Awww: Maureen Dowd Does Not Like Progressive Puritans

It isn't bad. We need more than one party which is what we have had now for a long time.
Libertarians Have Been On The Ballot Of All 50 States
For Over 25yrs
Why Are There No Libertarians Holding National Office

My statement is that for a long time now you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R) candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.

Well, then, feel free not to vote. Up to you.

No one is stopping people from forming a viable third party except the people themselves, simply by not doing so. If it isn't happening, then perhaps not that many people feel very strongly about it.
pknopp said:
My statement is that for a long time now
you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R)
candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.
That's The Same Thing Libertarians Claim
And Now That Weed Is Becoming Legally Available
There Shouldn't Be Opposition To Their Stance On That

So You're Not Voting For A Legitimate Third Party, Why ??
Isn't That Your Complaint

My complaint is that there is no difference in (D) and (R) and I will vote third party.

If you actually voted for Jill Stein, I really doubt the Republicans would want your precious vote, anyway, and I KNOW they have no intention of doing anything that you would approve of to get it.

Give the Democrats a little time, and they'll be crazy and destructive just like Stein, and then you'll be all set.
SweetSue92 said:
The Left has become the most uptight, moralizing, finger wagging, nagging stuffy old great aunt anyone has ever known. If anyone listens to them anymore, it's to give them the side eye, laugh, or sneer.

Remember that in the 60s, their cultural peak, they were all about "Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll"--the rebels, the hippies, the "cool kids". They are NONE of those now. They are about everyone's "sex" but they will police it with their nagging faces
There's Plenty To Rebel Over
They Say They're About Social Equality
But They're Boxing Everyone In

Most of them are totalitarian wannabes, and young adults my children's age see it loud and clear.

On the bright side, parents like you and me are enjoying the first time in history that our adolescent/young adult children are listening to their parents and agreeing with them, so there's that. Everything my 23-year-old son hears about politics and social issues, he comes straight to his father or me and asks us to give him the truth about.
It isn't bad. We need more than one party which is what we have had now for a long time.
Libertarians Have Been On The Ballot Of All 50 States
For Over 25yrs
Why Are There No Libertarians Holding National Office

My statement is that for a long time now you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R) candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.

Well, then, feel free not to vote. Up to you.

I have no idea where this comes from. I'll vote. I have since 1980.

No one is stopping people from forming a viable third party except the people themselves, simply by not doing so. If it isn't happening, then perhaps not that many people feel very strongly about it.

My remark was about how the (R)'s and (D)'s have been one party outside of a few social issues.

Both being huge corporate war mongers.
pknopp said:
My statement is that for a long time now
you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R)
candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.
That's The Same Thing Libertarians Claim
And Now That Weed Is Becoming Legally Available
There Shouldn't Be Opposition To Their Stance On That

So You're Not Voting For A Legitimate Third Party, Why ??
Isn't That Your Complaint

My complaint is that there is no difference in (D) and (R) and I will vote third party.

If you actually voted for Jill Stein, I really doubt the Republicans would want your precious vote, anyway, and I KNOW they have no intention of doing anything that you would approve of to get it.

I'm sure that is likely true.

Give the Democrats a little time, and they'll be crazy and destructive just like Stein, and then you'll be all set.

We can hope.
It isn't bad. We need more than one party which is what we have had now for a long time.
Libertarians Have Been On The Ballot Of All 50 States
For Over 25yrs
Why Are There No Libertarians Holding National Office

My statement is that for a long time now you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R) candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.

Well, then, feel free not to vote. Up to you.

I have no idea where this comes from. I'll vote. I have since 1980.

No one is stopping people from forming a viable third party except the people themselves, simply by not doing so. If it isn't happening, then perhaps not that many people feel very strongly about it.

My remark was about how the (R)'s and (D)'s have been one party outside of a few social issues.

Both being huge corporate war mongers.

Your remark was about how you've replaced consideration of issues with "I hate corporations!!! Big business aaaarrrrgggh!!" You just don't realize it.

Again, do whatever you want. Just get it through your head that you're not going to be able to make anyone care.
It isn't bad. We need more than one party which is what we have had now for a long time.
Libertarians Have Been On The Ballot Of All 50 States
For Over 25yrs
Why Are There No Libertarians Holding National Office

My statement is that for a long time now you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R) candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.

