Awkward moment after ruling on Affirmative Action

How do you determine whether someone is Black?
Answer the questions, you’re the one who is demanding people believe an ideology based on their skin color.. shouldn’t you know this already? Why are you asking?
Agree, they don’t all share the same ideologies but what defines who is Black is ideological, not scientific.

RIIIIIIIGHT. All the forms people fill out that ask their race are asking their "ideological" race, aren't they?
And your "ideology" defines whether or not you are predisposed to certain diseases such as sickle cell anemia.

The standard for moderators on this message board is a bar on the floor.

Here is my Best Man, you racist scum:

He is scientifically black.

Wedding Day 1968.jpg
no, race like gender is based on science, biology, not how one thinks

Science has nothing to do with gender. Sex is based on science. This is why science books speak of sex based on chromosomes but never address gender as it is not a scientific term at all
RIIIIIIIGHT. All the forms people fill out that ask their race are asking their "ideological" race, aren't they?
And your "ideology" defines whether or not you are predisposed to certain diseases such as sickle cell anemia.

The standard for moderators on this message board is a bar on the floor.

Here is my Best Man, you racist scum:

He is scientifically black.

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I bet he loves being used as your token Black friend and an example of a “scientifically based” Black person. :rolleyes:

Somewhere I read that most black people in the US are actually mixed race. Explain the science behind their Blackness.
Answer the questions, you’re the one who is demanding people believe an ideology based on their skin color.. shouldn’t you know this already? Why are you asking?
I’m not demanding anyone have an ideology based on skin color. That’s on you. I’m saying who is considered Black is ideologically based starting with the one drop rule.
Asians are disproportionately successful academically compared to Whites and Blacks. Asians as a culture put a premium on academics and should not be punished for it. If whites and blacks want better acceptance rates, follow the lead of the Asians by putting more of a premium on academics..
Science has nothing to do with gender. Sex is based on science. This is why science books speak of sex based on chromosomes but never address gender as it is not a scientific term at all
hahahah yeah ok...gender isn't based on science...hahaha
What “science” backs the “one drop” rule?
when did I say anything about "one drop" what are you talking about? That's racist I've been saying all along with your post
Racism is just collectivism. Ideologically speaking. :26:

But it's amusing, predictable and expected as it is, to watch collectivists steering their boat from behind the cloak and safety of keeping it about ''racism.''
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I’m not demanding anyone have an ideology based on skin color.
So then why did you come to MoonCrows defense? That’s what he’s claiming.
That’s on you.
No, I wholeheartedly disagree with it
I’m saying who is considered Black is ideologically based starting with the one drop rule.
If you want to talk about what makes someone a race, that’s a different discussion.
Actually. I think he is being attacked because his rulings are off the wall and his ethics questionable.
sounds like the excuse every racist uses...he has been under attack by white racists since his nomination and confirmation hearings [which of course came before any rulings because his rulings were never at issue] when mighty whitey used a black woman to hide behind to attack the good man [certainly you remember the "HIGH TECH LYNCHING"]...
Clarence Thomas' real crime, like that of other black men who don't/won't toe the line, is fleeing the plantation mentality at the top of the white liberal totem.
sounds like the excuse every racist uses...he has been under attack by white racists since his nomination and confirmation hearings [which of course came before any rulings because his rulings were never at issue] when mighty whitey used a black woman to hide behind to attack the good man...
Clarence Thomas' real crime, like that of other black men who don't/won't toe the line, is fleeing the plantation mentality at the top of the white liberal totem.
So it has nothing to with his failure to report large amounts of money or to recuse himself in cases where there is either conflict of interest or the appearance of such? Interesting.

Maybe SCOTUS should just be held to the same code of ethics other judges are, or is that racist?
So it has nothing to with his failure to report large amounts of money or to recuse himself in cases where there is either conflict of interest or the appearance of such? Interesting.
that's correct
Maybe SCOTUS should just be held to the same code of ethics other judges are,
and nothing screams out for that more than Thomas's treatment by mighty whitey.
or is that racist?
it's typical racist code!
For many, many years I have spoken to immigrants about where they were from and have had very good luck guessing their country of origin. But that is another matter.
Twenty years ago or more, I spoke to an African immigrant who was black. I asked him if he thought America was racist. "No," he said, "Africa is racist."
I continued, "How do you get along with blacks born here in America?"

"I can't talk to them. They all have a chip on their shoulder."

Last week, I spoke again with a driver for developmentally disabled high school children. She is from Jamaica and is very black.
She told me, "Blacks born here think they are better than me. They all talk down to me. I can't talk to them. I don't like them."

Yesterday, I spoke to a white man with a gray beard and a very black wife. They had Idaho license plates and I joked with them about how great Idaho is and how horrific California is. Here, the state can take your children away if you don't agree to let them get their genitals removed and take hormones.

His wife is from the Bahamas. They agreed it is insanity. We had a lovely conversation after which I gave them a hardcover book which I wrote.
You can bet that racist Leftists such as Coyote don't initiate conversations with strangers on a daily basis, regardless of their color, as I do, and befriend them.

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