Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

Those are the only stories ever done about the Reverend Wright in all of the media in the 2008 campaign?

I think you're lying. :lol::lol::lol:

You know, seriously, if victimology makes you people feel better, if pretending everyone is out to get you makes you people feel better,

fine, knock yourselves out.

but you morons put the asshole in the wh anyway so there ain't a damn thing about Palin or Bachman or any Republican that should prevent you from voting for them.. moron

Why would I vote for a conservative when I'm not a conservative?

That's right. You're a thug. You voted for a thug.
What's there to "Vet".... she and Palin have the same overarching problem.... tits. It's an immediate disqualifying factor for those of us who are actually Conservatives.
I know I will.

But I dont disagree with your assumption.....most on the right will ignore thoise issues just as most on the left ignored them with Obama.
The only difference is ,I believe...and we shall see if I am right....that the media will dig deep into the issue with a GOP candidate where they really downplayed them with Mr. Obama.

Is daveman full of shit for claiming that the media did zero 'scrutiny' of Obama during the 2008 campaign?

He is not FOS.

He is correct.

The MSM did not scrutinize...they simply reported the story.

That's what News is supposed to do... report stories. Amazing that you guys aren't complaining about the MSM when it comes to Weiner.... he's a Progressive and he legitimately did something wrong and he's paying for it... Charlie Rangel.... much the same. Wow...imagine that.

What you want is the witch hunt that YOUR side's media pulled on the Current President to happen across the board, which is bullshit because most of those Tidbits you threw out were misinformation from the right. In short, just because you believe something to be the truth... doesn't make it the truth.
if you are happy with the fact that the media you believe in (You dont believe in Fox) does a great job investiogating the candidates you are likely to vote for...then good for you.

But as we saw...your media only wants you to know about what they decide you should know about a candidate.

You may not see it....but we on the right do.

Oh, so I can expect Foxnews' primetime lineup to be scrutinizing Bachmann exactly the same way they scrutinized Obama?

She'd get a fairer look from Fox than from the left-dominated media:

On Wednesday, the more liberal Project for Excellence in Journalism reported their breakdown of cable news coverage of the election, and it showed MSNBC was overwhelmingly tilted against John McCain and in favor of Barack Obama. Nearly three-fourths (73%) of MSNBC’s McCain coverage was negative, compared to just 10% positive. For Obama, the good press outweighed the bad by a greater than 3-1 margin, 43% to 14%.

On CNN, McCain faced nearly five-to-one more bad news than good (13% positive vs. 61% negative), while Obama received much more balanced treatment — 36% positive stories vs. 39% negative stories.

In contrast, the Fox News Channel treated both candidates to roughly the same level of good and bad press, with Obama earning just slightly better press than McCain. One-fourth of Obama stories on Fox (25%) were positive, compared to 22% of McCain’s coverage. Both candidates received exactly the same proportion of negative stories on FNC, 40%.

Read more: No Doubt About It: All But Fox News Tipping Obama

I refuted this once before. You should have paid attention.
Oh, so I can expect Foxnews' primetime lineup to be scrutinizing Bachmann exactly the same way they scrutinized Obama?

She'd get a fairer look from Fox than from the left-dominated media:

On Wednesday, the more liberal Project for Excellence in Journalism reported their breakdown of cable news coverage of the election, and it showed MSNBC was overwhelmingly tilted against John McCain and in favor of Barack Obama. Nearly three-fourths (73%) of MSNBC’s McCain coverage was negative, compared to just 10% positive. For Obama, the good press outweighed the bad by a greater than 3-1 margin, 43% to 14%.

On CNN, McCain faced nearly five-to-one more bad news than good (13% positive vs. 61% negative), while Obama received much more balanced treatment — 36% positive stories vs. 39% negative stories.

In contrast, the Fox News Channel treated both candidates to roughly the same level of good and bad press, with Obama earning just slightly better press than McCain. One-fourth of Obama stories on Fox (25%) were positive, compared to 22% of McCain’s coverage. Both candidates received exactly the same proportion of negative stories on FNC, 40%.

Read more: No Doubt About It: All But Fox News Tipping Obama

I refuted this once before. You should have paid attention.

Michelle Bachman - running for President. Wealthy, successful, attractive, successful businesswoman and member of Congress.

What did you accomplish this week?
Doncha all wish the media had vetted President BO?

If you weren't so lazy, you wouldn't have to rely on the media....
If you'll remember, the media didn't do it's job in checking out Obama. A lot of people had questions, and the liberal media ignored them.

The hardest-hitting question the lib media asked Senator Obama was, "So, tell us, Senator -- just exactly how awesome ARE you?" :cool:

So why did Obama feel compelled to make a speech repudiating Rev. Wright,

if the media never made anything of that relationship?

