Bachmann - Candidate without a church guys will go to all lengths to discredit a conservative woman.
Next we will see a post saying that Bachmann has changed supermarkets and now shops at Stop and Shop......likely becuase she found out that the owner of Waldbaums supermarkets is Jewish.

Suggestion...if you really care about ensuring we have the right person in the white house, spend time analyzing the virtues of a candidate and stop- seeking unwarranted criticisms.

Or do what you do....

And you'll go to all lengths to defend rightwingnut loons. I wonder how far back we need to go back to read posts that rightwingnut loons wrote about the president's church.

The correlation seems to escape you.

the fact that you insist on using "rightwing loons" speaks volumes of the intergity of your posts.
I did not criticize the church of Obama. I did, however, question the character of a man that would refer to someone with Wrights ideology as a "mentor".
Ironically, for some reason, people like you who are so quick to point out racism...even when it may not exist but may seem to exist if miscontrued....refused to even address the Wroight issue as automatically said "he is being taken out of context"....

Which, by the way, is fine if in fact you are fair and balanced and point out when things are taken out of context as it pertains to right leaning candidates.

But you dont. You AUTOMATICAlLY blast whatever someone on the right says that CAN BE taken out of context.

So take your partisan comments like the one I just addressed and use them on someone else.

As a conservative Republican for 40 years I know a right wing loon when I see one.
Michelle Bachmann is a right wing loon for starters.
Please tell me what is wrong with calling someone what they obviously are.
I frankly dont care what church she belongs to. Any, and I mean ANY and ALL politicians regardless of party that include religion to advance themselves DO NOTHING BUT HURT the religion. The second I ever hear my pastor invoke politics into his service that is the second I am GONE from that church. I question every politician who calls him/herself a christian amount of devotion to the church. In fact I believe they are total hypocrites. Man that feels good.
And you'll go to all lengths to defend rightwingnut loons. I wonder how far back we need to go back to read posts that rightwingnut loons wrote about the president's church.

The correlation seems to escape you.

the fact that you insist on using "rightwing loons" speaks volumes of the intergity of your posts.
I did not criticize the church of Obama. I did, however, question the character of a man that would refer to someone with Wrights ideology as a "mentor".
Ironically, for some reason, people like you who are so quick to point out racism...even when it may not exist but may seem to exist if miscontrued....refused to even address the Wroight issue as automatically said "he is being taken out of context"....

Which, by the way, is fine if in fact you are fair and balanced and point out when things are taken out of context as it pertains to right leaning candidates.

But you dont. You AUTOMATICAlLY blast whatever someone on the right says that CAN BE taken out of context.

So take your partisan comments like the one I just addressed and use them on someone else.

As a conservative Republican for 40 years I know a right wing loon when I see one.
Michelle Bachmann is a right wing loon for starters.
Please tell me what is wrong with calling someone what they obviously are.

Jillian pretty much uses the term for all on the right
I frankly dont care what church she belongs to. Any, and I mean ANY and ALL politicians regardless of party that include religion to advance themselves DO NOTHING BUT HURT the religion. The second I ever hear my pastor invoke politics into his service that is the second I am GONE from that church. I question every politician who calls him/herself a christian amount of devotion to the church. In fact I believe they are total hypocrites. Man that feels good.

Anyone that states "I am voting for so and so because they are for family values" is an idiot.
I know of no one that proclaims themselves as "anti family values".
Same thing for "Christian".
Very simple on this one, folks. The Lutheran Church Wisconsin Synod is an extremely Conservative organization. Its female members are not allowed to participate in officiating the service (reading lessons, etc...), they also restrain their members from being involved in any other fraternal organization (Kiwanis, Rotary, Boy Scouts, fraternities, etc....). As much as Obama's church affiliation was a story in 2008, Bachman is attempting to nip that angle in the bud before it starts.
the fact that you insist on using "rightwing loons" speaks volumes of the intergity of your posts.
I did not criticize the church of Obama. I did, however, question the character of a man that would refer to someone with Wrights ideology as a "mentor".
Ironically, for some reason, people like you who are so quick to point out racism...even when it may not exist but may seem to exist if miscontrued....refused to even address the Wroight issue as automatically said "he is being taken out of context"....

Which, by the way, is fine if in fact you are fair and balanced and point out when things are taken out of context as it pertains to right leaning candidates.

But you dont. You AUTOMATICAlLY blast whatever someone on the right says that CAN BE taken out of context.

So take your partisan comments like the one I just addressed and use them on someone else.

As a conservative Republican for 40 years I know a right wing loon when I see one.
Michelle Bachmann is a right wing loon for starters.
Please tell me what is wrong with calling someone what they obviously are.