Well, then, feel free not to vote. Up to you.

I have no idea where this comes from. I'll vote. I have since 1980.

No one is stopping people from forming a viable third party except the people themselves, simply by not doing so. If it isn't happening, then perhaps not that many people feel very strongly about it.

My remark was about how the (R)'s and (D)'s have been one party outside of a few social issues.

Both being huge corporate war mongers.

Your remark was about how you've replaced consideration of issues with "I hate corporations!!! Big business aaaarrrrgggh!!" You just don't realize it.

Again, do whatever you want. Just get it through your head that you're not going to be able to make anyone care.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....
You dupes don't even know the Trump campaign met with Russians a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it. You know nothing.

And? Mueller said there was nothing illegal about it. Do you not believe your senile messiah?

He said he couldn't prove very much and anyway you can't prosecute a president. Outside his purview. Up to Congress....
since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....

Just look at who hired him, he had no journalistic background or training. He was always a political hack for the clintons.

There is no paradox in a Democrat and the truth like there is with Republicans LOL
Libertarians Have Been On The Ballot Of All 50 States
For Over 25yrs
Why Are There No Libertarians Holding National Office

My statement is that for a long time now you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R) candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.

Well, then, feel free not to vote. Up to you.

I have no idea where this comes from. I'll vote. I have since 1980.

No one is stopping people from forming a viable third party except the people themselves, simply by not doing so. If it isn't happening, then perhaps not that many people feel very strongly about it.

My remark was about how the (R)'s and (D)'s have been one party outside of a few social issues.

Both being huge corporate war mongers.

Your remark was about how you've replaced consideration of issues with "I hate corporations!!! Big business aaaarrrrgggh!!" You just don't realize it.

Again, do whatever you want. Just get it through your head that you're not going to be able to make anyone care.

The GOP is the swamp. Just look at their support for lobbyists, their corrupt World depressions and crises, and who starts the wars LOL.
My statement is that for a long time now you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R) candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.

Well, then, feel free not to vote. Up to you.

I have no idea where this comes from. I'll vote. I have since 1980.

No one is stopping people from forming a viable third party except the people themselves, simply by not doing so. If it isn't happening, then perhaps not that many people feel very strongly about it.

My remark was about how the (R)'s and (D)'s have been one party outside of a few social issues.

Both being huge corporate war mongers.

Your remark was about how you've replaced consideration of issues with "I hate corporations!!! Big business aaaarrrrgggh!!" You just don't realize it.

Again, do whatever you want. Just get it through your head that you're not going to be able to make anyone care.

The GOP is the swamp. Just look at their support for lobbyists, their corrupt World depressions and crises, and who starts the wars LOL.

I don't disagree about the GOP but Obama started Syria, Libya and Yemen. No excuse for that.
Well, then, feel free not to vote. Up to you.

I have no idea where this comes from. I'll vote. I have since 1980.

No one is stopping people from forming a viable third party except the people themselves, simply by not doing so. If it isn't happening, then perhaps not that many people feel very strongly about it.

My remark was about how the (R)'s and (D)'s have been one party outside of a few social issues.

Both being huge corporate war mongers.

Your remark was about how you've replaced consideration of issues with "I hate corporations!!! Big business aaaarrrrgggh!!" You just don't realize it.

Again, do whatever you want. Just get it through your head that you're not going to be able to make anyone care.

The GOP is the swamp. Just look at their support for lobbyists, their corrupt World depressions and crises, and who starts the wars LOL.

I don't disagree about the GOP but Obama started Syria, Libya and Yemen. No excuse for that.
Iraq started Syria. Libya was not a war. Yemen is the GOP pal the shah of Saudi Arabia.
I have no idea where this comes from. I'll vote. I have since 1980.

My remark was about how the (R)'s and (D)'s have been one party outside of a few social issues.

Both being huge corporate war mongers.

Your remark was about how you've replaced consideration of issues with "I hate corporations!!! Big business aaaarrrrgggh!!" You just don't realize it.

Again, do whatever you want. Just get it through your head that you're not going to be able to make anyone care.

The GOP is the swamp. Just look at their support for lobbyists, their corrupt World depressions and crises, and who starts the wars LOL.

