Bad fall

Thanks very much for the good wishes and private messages. Someone needs to post a "pay attention to Samson" thread though.

Two bones broken in my right foot as well as extensive soft tissue damage. The damage to the knee replacement will require surgery to repair.

Really miserable flights home and were still not there. Tomorrow we will pick up the dog from the kennel and do a couple other things before heading to the lake.

We're both pooped and I hurt from head to toe. It feels like I hit everything on the way down. Makes me mad at my self.

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Two bones broken in my right foot as well as extensive soft tissue damage. The damage to the knee replacement will require surgery to repair.

Really miserable flights home and were still not there. Tomorrow we will pick up the dog from the kennel and do a couple other things before heading to the lake.

We're both pooped and I hurt from head to toe. It feels like I hit everything on the way down. Makes me mad at my self.

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that sucks

not much they can do for the foot bones i imagine

may the pain go away quickly

getting back to the familiarity of home may help a little
Thanks very much for the good wishes and private messages. Someone needs to post a "pay attention to Samson" thread though.

Two bones broken in my right foot as well as extensive soft tissue damage. The damage to the knee replacement will require surgery to repair.

Really miserable flights home and were still not there. Tomorrow we will pick up the dog from the kennel and do a couple other things before heading to the lake.

We're both pooped and I hurt from head to toe. It feels like I hit everything on the way down. Makes me mad at my self.

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I seem to fall about once a year. This year 2x so far, but nothing broken. As I get older, however, I realize I need to watch my clumsiness because, as you say, the older you get, the less likely you just jump back up and keep going.

Sounds like your injuries are extensive. Take care and relax now, heal.
You can find SalonPas pain-relieving patches in any drug store. These are adhesive patches which are applied over the painful area and they really work.

They come in two sizes. The smaller size is right for the ankle area.
You can find SalonPas pain-relieving patches in any drug store. These are adhesive patches which are applied over the painful area and they really work.

They come in two sizes. The smaller size is right for the ankle area.

We stopped on our way from one house to another, picked up one for my knee and one for the ankle.

Gotta say I'm not sure I'm getting any relief but I really did a number on both. Looks like I'm gonna be laid up far a while.

All the more time to spend with my good friends at USMess. ;)

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Two bones broken in my right foot as well as extensive soft tissue damage. The damage to the knee replacement will require surgery to repair.

Really miserable flights home and were still not there. Tomorrow we will pick up the dog from the kennel and do a couple other things before heading to the lake.

We're both pooped and I hurt from head to toe. It feels like I hit everything on the way down. Makes me mad at my self.

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that sucks

not much they can do for the foot bones i imagine

may the pain go away quickly

getting back to the familiarity of home may help a little

That's really true. Two weeks is a long time, even in a perfect place like a Caribbean island.

I'm looking forward to a shower in my own bathroom and a meal that didn't come from a restaurant.

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Thanks very much for the good wishes and private messages. Someone needs to post a "pay attention to Samson" thread though.

Two bones broken in my right foot as well as extensive soft tissue damage. The damage to the knee replacement will require surgery to repair.

Really miserable flights home and were still not there. Tomorrow we will pick up the dog from the kennel and do a couple other things before heading to the lake.

We're both pooped and I hurt from head to toe. It feels like I hit everything on the way down. Makes me mad at my self.

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This sounds very serious, and lots of pain. Hope it gets better soon and the docs take good care of you.
Keep posting.

It appears you might have also hit your head, and we're terribly concerned.

Repeating the same statements over and over is a sign of mental illness. You should schedule an appointment.


Perhaps you hit your head also: I haven't repeated anything.

Or perhaps you have some congenital mental defect.

Either way, you probably need to slow down. Reading Message boards are an acquired skill. Over time, I've seen marginal improvement even among the severest of handicapped, so please keep posting: Don't give up. PLEASE!

What a jackass. At least you're consistent :thup:
Repeating the same statements over and over is a sign of mental illness. You should schedule an appointment.


Perhaps you hit your head also: I haven't repeated anything.

Or perhaps you have some congenital mental defect.

Either way, you probably need to slow down. Reading Message boards are an acquired skill. Over time, I've seen marginal improvement even among the severest of handicapped, so please keep posting: Don't give up. PLEASE!

What a jackass. At least you're consistent :thup:


We can only hope that a fall and brain injury would actually sharpen your wit.
Luddly Neddite said:
Coming back to the hotel from dinner, I turned my ankle on the cobblestones and went down hard.
Im so sorry buddy...... I hope you make a full recovery soon
I really do appreciate the good thoughts and well wishes.

And the jerks and jackasses will be happy to learn that it's worse than I thought. Before y'all start celebrating though ... Even though it hurts like hell and I'll be laid up for quite a while, I will survive. :p

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Was thinking about you today because I was speed-walking back to my crib and put my foot on the 1st step and it started to turn sideways. I was fortunate enough to catch myself & avert a sprain or break. I will slow down when approaching the stair case in the future.
Was thinking about you today because I was speed-walking back to my crib and put my foot on the 1st step and it started to turn sideways. I was fortunate enough to catch myself & avert a sprain or break. I will slow down when approaching the stair case in the future.

That exercise really pays off though. If I were fat, diabetic, inactive, this would or could have been much worse.

I didn't remember that I had actually gone head over heels down steps. Also didn't remember that I had been pushed down the steps. Not on purpose. It was an accident, but I still don't remember some of it.

My face has huge bruises and I don't know or remember what caused that. Also don't remember the whole day we spent flying home. I just didn't know how serious it was.

Glad you didn't fall and do some walking for me until I can get back to it for myself.

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