Bad Medicine - Kamala Harris, The Bad Medicine Democrats Refused To Digest In 2019


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
Rising from the ashes of Biden's feeble bones and cognitive decline is a VP whom ALL democrats rejected in 2019. On December 4, 2019 she bowed out of the race for president. She did not have any support from the democrats to garner any electorates during the 2020 campaign.

The entire democrat party flushed her out labeling her a "Loser!" early in the game. Kamala is the bad medicine dems could not digest in the past, and now they a forced to swallow her with a frown. 😖😖😖

USA Today may have been the first to get it right in 2024 as they stated... "The same folks who lied to voters about Biden’s condition now hope to coronate Harris as his heir apparent.Trump has the lead heading into the general election, and the continued bonfire of liberal vanities will only fuel his campaign. If delegates continue to follow Biden’s preferred path in Harris, they truly aren’t as concerned about Trump’s return as they claim."
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It could be that the same blind delusion the democrats were under about Biden's physical and mental conditions is the same blindness they are being led by when it comes to K. Harris.

-a powerful delusion
When Harris does not win it will be too late for democrats to speak about what should have been done which is an "Open Process" of some sort to select a new Democratic nominee.

Instead the exact same people who chose the democrat VP has now privately chosen a democrat presidential candidate - both strange and weird. Giving the voters no say in the matter.
I'm watching Netanyahu speak now.
He is speaking about the Abraham Accords and the horrible attack on President Trump that was done by the democrats.

That room is packed and everyone is standing up applauding Netanyahu with a very long applause.
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It was 2018. Harris was still a relative newcomer in the Senate. And yet, she made a splash when she grilled Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s then-nominee for the Supreme Court.

“Can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body?” she asked Kavanaugh in a question pointedly about reproductive rights.

Abortion is not about a female's body. It is about the unique life of a human being the Left has already legally murdered by the scores of millions and wishes to continue murdering by the millions.
It was 2018. Harris was still a relative newcomer in the Senate. And yet, she made a splash when she grilled Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s then-nominee for the Supreme Court.

“Can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body?” she asked Kavanaugh in a question pointedly about reproductive rights.

Abortion is not about a female's body. It is about the unique life of a human being the Left has already legally murdered by the scores of millions and wishes to continue murdering by the millions.
Yea and she is trying to come for his jobs so she can fire him from the Supreme Court with term limits and other stipulations, but she is going to be defeated.
Rising from the ashes of Biden's feeble bones and cognitive decline is a VP whom ALL democrats rejected in 2019. On December 4, 2019 she bowed out of the race for president. She did not have any support from the democrats to garner any electorates during the 2020 campaign.

The entire democrat party flushed her out labeling her a "Loser!" early in the game. Kamala is the bad medicine dems could not digest in the past, and now they a forced to swallow her with a frown. 😖😖😖

USA Today may have been the first to get it right in 2024 as they stated... "The same folks who lied to voters about Biden’s condition now hope to coronate Harris as his heir apparent.Trump has the lead heading into the general election, and the continued bonfire of liberal vanities will only fuel his campaign. If delegates continue to follow Biden’s preferred path in Harris, they truly aren’t as concerned about Trump’s return as they claim."

You people really do not have a fucking clue do you? You were geared up to go against Biden and now you are facing a career prosecutor who will cut that gutless Orange Shit Gibbon to pieces.
You people really do not have a fucking clue do you? You were geared up to go against Biden and now you are facing a career prosecutor who will cut that gutless Orange Shit Gibbon to pieces.
If you continue your profanity I'm to put you on ignore.

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