Jillian pretty much uses the term for all on the right

No. I don't. I use it for rightwingnut loons. Unlike you, I can tell the difference between the two.
Bachmann was smart to quit this church. They are well known to be anti-Catholic.

Although the timing makes it look more politically expedient than an honest abhorrence to the church's bigotry.

At least she didnt wait until videos of her pastor surfaced yelling "god Damn America!"
This looks bad to me.

[ame=]‪Final, FINAL Days‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
As a conservative Republican for 40 years I know a right wing loon when I see one.
Michelle Bachmann is a right wing loon for starters.
Please tell me what is wrong with calling someone what they obviously are.

Jillian pretty much uses the term for all on the right

No. I don't. I use it for rightwingnut loons. Unlike you, I can tell the difference between the two. use it for anyone on the right you strongly disagree with.
I do not have an issue determining who is a whacko and who is not.....but unlike you, I do not define someone a whacko just becuase I have have different ideas than they do.

I have yet to refer to anyone on the left as anything but intelligent, articulate and passionate for their beliefs....although I will admit that guy from Florida (die quickly) was borderline a whacko in my eyes...for no other reason than they way he twisted things in his mind.

Unlike you, I respect the thinking of others even though I disagree with them.

If you would like, I will gladly point out to you from here on in how often you refer to someone on the right as a rightwingnut loon..

But if you prefer, I wont.

Let me know Jillian.
Very simple on this one, folks. The Lutheran Church Wisconsin Synod is an extremely Conservative organization. Its female members are not allowed to participate in officiating the service (reading lessons, etc...), they also restrain their members from being involved in any other fraternal organization (Kiwanis, Rotary, Boy Scouts, fraternities, etc....). As much as Obama's church affiliation was a story in 2008, Bachman is attempting to nip that angle in the bud before it starts.

And yet I know a number of women affiliated with that particular denomination who are strong, articulate, successful women heading organizations and running busineses. How oppressive could it be if one of their own is running for President of the United States? The Missouri Synod is indeed the most fundamentalist among various Lutheran groups, but it often gets an undeserved bad rap due to erroneous perceptions. For instance re the Boy Scouts the official church position:

Following careful and extended study of this issue, the June 1944 convention of the Synod approved the following position statement: "...that the matter of scouting should be left to the individual congregation to decide and that under the circumstances Synod may consider her interests sufficiently protected." This position was reaffirmed at the 1950 convention and has remained the Synod's position to the present.

The Bureau of Information, whose report the Synod approved, stated in 1944:

"We are unable to find any factors which would violate our principles and have not been able to discover anything in the practices of which a Christian parent, scoutmaster, or pastor would take exception."
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - Boy Scouts

And as for those describing Michelle Bachmann as a 'rightwing loon', I can only sympathise with their fear of strong, articulate conservative women of conviction. That's the only explanation I can come up with because though I don't agree with her on everything and she is not my choice as the GOP candidate, I see her as smart, savvy, committed to principle, and articulate. I defy you to put up ANY candidate in any party getting the media exposure she gets who has never committed a gaffe or said something stupid. Obama's were legendary.

But of course because she is a strong conservative woman she is not allowed the slightest gaffe or any error of fact without being branded a 'rightwing loon'.
Jillian pretty much uses the term for all on the right

No. I don't. I use it for rightwingnut loons. Unlike you, I can tell the difference between the two. use it for anyone on the right you strongly disagree with.
I do not have an issue determining who is a whacko and who is not.....but unlike you, I do not define someone a whacko just becuase I have have different ideas than they do.

I have yet to refer to anyone on the left as anything but intelligent, articulate and passionate for their beliefs....although I will admit that guy from Florida (die quickly) was borderline a whacko in my eyes...for no other reason than they way he twisted things in his mind.

Unlike you, I respect the thinking of others even though I disagree with them.

If you would like, I will gladly point out to you from here on in how often you refer to someone on the right as a rightwingnut loon..

But if you prefer, I wont.

Let me know Jillian.

Jillian has even called me a right-wing loon.

That should tell you just how discriminating she is with her monikers. Which is to say, not very.
No. I don't. I use it for rightwingnut loons. Unlike you, I can tell the difference between the two. use it for anyone on the right you strongly disagree with.
I do not have an issue determining who is a whacko and who is not.....but unlike you, I do not define someone a whacko just becuase I have have different ideas than they do.

I have yet to refer to anyone on the left as anything but intelligent, articulate and passionate for their beliefs....although I will admit that guy from Florida (die quickly) was borderline a whacko in my eyes...for no other reason than they way he twisted things in his mind.

