Awww: Maureen Dowd Does Not Like Progressive Puritans

She won California by 4 million. Take one state out of the equation and she loses the popular vote also.

Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Both states she lost to Trump.

I supported Sanders. Voted for him in the primaries (he won my state also). There is no way I could vote for the Corporate bought and sold war monger, Hillary.

If Commie Sanders had been the nominee, he'd have lost bigger than Hillary did.

Sanders would not have lost a single state Hillary won in. Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Trump barely won them. Sanders would have beat him in both.

That then only leaves Pennsylvania. Hillary took it for granted she would win there and ignored the state. Sanders wouldn't have.
Folks I knew this Democrat Civil War was bad....but now we have Maureen Dowd calling out the "Progressive Puritans" in her own party.


Seems the criticism of a party she threw for high-fliers like Pelosi and Schumer really got to her, which launched the article below. So far her article has not made a dent: she's getting ratio'd on Twitter as I type this.

My my my. Whatever will the Democrats do to solve this dilemma??

This entire article is worth the read:

WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.

Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins.

I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.

Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020.

The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.

They eviscerate their natural allies for not being pure enough while placing all their hopes in a color-inside-the-lines lifelong Republican prosecutor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.

My father stayed up all night the night Truman was elected because he was so excited. I would like to stay up ’til dawn the night a Democrat wins next year because I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.

But Democrats are making that dream ever more distant because they are using their time knifing one another and those who want to be on their side instead of playing it smart.

Spare Me the Purity Racket
since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.
Sanders would not have lost a single state Hillary won in. Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Trump barely won them. Sanders would have beat him in both.

What do you base that on? Fact of the matter is, the reason why Hillary lost those states was because white working class folks supported Trump. They weren't too keen on supporting socialism.

That then only leaves Pennsylvania. Hillary took it for granted she would win there and ignored the state. Sanders wouldn't have.

Again, works on the assumption Commie Bernie actually can run something....
I clearly stated what I based that on.

Your bizarre fantasies..

If Commie Bernie was the nominee, a lot of people who voted for Hillary would have voted for Trump. He'd have lost all the states she did, probably CO, NM, NH and MN as well.
I clearly stated what I based that on.

Your bizarre fantasies..

If Commie Bernie was the nominee, a lot of people who voted for Hillary would have voted for Trump. He'd have lost all the states she did, probably CO, NM, NH and MN as well.

You can have a difference of opinion but next time, please don't ask me to provide what I have already provided for you. Read before replying.
You can have a difference of opinion but next time, please don't ask me to provide what I have already provided for you. Read before replying.

I realize you Bernie supporters live in an alternate reality where socialism hasn't been an UNMITIGATED FUCKING DISASTER every time it's been tried.

But you don't get to pretend, "Well, Bernie won a few primaries after Hillary already had it in the bag, so that means the 90% of people who didn't vote in that primary would vote for a stinkin' commie."
Like Bernie's supporters were all behind Hillary? LOL

You guys are going to nominate a hard left that moderate Democrats are going to be so "unexcited" about that they'll stay home in droves. The tail is wagging the dog these days in the DNC and you're too blind to see it!

There's really not a lot of evidence that Bernies supporters really defected...

Hillary won by 3 million votes. I know you hate hearing that.. but it's still true.

And it's still irrelevant.

Lol, tell that to the baker.

You mean the baker that violated several laws?

I am not a racist and I know that for certain. Calling a country a "shithole" is not racist. Telling people who don't like the country to leave is not racist. Wanting to build a wall is not racist. Maybe you guys have been conditioned to believe that anything you don't agree with is racist? That seems fairly plausible.

No, buddy, that you can't see how racist those things are, that's kind of on you. It shows that you see them as a lesser kind of human being when you say those things. That is the dictionary definition of racism.

Damn, your stupidity is showing. When are you freaks going to learn the difference between nationality and race?

Folks I knew this Democrat Civil War was bad....but now we have Maureen Dowd calling out the "Progressive Puritans" in her own party.


Seems the criticism of a party she threw for high-fliers like Pelosi and Schumer really got to her, which launched the article below. So far her article has not made a dent: she's getting ratio'd on Twitter as I type this.

My my my. Whatever will the Democrats do to solve this dilemma??

This entire article is worth the read:

WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.

Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins.

I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.

Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020.

The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.

They eviscerate their natural allies for not being pure enough while placing all their hopes in a color-inside-the-lines lifelong Republican prosecutor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.

My father stayed up all night the night Truman was elected because he was so excited. I would like to stay up ’til dawn the night a Democrat wins next year because I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.

But Democrats are making that dream ever more distant because they are using their time knifing one another and those who want to be on their side instead of playing it smart.

Spare Me the Purity Racket
since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Like Bernie's supporters were all behind Hillary? LOL

You guys are going to nominate a hard left that moderate Democrats are going to be so "unexcited" about that they'll stay home in droves. The tail is wagging the dog these days in the DNC and you're too blind to see it!

There's really not a lot of evidence that Bernies supporters really defected...

Hillary won by 3 million votes. I know you hate hearing that.. but it's still true.

Hillary LOST, Joey! I know you hate hearing that...but it's still true!
Folks I knew this Democrat Civil War was bad....but now we have Maureen Dowd calling out the "Progressive Puritans" in her own party.


Seems the criticism of a party she threw for high-fliers like Pelosi and Schumer really got to her, which launched the article below. So far her article has not made a dent: she's getting ratio'd on Twitter as I type this.

My my my. Whatever will the Democrats do to solve this dilemma??

This entire article is worth the read:

WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.

Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins.

I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.

Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020.

The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.