If nobody knew anything about it, because the media covered it up, why didn't he just let it go? speculating that Trig Palin is Sarah's grandson fathered by her husband is legitimate scrutiny?

Ok... great... there's one. Hardly can call that equal, can we?
Your side sure does invest a lot of emotional energy into destroying Palin. You'll do the exact same thing to Bachmann. Not politically -- personally. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

And you won't see anything wrong with it.

Bullshit.... The only thing you have is the trig palin thing, and that came from an INTERNET BLOG(IIRC). Not some main stream media source. Just about everything else is political in nature... like her complete lack of knowledge and preparedness for answering the tough questions.

You guys, on the other hand, you laud the efforts of Rush, Beck and Hannity who Always go into personal attack mode... Democrats are Communists in disguise, Obama is a freedom hating Kenyan Muslim who wasn't born in this country and is a disciple of Rev. Wright.... He also wants to kill Grandma and eats babies for breakfast(the last one I made up).

and you don't see anything wrong with it.

The fact is that Bachmann's record comes up, and you guys are already playing the "Victim" card this early speaks volumes about the candidate's actual worthiness of the job she is running for... which is quite simply.... nil. THis has nothing to do with personal vendetta... this has to do with her past... which comes up. Ask John Edwards, ask John Kerry, ask anyone that has played the political game. It's not victimization, it's bringing things to the forefront that we base our decisions upon.

My only request is that we keep these things factual and not spread lies and misinformation through our media. Report the news straight up and leave opinion programs and columns express their opinion.... but let it be known by the home company(FOX, MSNBC, etc) that Opinion is not necessarily fact.
She'd get a fairer look from Fox than from the left-dominated media:

On Wednesday, the more liberal Project for Excellence in Journalism reported their breakdown of cable news coverage of the election, and it showed MSNBC was overwhelmingly tilted against John McCain and in favor of Barack Obama. Nearly three-fourths (73%) of MSNBC’s McCain coverage was negative, compared to just 10% positive. For Obama, the good press outweighed the bad by a greater than 3-1 margin, 43% to 14%.

On CNN, McCain faced nearly five-to-one more bad news than good (13% positive vs. 61% negative), while Obama received much more balanced treatment — 36% positive stories vs. 39% negative stories.

In contrast, the Fox News Channel treated both candidates to roughly the same level of good and bad press, with Obama earning just slightly better press than McCain. One-fourth of Obama stories on Fox (25%) were positive, compared to 22% of McCain’s coverage. Both candidates received exactly the same proportion of negative stories on FNC, 40%.

Read more: No Doubt About It: All But Fox News Tipping Obama

I refuted this once before. You should have paid attention.

Michelle Bachman - running for President. Wealthy, successful, attractive, successful businesswoman and member of Congress.

What did you accomplish this week?

So it's unfair for the media to investigate Michele Bachmann in the same way Barack Obama has been investigated because I'm not rich.

Good one. You're really racking up quite a first impression around here.
What's there to "Vet".... she and Palin have the same overarching problem.... tits. It's an immediate disqualifying factor for those of us who are actually Conservatives.
What year is it? 2011?

Oh, yeah. You're an idiot.
He is not FOS.

He is correct.

The MSM did not scrutinize...they simply reported the story.

daveman says the media didn't scrutinize Obama at ALL.

So I guess in a year of Limbaugh, Hannity, Foxnews, etc., none of them did any scrutiny of Obama. None of them put any investigative reporters on the air. None of them did any in depth stories about Wright, or Ayers, or the president's birthplace. Nothing.

Like I said, you don't consider Limbaugh, Hannity, Foxnews, etc. to be media. Do you?

You need to look up the word media and see what it consists of.

You're denying that there was media scrutiny of the birther thing?

Oh, so I can expect Foxnews' primetime lineup to be scrutinizing Bachmann exactly the same way they scrutinized Obama?

She'd get a fairer look from Fox than from the left-dominated media:

On Wednesday, the more liberal Project for Excellence in Journalism reported their breakdown of cable news coverage of the election, and it showed MSNBC was overwhelmingly tilted against John McCain and in favor of Barack Obama. Nearly three-fourths (73%) of MSNBC’s McCain coverage was negative, compared to just 10% positive. For Obama, the good press outweighed the bad by a greater than 3-1 margin, 43% to 14%.

On CNN, McCain faced nearly five-to-one more bad news than good (13% positive vs. 61% negative), while Obama received much more balanced treatment — 36% positive stories vs. 39% negative stories.

In contrast, the Fox News Channel treated both candidates to roughly the same level of good and bad press, with Obama earning just slightly better press than McCain. One-fourth of Obama stories on Fox (25%) were positive, compared to 22% of McCain’s coverage. Both candidates received exactly the same proportion of negative stories on FNC, 40%.