Unlike you, I respect the thinking of others even though I disagree with them.

If you would like, I will gladly point out to you from here on in how often you refer to someone on the right as a rightwingnut loon..

But if you prefer, I wont.

Let me know Jillian.

Jillian has even called me a right-wing loon.

That should tell you just how discriminating she is with her monikers. Which is to say, not very.


Fair enough.
Bachmann was smart to quit this church. They are well known to be anti-Catholic.

Although the timing makes it look more politically expedient than an honest abhorrence to the church's bigotry.

At least she didnt wait until videos of her pastor surfaced yelling "god Damn America!"

Just remember, obama didn't leave for political reasons or those comments so the same people who said that..if they are consistant...will say the same about bachmann...its cause she is running for president and not because of anything else (thats why obama left rev right we were told)
And yet I know a number of women affiliated with that particular denomination who are strong, articulate, successful women heading organizations and running busineses. How oppressive could it be if one of their own is running for President of the United States? The Missouri Synod is indeed the most fundamentalist among various Lutheran groups, but it often gets an undeserved bad rap due to erroneous perceptions. For instance re the Boy Scouts the official church position:

Actually you have those two groups backwards. Of the three Lutheran churches in the US, the Wisconsin Synod is the most Conservative, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America is the least Conservative (ie, not Conservative at all) and the LCMS (Missouri Synod) is the right of center middle ground. I grew up in the LCMS. My grandfather was an LCMS pastor for more than 60 years. The LCMS is Conservative but nowhere near as much so as the LCWS (Wisconsin Synod). The LCMS allows membership in fraternal organizations, allows women to participate in the sacrament, allows for non-members to commune; all things the LCWS would never even consider. Personally, my guess is that either Michelle is not a terribly devout LCWS member, or she is simply not following the tenants of her faith very well.

And as for those describing Michelle Bachmann as a 'rightwing loon', I can only sympathise with their fear of strong, articulate conservative women of conviction. That's the only explanation I can come up with because though I don't agree with her on everything and she is not my choice as the GOP candidate, I see her as smart, savvy, committed to principle, and articulate. I defy you to put up ANY candidate in any party getting the media exposure she gets who has never committed a gaffe or said something stupid. Obama's were legendary.

Personally, I don't see Michelle Bachman as a Conservative. A truly Conservative woman understands that her place is not in politics at any level or in any way.
And yet I know a number of women affiliated with that particular denomination who are strong, articulate, successful women heading organizations and running busineses. How oppressive could it be if one of their own is running for President of the United States? The Missouri Synod is indeed the most fundamentalist among various Lutheran groups, but it often gets an undeserved bad rap due to erroneous perceptions. For instance re the Boy Scouts the official church position:

Actually you have those two groups backwards. Of the three Lutheran churches in the US, the Wisconsin Synod is the most Conservative, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America is the least Conservative (ie, not Conservative at all) and the LCMS (Missouri Synod) is the right of center middle ground. I grew up in the LCMS. My grandfather was an LCMS pastor for more than 60 years. The LCMS is Conservative but nowhere near as much so as the LCWS (Wisconsin Synod). The LCMS allows membership in fraternal organizations, allows women to participate in the sacrament, allows for non-members to commune; all things the LCWS would never even consider. Personally, my guess is that either Michelle is not a terribly devout LCWS member, or she is simply not following the tenants of her faith very well.

And as for those describing Michelle Bachmann as a 'rightwing loon', I can only sympathise with their fear of strong, articulate conservative women of conviction. That's the only explanation I can come up with because though I don't agree with her on everything and she is not my choice as the GOP candidate, I see her as smart, savvy, committed to principle, and articulate. I defy you to put up ANY candidate in any party getting the media exposure she gets who has never committed a gaffe or said something stupid. Obama's were legendary.

Personally, I don't see Michelle Bachman as a Conservative. A truly Conservative woman understands that her place is not in politics at any level or in any way.

And yet I know a number of women affiliated with that particular denomination who are strong, articulate, successful women heading organizations and running busineses. How oppressive could it be if one of their own is running for President of the United States? The Missouri Synod is indeed the most fundamentalist among various Lutheran groups, but it often gets an undeserved bad rap due to erroneous perceptions. For instance re the Boy Scouts the official church position:

Actually you have those two groups backwards. Of the three Lutheran churches in the US, the Wisconsin Synod is the most Conservative, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America is the least Conservative (ie, not Conservative at all) and the LCMS (Missouri Synod) is the right of center middle ground. I grew up in the LCMS. My grandfather was an LCMS pastor for more than 60 years. The LCMS is Conservative but nowhere near as much so as the LCWS (Wisconsin Synod). The LCMS allows membership in fraternal organizations, allows women to participate in the sacrament, allows for non-members to commune; all things the LCWS would never even consider. Personally, my guess is that either Michelle is not a terribly devout LCWS member, or she is simply not following the tenants of her faith very well.