They eviscerate their natural allies for not being pure enough while placing all their hopes in a color-inside-the-lines lifelong Republican prosecutor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.

My father stayed up all night the night Truman was elected because he was so excited. I would like to stay up ’til dawn the night a Democrat wins next year because I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.

But Democrats are making that dream ever more distant because they are using their time knifing one another and those who want to be on their side instead of playing it smart.

Spare Me the Purity Racket
since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.
Folks I knew this Democrat Civil War was bad....but now we have Maureen Dowd calling out the "Progressive Puritans" in her own party.


Seems the criticism of a party she threw for high-fliers like Pelosi and Schumer really got to her, which launched the article below. So far her article has not made a dent: she's getting ratio'd on Twitter as I type this.

My my my. Whatever will the Democrats do to solve this dilemma??

This entire article is worth the read:

WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.

Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins.

I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.

Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020.

The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.

They eviscerate their natural allies for not being pure enough while placing all their hopes in a color-inside-the-lines lifelong Republican prosecutor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.

My father stayed up all night the night Truman was elected because he was so excited. I would like to stay up ’til dawn the night a Democrat wins next year because I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.

But Democrats are making that dream ever more distant because they are using their time knifing one another and those who want to be on their side instead of playing it smart.

Spare Me the Purity Racket
since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Last edited:
Folks I knew this Democrat Civil War was bad....but now we have Maureen Dowd calling out the "Progressive Puritans" in her own party.


Seems the criticism of a party she threw for high-fliers like Pelosi and Schumer really got to her, which launched the article below. So far her article has not made a dent: she's getting ratio'd on Twitter as I type this.

My my my. Whatever will the Democrats do to solve this dilemma??

This entire article is worth the read:

WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.

Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins.

I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.

Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020.

The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.

They eviscerate their natural allies for not being pure enough while placing all their hopes in a color-inside-the-lines lifelong Republican prosecutor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.

My father stayed up all night the night Truman was elected because he was so excited. I would like to stay up ’til dawn the night a Democrat wins next year because I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.

But Democrats are making that dream ever more distant because they are using their time knifing one another and those who want to be on their side instead of playing it smart.

Spare Me the Purity Racket
since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....
Folks I knew this Democrat Civil War was bad....but now we have Maureen Dowd calling out the "Progressive Puritans" in her own party.


Seems the criticism of a party she threw for high-fliers like Pelosi and Schumer really got to her, which launched the article below. So far her article has not made a dent: she's getting ratio'd on Twitter as I type this.

My my my. Whatever will the Democrats do to solve this dilemma??

This entire article is worth the read:

WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.

Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins.

I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.

Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020.

The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.

They eviscerate their natural allies for not being pure enough while placing all their hopes in a color-inside-the-lines lifelong Republican prosecutor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.

My father stayed up all night the night Truman was elected because he was so excited. I would like to stay up ’til dawn the night a Democrat wins next year because I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.

But Democrats are making that dream ever more distant because they are using their time knifing one another and those who want to be on their side instead of playing it smart.

Spare Me the Purity Racket
since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....
You dupes don't even know the Trump campaign met with Russians a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it. You know nothing.
And as if to prove her point, here comes Joe with the metaphorical pitchfork.

Man oh man. 2020 looking better and better.

Not really. Once the Democrats pick a candidate, we'll all be behind him. So will a lot of sensible Republicans who want to end the daily insanity.
Is that the reason your side keeps up the daily insanity? So we will give up?
Folks I knew this Democrat Civil War was bad....but now we have Maureen Dowd calling out the "Progressive Puritans" in her own party.


Seems the criticism of a party she threw for high-fliers like Pelosi and Schumer really got to her, which launched the article below. So far her article has not made a dent: she's getting ratio'd on Twitter as I type this.

My my my. Whatever will the Democrats do to solve this dilemma??

This entire article is worth the read:

WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.

Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins.

I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.

Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020.

The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.

They eviscerate their natural allies for not being pure enough while placing all their hopes in a color-inside-the-lines lifelong Republican prosecutor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.

My father stayed up all night the night Truman was elected because he was so excited. I would like to stay up ’til dawn the night a Democrat wins next year because I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.

But Democrats are making that dream ever more distant because they are using their time knifing one another and those who want to be on their side instead of playing it smart.

Spare Me the Purity Racket
since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....

Just look at who hired him, he had no journalistic background or training. He was always a political hack for the clintons.

since you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine,You may not know this but there are people called journalists who have their own opinions try to be truthful and are not slaves to one party.

Objective journalism died in this country, journalism schools teach no journalist should be objective, they're job is to advocate. That's not journalism.

Right-wing bologna propaganda. Speak for your GOP propaganda machine itself.

LMAO, the elevation of ignorant ass clintonista snuggleopolus proves my point. He and many other supposed journalist are posers.

Example of his partisanship and dishonesty? Or just more garbage propaganda....
You dupes don't even know the Trump campaign met with Russians a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it. You know nothing.

And? Mueller said there was nothing illegal about it. Do you not believe your senile messiah?

Maureen Dowd is one of those people who must have pictures of an editor in a compromising position, it's the only way to explain why her drivel gets printed.
She always seemed unhappy with Obama, to me. Why was that do you think, was he too progressive?

My problem with Dowd's writing is that she was generally vapid overall. So I had just as many problems with her when she ripped on Bush for generally shallow reasons.

Her writing may be "vapid" but her premise is not. The Democrats have a Civil War going on; it's much discussed. She's been the target of it and she's discussing it openly here.

I think that's kinda the point. Even vapid, partisan leftists like her are noticing that Democrats are eating their own now and destroying their election hopes in the process.

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