Awww: Maureen Dowd Does Not Like Progressive Puritans

It isn't bad. We need more than one party which is what we have had now for a long time.
Libertarians Have Been On The Ballot Of All 50 States
For Over 25yrs
Why Are There No Libertarians Holding National Office

My statement is that for a long time now you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R) candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.
Oh that remains to be seen for sure.

Joe Biden--a LOT of purist Progressives will not be behind him

Bernie Sanders--a LOT of Americans will not be behind him

And etc right down the line. You have big problems.

Not really. When people look at the prospect of another four years of crazy racist Twitter on the Shitter, they'll get behind whoever the Dems put up.

My guess, the Dems will probably meet somewhere in the middle and nominate Warren.

I am no fan of Trump and I will never vote for him but I'll not vote for just anyone either. There is a growing number like myself.

So did you not vote in 2016 or did you vote 3rd party or what
Her writing may be "vapid" but her premise is not. The Democrats have a Civil War going on; it's much discussed. She's been the target of it and she's discussing it openly here.

Yawn, people say this every time a nomination is contested... and at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter.

Pelosi v. The Squad

But keep yawning, it works for us
My statement is that for a long time now you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R) candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.

You might have a point.

But the reality is, they kind of have to be. America is not going to retreat from her military leadership in the world, and she isn't going to abandon capitalism.
Democrats are convinced Trump is racist. They believe EVERYONE thinks Trump is racist.

"Everyone" does not. The problem with Democrats is that even AFTER Trump won--which should have really shocked them into something sensible--they still think in a bubble. They believe either people see Trump the way they do, or they are insane or Morally Flawed.

Please just keep that up, I mean it, straight through Nov. 2020. Because that's a guaranteed win for us no matter who you nominate.

That's true. Other racists don't think Trump is a racist.

Most sensible people listen to "Shithole Countries" and "Rat-infested Neighborhoods" and "Send her back" and yup, they see a racist.

But then again, you claim to be a Christian and think it's okay that Trump fucks porn stars and pays them to keep quiet... just like Jesus would have done!

Again, why do you have to lie to make your point? IF you had good points, you wouldn't have to lie about people to make them.

The Left is losing the culture. This is why.
JoeB131 said:
That's true. Other racists don't think Trump is a racist.

Most sensible people listen to "Shithole Countries" and "Rat-infested Neighborhoods" and "Send her back" and yup, they see a racist.

But then again, you claim to be a Christian and think it's okay that Trump fucks porn stars and pays them to keep quiet... just like Jesus would have done!
Your Mockery And Moral Equivalence Bounces Off Now
You'll Need Some New Flash-Cards
So Go Snob It To Your Mirror

Better Yet
Get A Workable Platform
And A Decent Candidate
The Current Line-Up
Sounds Like A Bunch Of Phony Clowns
Pelosi v. The Squad

But keep yawning, it works for us

Are any of the "Squad" likely to get the nomination?

Um. No.

And Pelosi is only speaker because she promised to step aside after one term. So she's not terribly relevant, either.

Again, the main issue next year is, do we still want a crazy racist in the White House... and the answer for most sane Americans who don't do mental handstands about Christians fucking Porn Stars will be "No".
Folks I knew this Democrat Civil War was bad....but now we have Maureen Dowd calling out the "Progressive Puritans" in her own party.


Seems the criticism of a party she threw for high-fliers like Pelosi and Schumer really got to her, which launched the article below. So far her article has not made a dent: she's getting ratio'd on Twitter as I type this.

My my my. Whatever will the Democrats do to solve this dilemma??

This entire article is worth the read:

WASHINGTON — After I interviewed Nancy Pelosi a few weeks ago, The HuffPost huffed that we were Dreaded Elites because we were eating chocolates and — horror of horrors — the speaker had on some good pumps.

Then this week, lefty Twitter erected a digital guillotine because I had a book party for my friend Carl Hulse, The Times’s authority on Capitol Hill for decades, attended by family, journalists, Hill denizens and a smattering of lawmakers, including Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Susan Collins.

I, the daughter of a D.C. cop, and Carl, the son of an Illinois plumber, were hilariously painted as decadent aristocrats reveling like Marie Antoinette when we should have been knitting like Madame Defarge.

Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020.

The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.

They eviscerate their natural allies for not being pure enough while placing all their hopes in a color-inside-the-lines lifelong Republican prosecutor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.

My father stayed up all night the night Truman was elected because he was so excited. I would like to stay up ’til dawn the night a Democrat wins next year because I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.

But Democrats are making that dream ever more distant because they are using their time knifing one another and those who want to be on their side instead of playing it smart.

Spare Me the Purity Racket


Democrats are going Full Retard.

And they’re going to lose again if they keep it up.
pknopp said:
My statement is that for a long time now
you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R)
candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.
That's The Same Thing Libertarians Claim
And Now That Weed Is Becoming Legally Available
There Shouldn't Be Opposition To Their Stance On That

So You're Not Voting For A Legitimate Third Party, Why ??
Isn't That Your Complaint
JoeB131 said:
Are any of the "Squad" likely to get the nomination?
Doesn't Matter
And It's Not Any Of Us You Have To Convince

This Line-Up Of Candidates
Have Taken Up The Party Of 4's List Of Priorities

So You'l Have To Convince The Idiot Vote (Independents)
They Aren't What The Democrat Party Has Become
Oh that remains to be seen for sure.

