Awww: Maureen Dowd Does Not Like Progressive Puritans

You dupes don't even know the Trump campaign met with Russians a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it. You know nothing.

And? Mueller said there was nothing illegal about it. Do you not believe your senile messiah?

He said he couldn't prove very much and anyway you can't prosecute a president. Outside his purview. Up to Congress....

So are you saying Trump made all those contacts by himself? Nothing prevented him from prosecuting someone else, did it? Were taxes and taxi medallions in his purview? It's seems the Mueller team had tunnel vision on Trump and his associates and weren't interested in any other possibilities regarding Russian interference, which to my understanding was completely in his purview. Now feel free to continue your deflections.


The Trump campaign Met with the Russians 100 x plus, wrote nothing down and lied about it. Suspicious.

So now all you can to is repeat yourself and continue to deflect, is it past your bedtime?

Sorry about the facts, sonny.
The GOP is the swamp. Just look at their support for lobbyists, their corrupt World depressions and crises, and who starts the wars LOL.

I don't disagree about the GOP but Obama started Syria, Libya and Yemen. No excuse for that.
Iraq started Syria. Libya was not a war. Yemen is the GOP pal the shah of Saudi Arabia.

LOL.......I wish there was some people who wanted to discuss things honestly.
Ronnie raygun and his pal Saddam ruined the Middle East. Only went downhill from there for no reason. Iraq caused isis caused Syria. None of which compare 2 hundreds of thousands of American soldiers on the ground and 15-20 years of occupation. The GOP way- send in the 82nd airborne. Make up reasons to do it.

We made up reasons to go into Syria, Libya and Yemen also. It's people like you that is the reason we have Trump. People like me are done supporting the useless wars and if you nominate another war monger like Obama and Hillary we will be voting third party or staying home again.
The GOP is the swamp. Just look at their support for lobbyists, their corrupt World depressions and crises, and who starts the wars LOL.

I don't disagree about the GOP but Obama started Syria, Libya and Yemen. No excuse for that.
Iraq started Syria. Libya was not a war. Yemen is the GOP pal the shah of Saudi Arabia.

LOL.......I wish there was some people who wanted to discuss things honestly.
Ronnie raygun and his pal Saddam ruined the Middle East. Only went downhill from there for no reason. Iraq caused isis caused Syria. None of which compare 2 hundreds of thousands of American soldiers on the ground and 15-20 years of occupation. The GOP way- send in the 82nd airborne. Make up reasons to do it.
you can't seriously compare the adventurism and jingoism of the GOP with the Democrats.

I don't have to "compare" them. Just because one is really bad and the other ever so slightly less bad is not going to get me to support the slightly less bad.

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