Bachmann/Whoever 2012!!

Becuase not until the last presidential election where Obama promised to cut earmarks and spending...did any of us really notice an issue with the debt.

Please only became news over the last couple of years.



It was news when congress dropped Paygo and Bush passed those tax cuts.

Then started two wars.

Then passed a new entitlement.

Then cobbled together a whole new department (of homeland security).

Then passed more tax cuts..

Where the heck have you been?


Then Obama added 730 Billion more, started 3 more wars, and is trying to triple down with another stimulus. He has also blown more money in two years then any President in U.S. history. Still wont offer a plan to deal with our debt. Did you look at the votes he missed ? Almost ALL of the ones libs hold dear, yet you libs have no balls to look. Hold his voting record up against any of his challengers. If you find one of his challenger who almost never voted then post them up.

What three wars?

And the stimulus was to repair the damage caused by the nuclear explosion done to the economy by Bush and company. It was half of what it should have been and much to reliant on Conservatives tax cuts.

The Republicans have no plan to get out of debt. What they want to do is crush the economy and get rid of Medicare and SSI while giving tax breaks to the wealthy. And that would be the killing blow to the Republic and the start of a new Plutocracy.
How has hope and change made your life better ? How is it different then compassionate conservatism ? Both were bull shit.

Except this has nothing to do with your obsession of President Obama. I'm calling shenanigans on the GOP suddenly becoming a Conservative bastion because they elect a couple of Tea Party folk who end up falling into line anyway.

They also seem to ignore that Paul Ryan also voted for TARP. Clearly by that narrow definition of Conservatism that has been given, he should be thrown out of office in favor for a more conservative Candidate in the primary next election. :lol:

And Hillary voted for the Iraq war.

Just wanted to remind you of that.


So what?

It's well known that Bush and the PNAC cowboys fudged the intel.

It's also well known..that when a President wants a war..he gets it.
I love watching the leftoids here rail against the GOP for the debt while completely ignoring their own party's inaction on it...

Comedy fucking GOLD....:lol:

They also seem to ignore that Paul Ryan also voted for TARP. Clearly by that narrow definition of Conservatism that has been given, he should be thrown out of office in favor for a more conservative Candidate in the primary next election. :lol:

Sure did. Check it out here - Project Vote Smart - Representative Paul D. Ryan - Voting Record

Check them ALL OUT. Don't take there word for it, and certainly DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Check them out.
And Hillary voted for the Iraq war.

Just wanted to remind you of that.

Good thing I never tried to hold up Hillary as a bastion of Liberalism or voted for her then. :thup:

Fair enough...

But I believe my point was well made and well taken.

I guess when you look at Obamas short career as a senator and you see how many times he avoided voting in favor of controversial issues....I can understand why people dont hold against him things he beleived in...

Cause he seemed to believe in very little!
I barely know anything important about her. What I do know is trivial.
Palin helped her get elected.
The TP supports her.
She's got the conservative talk down.

But most importantly, I do know one more thing;

The howler monkeys hate her and that's all I need to know.

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds
Michelle Bachman Has Same Spirit As John Wayne Gacy!!!
Bachman: John Quincy Adams - Founding father at nine years old.
Bachmann admits John Wayne flub but insists John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father
Michele Bachmann; More Crazy, Every DAY!
Michelle Bachman: Turning up the Crazy
Bachmann Starts Campaign With Gaffe. Confuses John Wayne Gacy With John Wayne 'Duke'
GOP Staffer--Deficit Is Mostly GOP, Rep. Bachman Is High On Federal Spending!
Michelle Bachmann Hires Failed Ross Perot Campaign Manager Ed Rollins. 'Attacks Palin

Using the 'search' funtion, that's just page one and only thread with her name in the title.

Whatever you howler monkeys do, don't pay any attention to the debt of UE. think that's a good enough reason for people on the other side to vote for...let's say...Obama?

Couldn't read all of that. But it looks to me she voted her talk.