Joe Biden--a LOT of purist Progressives will not be behind him

Bernie Sanders--a LOT of Americans will not be behind him

And etc right down the line. You have big problems.

Not really. When people look at the prospect of another four years of crazy racist Twitter on the Shitter, they'll get behind whoever the Dems put up.

My guess, the Dems will probably meet somewhere in the middle and nominate Warren.

I am no fan of Trump and I will never vote for him but I'll not vote for just anyone either. There is a growing number like myself.

So did you not vote in 2016 or did you vote 3rd party or what

Jill Stein.
pknopp said:
My statement is that for a long time now
you could not differentiate the (D) candidate from the (R)
candidate outside of some social issues.

Both sides have long been corporate whoring war mongers.
That's The Same Thing Libertarians Claim
And Now That Weed Is Becoming Legally Available
There Shouldn't Be Opposition To Their Stance On That

So You're Not Voting For A Legitimate Third Party, Why ??
Isn't That Your Complaint

My complaint is that there is no difference in (D) and (R) and I will vote third party.
Oh that remains to be seen for sure.

Joe Biden--a LOT of purist Progressives will not be behind him

Bernie Sanders--a LOT of Americans will not be behind him

And etc right down the line. You have big problems.

Not really. When people look at the prospect of another four years of crazy racist Twitter on the Shitter, they'll get behind whoever the Dems put up.

My guess, the Dems will probably meet somewhere in the middle and nominate Warren.

I am no fan of Trump and I will never vote for him but I'll not vote for just anyone either. There is a growing number like myself.

So did you not vote in 2016 or did you vote 3rd party or what

Jill Stein.

Okay well that explains a lot thanks
SweetSue92 said:
The Left is losing the culture. This is why.
For All The Noise
It Doesn't Often Seem That Way

But If They Don't Take The Presidency
And Lose The House
Trying To Buy Votes Could Be Their Banzai Charge
pknopp said:
My complaint is that there is no difference in (D) and (R) and I will vote third party.
Not Really A Valid Statement Right Now

But That's Fine
See Ya Next Year, Nov 4

When Trump Wins The Popular Vote
And An Electoral Wipe-Out
SweetSue92 said:
The Left is losing the culture. This is why.
For All The Noise
It Doesn't Often Seem That Way

But If They Don't Take The Presidency
And Lose The House
Trying To Buy Votes Could Be Their Banzai Charge

It is said that "politics is downstream of culture" so the two do not always jive completely.

So looking at the culture. The Left has become the most uptight, moralizing, finger wagging, nagging stuffy old great aunt anyone has ever known. If anyone listens to them anymore, it's to give them the side eye, laugh, or sneer.

Remember that in the 60s, their cultural peak, they were all about "Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll"--the rebels, the hippies, the "cool kids". They are NONE of those now. They are about everyone's "sex" but they will police it with their nagging faces, word minding and their pointy fingers in your face reminding you of gender pronouns. THAT is who they are now.

Think of these terms that are now derogatory:

Political Correctness


Participation Trophy

Yes, they are losing the culture. They have so many institutions that this won't happen in a year, or five, or even ten. But make no mistake.

They are losing.

(For more evidence, my own children are 20 and 22. Their generation is obsessed with The Office because of how politically incorrect--and therefore, funny--it is. They're rebelling. And the Left is losing.)
SweetSue92 said:
The Left has become the most uptight, moralizing, finger wagging, nagging stuffy old great aunt anyone has ever known. If anyone listens to them anymore, it's to give them the side eye, laugh, or sneer.

Remember that in the 60s, their cultural peak, they were all about "Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll"--the rebels, the hippies, the "cool kids". They are NONE of those now. They are about everyone's "sex" but they will police it with their nagging faces
There's Plenty To Rebel Over
They Say They're About Social Equality
But They're Boxing Everyone In
SweetSue92 said:
The Left has become the most uptight, moralizing, finger wagging, nagging stuffy old great aunt anyone has ever known. If anyone listens to them anymore, it's to give them the side eye, laugh, or sneer.

Remember that in the 60s, their cultural peak, they were all about "Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll"--the rebels, the hippies, the "cool kids". They are NONE of those now. They are about everyone's "sex" but they will police it with their nagging faces
There's Plenty To Rebel Over
They Say They're About Social Equality
But They're Boxing Everyone In

Most of them are totalitarian wannabes, and young adults my children's age see it loud and clear.
SweetSue92 said:
Most of them are totalitarian wannabes
They're Authoritarian By Nature
And Political Correctness (Coined By Lenin)
Is Them Goose-Stepping Their Rules Into Your Life
Regardless Of Your Rights Or The Law
And as if to prove her point, here comes Joe with the metaphorical pitchfork.

Man oh man. 2020 looking better and better.

Not really. Once the Democrats pick a candidate, we'll all be behind him. So will a lot of sensible Republicans who want to end the daily insanity.

Yep your leader. Lol

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