just not on their income.

A tax is a tax. And all taxes should be equally applied to everyone. Don't you want to be "fair"

You have a strange concept of "equality". You propose taxing someone who makes $1 in a year at a rate of %25,000, and call it "equality".
Where did I say 25%?

In fact I have been saying that the income tax should be 10% of gross income regardless of its source for quite some time now.

That is fair because everyone is treated exactly the same.
I don't think so. a minimum tax of say 250 a year would not put anyone not on welfare today in the poor house.
That would not be an income tax. You propose to tax someone $250 even if they make $0 in a year - that's not an income tax. Its a poor tax.

A tax is a tax. And all taxes should be equally applied to everyone. Don't you want to be "fair"

You have a strange concept of "equality". You propose taxing someone who makes $1 in a year at a rate of %25,000, and call it "equality".
Where did I say 25%?

You didn't. Nor did I say you did.

In fact I have been saying that the income tax should be 10% of gross income regardless of its source for quite some time now.

Awesome. Because we want more federal debt.

You also said people should pay a minum of $250 a year. Right up there in the quotes. Read it. That means someone with $1 in income pays %25,000. Do the math.

That is fair because everyone is treated exactly the same.

We should treat everyone exactly the same?
Sounds like communism to me. Though I would doubt you'd want billionaires to be treated "exactly the same" as homeless people in most situations.
That would not be an income tax. You propose to tax someone $250 even if they make $0 in a year - that's not an income tax. Its a poor tax.

You have a strange concept of "equality". You propose taxing someone who makes $1 in a year at a rate of %25,000, and call it "equality".
Where did I say 25%?

You didn't. Nor did I say you did.

In fact I have been saying that the income tax should be 10% of gross income regardless of its source for quite some time now.

Awesome. Because we want more federal debt.

You also said people should pay a minum of $250 a year. Right up there in the quotes. Read it. That means someone with $1 in income pays %25,000. Do the math.

That is fair because everyone is treated exactly the same.

We should treat everyone exactly the same?
Sounds like communism to me. Though I would doubt you'd want billionaires to be treated "exactly the same" as homeless people in most situations.

I did not say people should pay a minimum I said a minimum payment would not force people to go on welfare.
And a 10% flat tax on all income would increase revenues over the current system not decrease them.
Where did I say 25%?

You didn't. Nor did I say you did.

Awesome. Because we want more federal debt.

You also said people should pay a minum of $250 a year. Right up there in the quotes. Read it. That means someone with $1 in income pays %25,000. Do the math.

That is fair because everyone is treated exactly the same.

We should treat everyone exactly the same?
Sounds like communism to me. Though I would doubt you'd want billionaires to be treated "exactly the same" as homeless people in most situations.

I did not say people should pay a minimum I said a minimum payment would not force people to go on welfare.

It would if they come up $250 short for food and rent.

And a 10% flat tax on all income would increase revenues over the current system not decrease them.

There's no empirical evidence that your statement is correct.
The theoretical basis is a bit shaky as well. Are we to really believe average incomes would increase by two fold if taxes were cut to 10%? Because that's about what would be needed for tax revenues to actually increase under a 10% tax rate. I seems like maybe you haven't thought this one through. I don't think its possible for average incomes to double even if you eliminated taxation altogether!
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