Aside from supporting the Patriot act, I couldn't find anything to have any beaf with.

That she did, She has political balls unlike our current president who had over 100 No Votes, to Bachmens 11. And before the Obama zombies starte calling me a liar you can count them your self here- Project Vote Smart - President Barack H. Obama, Jr. - Voting Record

Think we need to clear that up.

She has plenty of Nay's and Yea's but damn few NV's. NV means she didn't vote, it doesn't say why.
They also seem to ignore that Paul Ryan also voted for TARP. Clearly by that narrow definition of Conservatism that has been given, he should be thrown out of office in favor for a more conservative Candidate in the primary next election. :lol:

And Hillary voted for the Iraq war.

Just wanted to remind you of that.


So what?

It's well known that Bush and the PNAC cowboys fudged the intel.

It's also well known..that when a President wants a war..he gets it.

Well known huh?
Well known by whom?

4000 men and women died.....well known they died becuase a president lied...where are the hearings? The lawsuits?

Where are the foreign leaders complaining that Bush lied about THEIR intel as well seeing as THEIR intel was the same as ours?

Well known huh?

Guess you are just another naive poster on this bopard.

I barely know anything important about her. What I do know is trivial.
Palin helped her get elected.
The TP supports her.
She's got the conservative talk down.

But most importantly, I do know one more thing;

The howler monkeys hate her and that's all I need to know.

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds
Michelle Bachman Has Same Spirit As John Wayne Gacy!!!
Bachman: John Quincy Adams - Founding father at nine years old.
Bachmann admits John Wayne flub but insists John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father
Michele Bachmann; More Crazy, Every DAY!
Michelle Bachman: Turning up the Crazy
Bachmann Starts Campaign With Gaffe. Confuses John Wayne Gacy With John Wayne 'Duke'
GOP Staffer--Deficit Is Mostly GOP, Rep. Bachman Is High On Federal Spending!
Michelle Bachmann Hires Failed Ross Perot Campaign Manager Ed Rollins. 'Attacks Palin

Using the 'search' funtion, that's just page one and only thread with her name in the title.

Whatever you howler monkeys do, don't pay any attention to the debt of UE. think that's a good enough reason for people on the other side to vote for...let's say...Obama?

Sure, if you can ignore his voting record and job performance. and only a fool could do that.


Again. only a fool could ignore his voting record and job performance again.
It's pretty appalling that Two Thumbs has said he'll vote for someone who believes the following:

The Bachmann Record : Revealing Quotes

On the gay community and same-sex marriage: “This is a very serious matter, because it is our children who are the prize for this community, they are specifically targeting our children.” — Senator Michele Bachmann, appearing as guest on radio program “Prophetic Views Behind The News”, hosted by Jan Markell, KKMS 980-AM, March 20, 2004.

So Two Thumbs, do you believe that the Gay Community believe that children are their "prize" and that they are specifically targeting them? Yes or no answer will suffice.


It was news when congress dropped Paygo and Bush passed those tax cuts.

Then started two wars.

Then passed a new entitlement.

Then cobbled together a whole new department (of homeland security).

Then passed more tax cuts..

Where the heck have you been?


Then Obama added 730 Billion more, started 3 more wars, and is trying to triple down with another stimulus. He has also blown more money in two years then any President in U.S. history. Still wont offer a plan to deal with our debt. Did you look at the votes he missed ? Almost ALL of the ones libs hold dear, yet you libs have no balls to look. Hold his voting record up against any of his challengers. If you find one of his challenger who almost never voted then post them up.

What three wars?

And the stimulus was to repair the damage caused by the nuclear explosion done to the economy by Bush and company. It was half of what it should have been and much to reliant on Conservatives tax cuts.

The Republicans have no plan to get out of debt. What they want to do is crush the economy and get rid of Medicare and SSI while giving tax breaks to the wealthy. And that would be the killing blow to the Republic and the start of a new Plutocracy.

