
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.

Congrats! :) I was lucky enough to not have any pregnancy-related complications and had a normal labor and delivery 2 days before my due date. After I had the baby is when I had an issue with hemorrhaging. However, the doctors took very good care of me, and everything turned out well, obviously, as I am here today. :) Good luck with everything Darlene! Positive thoughts to you and the new baby that everything goes as smoothly as possible!
I should have an easier labor this time around, at least I'm hoping so. I'm not too worried about it because Malikai was 9lbs even when he was born (big babies run in his dad's family).

I only have one, but I've heard the second time around is easier and I do type a lot about these things for my job. The second time around, you know more about what to expect, you are less anxious, and all of that helps too IMO. I think everything will probably be fine. The doctors have to do this all the time for a variety of reasons.
A lot of doctors do inductions just for convenience. I did the induction with Kai because I was so uncomfortable. But the discomfort is worth dealing with so the baby has more time to develop.

How far along were you when you were induced? Not trying to be argumentative (even though I suppose I am - lol) but I mean, as long as the baby is at or close to being full term, they don't need to stay in any longer. In fact, it can make the labor much more difficult on mom and baby if baby stays inside TOO long too.
I was 39, almost 40 weeks.
Congrats! :) I was lucky enough to not have any pregnancy-related complications and had a normal labor and delivery 2 days before my due date. After I had the baby is when I had an issue with hemorrhaging. However, the doctors took very good care of me, and everything turned out well, obviously, as I am here today. :) Good luck with everything Darlene! Positive thoughts to you and the new baby that everything goes as smoothly as possible!
I should have an easier labor this time around, at least I'm hoping so. I'm not too worried about it because Malikai was 9lbs even when he was born (big babies run in his dad's family).

I only have one, but I've heard the second time around is easier and I do type a lot about these things for my job. The second time around, you know more about what to expect, you are less anxious, and all of that helps too IMO. I think everything will probably be fine. The doctors have to do this all the time for a variety of reasons.
A lot of doctors do inductions just for convenience. I did the induction with Kai because I was so uncomfortable. But the discomfort is worth dealing with so the baby has more time to develop.

How far along were you when you were induced? Not trying to be argumentative (even though I suppose I am - lol) but I mean, as long as the baby is at or close to being full term, they don't need to stay in any longer. In fact, it can make the labor much more difficult on mom and baby if baby stays inside TOO long too.
I was 39, almost 40 weeks.

Well, I wouldn't see the harm in letting you go for one more week, but I guess if you, the patient, had insisted on an induction because of your discomfort level, and the doctor feels it is safe, then :dunno:

I don't know, though. I've never had a really bad experience. I suppose if a person doesn't trust their doctor for whatever reason, but then I would find another doctor. You should be able to trust your doctor's opinions, especially when it comes to something as important as your baby's health and your health.

Anyway, I hope that everything works out well. Make sure to keep in touch when it's convenient for you to let us all know how you and baby make out.
I should have an easier labor this time around, at least I'm hoping so. I'm not too worried about it because Malikai was 9lbs even when he was born (big babies run in his dad's family).

I only have one, but I've heard the second time around is easier and I do type a lot about these things for my job. The second time around, you know more about what to expect, you are less anxious, and all of that helps too IMO. I think everything will probably be fine. The doctors have to do this all the time for a variety of reasons.
A lot of doctors do inductions just for convenience. I did the induction with Kai because I was so uncomfortable. But the discomfort is worth dealing with so the baby has more time to develop.

How far along were you when you were induced? Not trying to be argumentative (even though I suppose I am - lol) but I mean, as long as the baby is at or close to being full term, they don't need to stay in any longer. In fact, it can make the labor much more difficult on mom and baby if baby stays inside TOO long too.
I was 39, almost 40 weeks.

Well, I wouldn't see the harm in letting you go for one more week, but I guess if you, the patient, had insisted on an induction because of your discomfort level, and the doctor feels it is safe, then :dunno:

I don't know, though. I've never had a really bad experience. I suppose if a person doesn't trust their doctor for whatever reason, but then I would find another doctor. You should be able to trust your doctor's opinions, especially when it comes to something as important as your baby's health and your health.

