Back In The Ancient Year of 2020, JD Vance Did Not Have Very Nice Things To Say About His Imbecile Running Mate Donald Trump

I'm telling you harsh truths about your horrible political judgement, which is mostly motivated by hate.

Therefore, I could give a flying fuck about your lame insults. You are radicalized and a member of the sick MAGA cult and you need a lot more psychological help than I ever will.
How many times do you need to be told to stop projecting ? 😆
All that matters is that this nation absolutely does not need 4 more year's of the world seeing us as a laughing stock. To much hate and war's have been started because of it now.

Ignore it all you want, but when God is finished with this nation, and all because the Democrat's got their way with it, then all anyone can do is wait after that, because the wrath of God is coming for the acts that this nation has perpetrated while claiming his grace and protection over it.
You do realize that every NATO country views Trump as a dangerous joke and Putin's little bitch?

Are you too stupid to understand that? I guess so.
You do realize that every NATO country views Trump as a dangerous joke and Putin's little bitch?

Are you too stupid to understand that? I guess so.
It's sad that they've been bamboozled by Biden undermining this nation and undermining Donald Trump, and worse doing so to the point that until the change comes back into their favor, then they are too afraid to speak up because of the money they might be threatened to lose.
If this matters so much to you (Harris' former staff disliking her), then why doesn't it bother you that Trump's former staff won't even endorse him???

Could it be that you are just a hypocrite and completely full of shit?? Yep.
/—-/ It’s a reply to post #116. I’m pointed out it happens on both sides. GEEEZE. Try and follow a thread, will ya?
Post 116
Dr. Phosphorous said:
There is nothing "desperate" about it, gomer. Vance hates Trump.

How could ANYONE like Trump...except for uneducated racist bumpkins such as yourself??
It's sad that they've been bamboozled by Biden undermining this nation and undermining Donald Trump, and worse doing so to the point that until the change comes back into their favor, then they are too afraid to speak up because of the money they might be threatened to lose.
Yes, I unsophisticated MAGA bumpkin like you knows more than the leaders of all the NATO countries in Europe.

Just stop with your stupid MAGA dumb shit, dude. You are fucked up.
/—-/ It’s a reply to post #116. I’m pointed out it happens on both sides. GEEEZE. Try and follow a thread, will ya?
Post 116
Dr. Phosphorous said:
There is nothing "desperate" about it, gomer. Vance hates Trump.

How could ANYONE like Trump...except for uneducated racist bumpkins such as yourself??
Except it doesn't happen on both I explained to you.

Harris' former staff endorses her and is still willing to work with her. That is definitely not true with Trump's former staff.

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