And it has only made it worse. China is doing ok as far as American jobs go. Healthcare has added debt. And what exactly is Obamas plan ? To keep blaming Bush shows lack of balls.
I barely know anything important about her. What I do know is trivial.
Palin helped her get elected.
The TP supports her.
She's got the conservative talk down.

But most importantly, I do know one more thing;

The howler monkeys hate her and that's all I need to know.

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds
Michelle Bachman Has Same Spirit As John Wayne Gacy!!!
Bachman: John Quincy Adams - Founding father at nine years old.
Bachmann admits John Wayne flub but insists John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father
Michele Bachmann; More Crazy, Every DAY!
Michelle Bachman: Turning up the Crazy
Bachmann Starts Campaign With Gaffe. Confuses John Wayne Gacy With John Wayne 'Duke'
GOP Staffer--Deficit Is Mostly GOP, Rep. Bachman Is High On Federal Spending!
Michelle Bachmann Hires Failed Ross Perot Campaign Manager Ed Rollins. 'Attacks Palin

Using the 'search' funtion, that's just page one and only thread with her name in the title.

Whatever you howler monkeys do, don't pay any attention to the debt of UE. think that's a good enough reason for people on the other side to vote for...let's say...Obama?

Sure, if you can ignore his voting record and job performance. and only a fool could do that.


Again. only a fool could ignore his voting record and job performance again.

Or the lack of a vetoing record in Obamas case. It is interesting which votes he chose not to vote on. Many were pet issues of the left. The man has no balls.
It's pretty appalling that Two Thumbs has said he'll vote for someone who believes the following:

The Bachmann Record : Revealing Quotes

On the gay community and same-sex marriage: “This is a very serious matter, because it is our children who are the prize for this community, they are specifically targeting our children.” — Senator Michele Bachmann, appearing as guest on radio program “Prophetic Views Behind The News”, hosted by Jan Markell, KKMS 980-AM, March 20, 2004.

So Two Thumbs, do you believe that the Gay Community believe that children are their "prize" and that they are specifically targeting them? Yes or no answer will suffice.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

seriously, open that link and read the numbers. Then ask yourself; Is a persons personal issues the most important things to be concerned about right now?

But in a direct response to your question;

I don't know. I don't give > 2% of the population that much thought. The impact of gays getting married and getting kids has so little effect on our and the globes economy only an utter fool would give it more than passing concern come election time.
Bachmann might win over the people who support Palin, but she won't be wooing an independents or Democratic defectors! She will even lose some moderate Republicans!
I don't know.

That's all I needed to know. You didn't need to try and justify your narrow-minded views. Furthermore, Michele Bachmann is likely as to lower the debt as I'm as likely to part the Red Sea.
It's pretty appalling that Two Thumbs has said he'll vote for someone who believes the following:

The Bachmann Record : Revealing Quotes

On the gay community and same-sex marriage: “This is a very serious matter, because it is our children who are the prize for this community, they are specifically targeting our children.” — Senator Michele Bachmann, appearing as guest on radio program “Prophetic Views Behind The News”, hosted by Jan Markell, KKMS 980-AM, March 20, 2004.

So Two Thumbs, do you believe that the Gay Community believe that children are their "prize" and that they are specifically targeting them? Yes or no answer will suffice.

She was correct.
Just as all of us target those that are most likely to listen with an open mind.
You opted to make it a bad is not.
What good is it for the gay community to target seniors as it pertains to their lifestyle? Most are already set in their minds that "gay is bad".

And is working. The gay community, with my support, is slowly getting what they deserve.....equal rights.
She was correct.
Just as all of us target those that are most likely to listen with an open mind.
You opted to make it a bad is not.
What good is it for the gay community to target seniors as it pertains to their lifestyle? Most are already set in their minds that "gay is bad".

And is working. The gay community, with my support, is slowly getting what they deserve.....equal rights.

They see children as their prize, you agree with such a view? You seem to be putting a different meaning on her statement.

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