Bachmann: American should be less socialist-like China


Oct 23, 2011
Bachmann: America Should Be Less Socialist… Like China | TPM 2012

Michele Bachmann thinks America blew it by extending a safety net to millions of Americans under President Johnson’s “Great Society.” Her solution? Model the economy after communist China.

“The ‘Great Society’ has not worked and it’s put us into the modern welfare state,” she said. “If you look at China, they don’t have food stamps. If you look at China, they’re in a very different situation. They save for their own retirement security…They don’t have the modern welfare state and China’s growing. And so what I would do is look at the programs that LBJ gave us with the Great Society and they’d be gone.”

Aside from the basic absurdity of crediting a country that’s still officially communist with avoiding the pitfalls of the welfare state, it’s worth noting that Bachmann’s broad condemnation of LBJ’s legislative record is in open conflict with her own political positions. She has repeatedly positioned herself as a staunch defender of Medicare, the centerpiece of the Great Society programs, and has slammed President Obama for using funds from the Medicare Advantage program to help finance the Affordable Care Act. Her critique of saving for “retirement security” also runs up against her stated support for Social Security.

“Social Security and Medicare provide a safety net to millions of Americans,” an issues page on her website reads. “This is a system that many Americans have paid into their whole life. America needs to keep its promise to senior citizens.”

More crazy at the link.
I think USMB conservatives deserve a pat on the back for having given up defending Michelle Bachmann.
Good point.

But haven't all the GOP candidates attacked Social Security at one time or another?
One right winger on this site said China isn't communist, not anymore. They are more like a corporation with the head of China more like a CEO.

Fucking Republicans. Watching Cain talk about Libya. Their stance on science and education. Newt on marriage. The fight against rebuilding American infrastructure. Their "bomb first, ask questions later" approach to foreign policy. After what they did in Iraq, frankly, they scare me more than al Qaeda.

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