Read more: No Doubt About It: All But Fox News Tipping Obama

I refuted this once before. You should have paid attention.
No, you feel that you refuted it once before.

The MSM wanted Obama to win. Undeniably.
She'd get a fairer look from Fox than from the left-dominated media:

On Wednesday, the more liberal Project for Excellence in Journalism reported their breakdown of cable news coverage of the election, and it showed MSNBC was overwhelmingly tilted against John McCain and in favor of Barack Obama. Nearly three-fourths (73%) of MSNBC’s McCain coverage was negative, compared to just 10% positive. For Obama, the good press outweighed the bad by a greater than 3-1 margin, 43% to 14%.

On CNN, McCain faced nearly five-to-one more bad news than good (13% positive vs. 61% negative), while Obama received much more balanced treatment — 36% positive stories vs. 39% negative stories.

In contrast, the Fox News Channel treated both candidates to roughly the same level of good and bad press, with Obama earning just slightly better press than McCain. One-fourth of Obama stories on Fox (25%) were positive, compared to 22% of McCain’s coverage. Both candidates received exactly the same proportion of negative stories on FNC, 40%.

Read more: No Doubt About It: All But Fox News Tipping Obama

I refuted this once before. You should have paid attention.

Michelle Bachman - running for President. Wealthy, successful, attractive, successful businesswoman and member of Congress.

What did you accomplish this week?
He "raised awareness" on the internet. :lol:
Bachmann is in one week, the dirt starts surfacing. Palin has been putting up with this for 2 1/2 years. Still nothing. Bachmann is fixing to see the wrath of the liberal MSM and she will be looked at under a electron microscope. This is why Palin is going to come out shining because she has been vetted and has been vetted a second time and still, she has come out a winner. Romney has yet to be vetted like Palin. Same goes to Pawlenty but one thing is clear. There is something about a conservative woman that causes the media to go into search and destroy mode. Bachmann will be out of this race before you know it.

Michele Bachmann | Earmarks | Tea Party | The Daily Caller

Bachmann may also be plagued by her involvement in a controversial pardon. In 2007, Bachmann wrote a letter requesting a presidential pardon for a convicted drug-smuggler and money-launderer named Frank Vennes. Vennes was convicted of money laundering in 1988 and pleaded no contest to a cocaine and weapons charge. Making matters worse, he and his wife donated a total of $27,600 to Bachmann’s 2006 and 2008 election.

Bachmann’s penchant for earmarks dates back to her days in the Minnesota state Senate. Despite her reputation as a fiscal conservative, from 2001-2006, then-state Senator Bachmann proposed more than $60 million in earmarks, including a $710,000 “Bond For Centerville Local Improvements Around Highway 14″ and a $40,000,000 “Bond for Lino Lakes And Columbus Township Highway Interchanges.”

More In Link.

So, examining someone's legislative record is a witchhunt, but obsessing over a birth certificate for two years even though one had been provided is "due dillagence"?

Gotta hand it to you, Army, your comic relief is much appreciated.
So here's the rightwing line in this thread:

Bachmann's voting record - not fair game
Obama's voting record - fair game

Bachmann's religious history - not fair game
Obama's religious history - fair game

Bachmann's personal associations - not fair game
Obama's personal associations - fair game

Personally I think it's great that the Right thinks the only thing that can crush Bachmann's presidential chances is an 'unfair' scrutiny of who and what she actually is.

That's funny.
Bachmann's and Palin's words and actions are now a matter of public record and subject to scrutiny.

Why should Palin be scrutinized? She's not running for anything. She's a private citizen.

So you finally jumped off the Palin for President bus eh?

Told you that dumb bitch would never run.

For Army, this must be just like getting a new months Penthouse in the mail.

The latest and greatest spank material.
The best part of this thread is that USMB's number one Palin fan just happens to bring up the 'dirt' on Palin's number one rival.
If you weren't so lazy, you wouldn't have to rely on the media....
If you'll remember, the media didn't do it's job in checking out Obama. A lot of people had questions, and the liberal media ignored them.

The hardest-hitting question the lib media asked Senator Obama was, "So, tell us, Senator -- just exactly how awesome ARE you?" :cool:

So why did Obama feel compelled to make a speech repudiating Rev. Wright,

if the media never made anything of that relationship?

If nobody knew anything about it, because the media covered it up, why didn't he just let it go?
I expect the public's awareness of the issue was primarily due to Fox.

And you can't even see the larger question there.

Why didn't Obama repudiate Wright until he was called out on it? Do you think that was at all sincere? Hardly. "I'm sorry I got caught." That's all it was.

But it was good enough for you, wasn't it? Must not question The One!!

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