I don't disagree about the GOP but Obama started Syria, Libya and Yemen. No excuse for that.
Iraq started Syria. Libya was not a war. Yemen is the GOP pal the shah of Saudi Arabia.

LOL.......I wish there was some people who wanted to discuss things honestly.
Maureen Dowd is one of those people who must have pictures of an editor in a compromising position, it's the only way to explain why her drivel gets printed.
She’s politically correct... just like you shit stains

Political practice makes people fucking retarded
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Your remark was about how you've replaced consideration of issues with "I hate corporations!!! Big business aaaarrrrgggh!!" You just don't realize it.

Again, do whatever you want. Just get it through your head that you're not going to be able to make anyone care.

The GOP is the swamp. Just look at their support for lobbyists, their corrupt World depressions and crises, and who starts the wars LOL.

I don't disagree about the GOP but Obama started Syria, Libya and Yemen. No excuse for that.
Iraq started Syria. Libya was not a war. Yemen is the GOP pal the shah of Saudi Arabia.

LOL.......I wish there was some people who wanted to discuss things honestly.
Ronnie raygun and his pal Saddam ruined the Middle East. Only went downhill from there for no reason. Iraq caused isis caused Syria. None of which compare 2 hundreds of thousands of American soldiers on the ground and 15-20 years of occupation. The GOP way- send in the 82nd airborne. Make up reasons to do it.
The GOP is the swamp. Just look at their support for lobbyists, their corrupt World depressions and crises, and who starts the wars LOL.

I don't disagree about the GOP but Obama started Syria, Libya and Yemen. No excuse for that.
Iraq started Syria. Libya was not a war. Yemen is the GOP pal the shah of Saudi Arabia.

LOL.......I wish there was some people who wanted to discuss things honestly.
Ronnie raygun and his pal Saddam ruined the Middle East. Only went downhill from there for no reason. Iraq caused isis caused Syria. None of which compare 2 hundreds of thousands of American soldiers on the ground and 15-20 years of occupation. The GOP way- send in the 82nd airborne. Make up reasons to do it.
you can't seriously compare the adventurism and jingoism of the GOP with the Democrats.
Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....
You dupes don't even know the Trump campaign met with Russians a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it. You know nothing.

And? Mueller said there was nothing illegal about it. Do you not believe your senile messiah?

He said he couldn't prove very much and anyway you can't prosecute a president. Outside his purview. Up to Congress....

So are you saying Trump made all those contacts by himself? Nothing prevented him from prosecuting someone else, did it? Were taxes and taxi medallions in his purview? It's seems the Mueller team had tunnel vision on Trump and his associates and weren't interested in any other possibilities regarding Russian interference, which to my understanding was completely in his purview. Now feel free to continue your deflections.


Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....

Just look at who hired him, he had no journalistic background or training. He was always a political hack for the clintons.

There is no paradox in a Democrat and the truth like there is with Republicans LOL

Damn, you really are pathetic.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....
You dupes don't even know the Trump campaign met with Russians a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it. You know nothing.

And? Mueller said there was nothing illegal about it. Do you not believe your senile messiah?

He said he couldn't prove very much and anyway you can't prosecute a president. Outside his purview. Up to Congress....

So are you saying Trump made all those contacts by himself? Nothing prevented him from prosecuting someone else, did it? Were taxes and taxi medallions in his purview? It's seems the Mueller team had tunnel vision on Trump and his associates and weren't interested in any other possibilities regarding Russian interference, which to my understanding was completely in his purview. Now feel free to continue your deflections.


The Trump campaign Met with the Russians 100 x plus, wrote nothing down and lied about it. Suspicious.
Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....
You dupes don't even know the Trump campaign met with Russians a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it. You know nothing.

And? Mueller said there was nothing illegal about it. Do you not believe your senile messiah?

He said he couldn't prove very much and anyway you can't prosecute a president. Outside his purview. Up to Congress....

So are you saying Trump made all those contacts by himself? Nothing prevented him from prosecuting someone else, did it? Were taxes and taxi medallions in his purview? It's seems the Mueller team had tunnel vision on Trump and his associates and weren't interested in any other possibilities regarding Russian interference, which to my understanding was completely in his purview. Now feel free to continue your deflections.


The Trump campaign Met with the Russians 100 x plus, wrote nothing down and lied about it. Suspicious.

So now all you can to is repeat yourself and continue to deflect, is it past your bedtime?


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