Anyway, I hope that everything works out well. Make sure to keep in touch when it's convenient for you to let us all know how you and baby make out.
This time around, the doctor is saying the baby needs to come. I wanted to avoid induction. But I'll just be happy when all of this is over with and I get to hold my baby.
I only have one, but I've heard the second time around is easier and I do type a lot about these things for my job. The second time around, you know more about what to expect, you are less anxious, and all of that helps too IMO. I think everything will probably be fine. The doctors have to do this all the time for a variety of reasons.
A lot of doctors do inductions just for convenience. I did the induction with Kai because I was so uncomfortable. But the discomfort is worth dealing with so the baby has more time to develop.

How far along were you when you were induced? Not trying to be argumentative (even though I suppose I am - lol) but I mean, as long as the baby is at or close to being full term, they don't need to stay in any longer. In fact, it can make the labor much more difficult on mom and baby if baby stays inside TOO long too.
I was 39, almost 40 weeks.

Well, I wouldn't see the harm in letting you go for one more week, but I guess if you, the patient, had insisted on an induction because of your discomfort level, and the doctor feels it is safe, then :dunno:

I don't know, though. I've never had a really bad experience. I suppose if a person doesn't trust their doctor for whatever reason, but then I would find another doctor. You should be able to trust your doctor's opinions, especially when it comes to something as important as your baby's health and your health.

Anyway, I hope that everything works out well. Make sure to keep in touch when it's convenient for you to let us all know how you and baby make out.
This time around, the doctor is saying the baby needs to come. I wanted to avoid induction. But I'll just be happy when all of this is over with and I get to hold my baby.

Oh sweetie! I wish you the best of luck! :smiliehug: Just relax and take it easy. I'm sure everything is going to work out just beautifully! :)
A lot of doctors do inductions just for convenience. I did the induction with Kai because I was so uncomfortable. But the discomfort is worth dealing with so the baby has more time to develop.

How far along were you when you were induced? Not trying to be argumentative (even though I suppose I am - lol) but I mean, as long as the baby is at or close to being full term, they don't need to stay in any longer. In fact, it can make the labor much more difficult on mom and baby if baby stays inside TOO long too.
I was 39, almost 40 weeks.

Well, I wouldn't see the harm in letting you go for one more week, but I guess if you, the patient, had insisted on an induction because of your discomfort level, and the doctor feels it is safe, then :dunno:

I don't know, though. I've never had a really bad experience. I suppose if a person doesn't trust their doctor for whatever reason, but then I would find another doctor. You should be able to trust your doctor's opinions, especially when it comes to something as important as your baby's health and your health.

Anyway, I hope that everything works out well. Make sure to keep in touch when it's convenient for you to let us all know how you and baby make out.
This time around, the doctor is saying the baby needs to come. I wanted to avoid induction. But I'll just be happy when all of this is over with and I get to hold my baby.

Oh sweetie! I wish you the best of luck! :smiliehug: Just relax and take it easy. I'm sure everything is going to work out just beautifully! :)
Thank you. I smell food, so I may be on later.
How far along were you when you were induced? Not trying to be argumentative (even though I suppose I am - lol) but I mean, as long as the baby is at or close to being full term, they don't need to stay in any longer. In fact, it can make the labor much more difficult on mom and baby if baby stays inside TOO long too.
I was 39, almost 40 weeks.

Well, I wouldn't see the harm in letting you go for one more week, but I guess if you, the patient, had insisted on an induction because of your discomfort level, and the doctor feels it is safe, then :dunno:

I don't know, though. I've never had a really bad experience. I suppose if a person doesn't trust their doctor for whatever reason, but then I would find another doctor. You should be able to trust your doctor's opinions, especially when it comes to something as important as your baby's health and your health.

Anyway, I hope that everything works out well. Make sure to keep in touch when it's convenient for you to let us all know how you and baby make out.
This time around, the doctor is saying the baby needs to come. I wanted to avoid induction. But I'll just be happy when all of this is over with and I get to hold my baby.

Oh sweetie! I wish you the best of luck! :smiliehug: Just relax and take it easy. I'm sure everything is going to work out just beautifully! :)
Thank you. I smell food, so I may be on later.

:lol: Eating for two now!
Congratulations Darlene! I hope all works out well for you.:)

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