And as for those describing Michelle Bachmann as a 'rightwing loon', I can only sympathise with their fear of strong, articulate conservative women of conviction. That's the only explanation I can come up with because though I don't agree with her on everything and she is not my choice as the GOP candidate, I see her as smart, savvy, committed to principle, and articulate. I defy you to put up ANY candidate in any party getting the media exposure she gets who has never committed a gaffe or said something stupid. Obama's were legendary.

Personally, I don't see Michelle Bachman as a Conservative. A truly Conservative woman understands that her place is not in politics at any level or in any way.

Really? That's pretty amazing. Please instruct us, oh wise one, as to exactly what a conservative woman's place is then. (And I accept your assessmentof the rank of Lutheran synods as probably more informed than mine.)
And yet I know a number of women affiliated with that particular denomination who are strong, articulate, successful women heading organizations and running busineses. How oppressive could it be if one of their own is running for President of the United States? The Missouri Synod is indeed the most fundamentalist among various Lutheran groups, but it often gets an undeserved bad rap due to erroneous perceptions. For instance re the Boy Scouts the official church position:

Actually you have those two groups backwards. Of the three Lutheran churches in the US, the Wisconsin Synod is the most Conservative, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America is the least Conservative (ie, not Conservative at all) and the LCMS (Missouri Synod) is the right of center middle ground. I grew up in the LCMS. My grandfather was an LCMS pastor for more than 60 years. The LCMS is Conservative but nowhere near as much so as the LCWS (Wisconsin Synod). The LCMS allows membership in fraternal organizations, allows women to participate in the sacrament, allows for non-members to commune; all things the LCWS would never even consider. Personally, my guess is that either Michelle is not a terribly devout LCWS member, or she is simply not following the tenants of her faith very well.

And as for those describing Michelle Bachmann as a 'rightwing loon', I can only sympathise with their fear of strong, articulate conservative women of conviction. That's the only explanation I can come up with because though I don't agree with her on everything and she is not my choice as the GOP candidate, I see her as smart, savvy, committed to principle, and articulate. I defy you to put up ANY candidate in any party getting the media exposure she gets who has never committed a gaffe or said something stupid. Obama's were legendary.

Personally, I don't see Michelle Bachman as a Conservative. A truly Conservative woman understands that her place is not in politics at any level or in any way.

Really? That's pretty amazing. Please instruct us, oh wise one, as to exactly what a conservative woman's place is then. (And I accept your assessmentof the rank of Lutheran synods as probably more informed than mine.)

Barefoot and pregnant...of course!

Just like all women of any ideology should be.
Really? That's pretty amazing. Please instruct us, oh wise one, as to exactly what a conservative woman's place is then.

No great wisdom here. Just a basic understanding of human physiology, psychology, history, and morality. Women were created to be the nuturers, the supporters, and the helpers; not leaders. Our grandparent's generation got it right for the most part. Mothers, wives, and involved in a relatively limited lower-level selection of employment opportunities prior to marriage and/or children. THAT is the role of the woman in the human race.

(And I accept your assessmentof the rank of Lutheran synods as probably more informed than mine.)

Thank you. Considering I spent the first 27 years of my life in the Lutheran church, I probably know more about it than I can ever hope to forget.
Really? That's pretty amazing. Please instruct us, oh wise one, as to exactly what a conservative woman's place is then.

No great wisdom here. Just a basic understanding of human physiology, psychology, history, and morality. Women were created to be the nuturers, the supporters, and the helpers; not leaders. Our grandparent's generation got it right for the most part. Mothers, wives, and involved in a relatively limited lower-level selection of employment opportunities prior to marriage and/or children. THAT is the role of the woman in the human race.

Gee. And after holding several high level professional positions and running my own business AND being happily married to the same guy for decades now, and raising two kids who are good, decent citizens with their own impressive careers, here I thought I was conservative. Live and learn.
FoxFyre; all I'll say is this.... That's my definition of a Conservative woman. Always has been and always will be. There is not a woman on this planet who I would ever vote for in ANY election. If I were ever to run for office (highly unlikely) I would not want any woman to vote for me.

Whatever works for you and your family, great. It simply means that I would not be interested in a relationship with a woman of your type. Nothing personal, just the reality of the situation.

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