Bad News, dims. Trump Approval Now At 50%


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This is significant because, frankly, polling numbers are skewed to the left because the people most likely to favor Trump are working and those who don't like him are most likely to be sitting home in front of the TV.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

In point of fact, at this identical time (Aug 1) of the Liar in Chief's tenure, he was 4 points below where Trump is.


And that was with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slobbering all over obama and with them hammering Trump at every turn.


Meanwhile, they have dimocraps with a 6 point edge over Republicans for the Midterms.

But we're not even campaigning yet and the Media is constantly campaigning for dims, so.......
Rising poll numbers even with all of the left wing deep state nonsense?????
Oh yeah!!!!!

have a nice day Hillary and Barry....:dance:
I'm willing to bet his numbers are a lot higher.

These pollsters only seem to run their polls in and around moonbat universities.

When the votes are counted democrooks usually lose.

Not that i'm going to be complacent. I will make sure everyone I know gets out to vote against democrooks.

I don't care who anyone votes for, as long as it isn't a piece of shit treasonous democrook.

This is significant because, frankly, polling numbers are skewed to the left because the people most likely to favor Trump are working and those who don't like him are most likely to be sitting home in front of the TV.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

In point of fact, at this identical time (Aug 1) of the Liar in Chief's tenure, he was 4 points below where Trump is.


And that was with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slobbering all over obama and with them hammering Trump at every turn.


Meanwhile, they have dimocraps with a 6 point edge over Republicans for the Midterms.

But we're not even campaigning yet and the Media is constantly campaigning for dims, so.......
Republicans are starting to get the upper hand with millennials and black people are rapidly leaving the left.

It is good night Irene for Democrats.

All we have to do is crush the “blue wave” and they are done.
This is significant because, frankly, polling numbers are skewed to the left because the people most likely to favor Trump are working and those who don't like him are most likely to be sitting home in front of the TV.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

In point of fact, at this identical time (Aug 1) of the Liar in Chief's tenure, he was 4 points below where Trump is.


And that was with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slobbering all over obama and with them hammering Trump at every turn.


Meanwhile, they have dimocraps with a 6 point edge over Republicans for the Midterms.

But we're not even campaigning yet and the Media is constantly campaigning for dims, so.......
Rasmussen :lmao:
Rasmussen :lmao:



All we have to do is crush the “blue wave” and they are done.

I totally agree with that.

We beat back the 2018 'Blue wave' bullshit and dimocrap scum will need 10 years to recover. They WILL have to change their entire platform.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an actual, honest-to-God choice again?

Seriously, wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to vote for a political party that doesn't absolutely HATE America like dimocrap FILTH do??

In Europe, most of the liberals in Europe are actually MORE Patriotic than their Conservative counterparts.

And dimocrap scum? Don't say you are patriotic. You are not. You are scum.
This is significant because, frankly, polling numbers are skewed to the left because the people most likely to favor Trump are working and those who don't like him are most likely to be sitting home in front of the TV.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

In point of fact, at this identical time (Aug 1) of the Liar in Chief's tenure, he was 4 points below where Trump is.


And that was with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slobbering all over obama and with them hammering Trump at every turn.


Meanwhile, they have dimocraps with a 6 point edge over Republicans for the Midterms.

But we're not even campaigning yet and the Media is constantly campaigning for dims, so.......

Polls are fake
'snicker' the RR is only the exception that proves the rule that the spread is a -9.3 at 43.5 to 52.8. Trump is in a shit pile.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 7/6 - 8/1 -- 43.5 52.8 -9.3
Economist/YouGov 7/29 - 7/31 1222 RV 43 53 -10
Rasmussen Reports 7/30 - 8/1 1500 LV 50 49 +1
Reuters/Ipsos 7/27 - 7/31 1571 RV 44 54 -10
Gallup 7/23 - 7/29 1500 A 40 55 -15
Harvard-Harris 7/24 - 7/25 1323 RV 45 55 -10
NPR/PBS/Marist 7/19 - 7/22 923 RV 41 51 -10
Quinnipiac 7/18 - 7/23 1177 RV 38 58 -20
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/15 - 7/18 900 RV 45 52 -7
FOX News 7/9 - 7/11 1007 RV 46 51 -5
Emerson 7/6 - 7/7 900 RV 43 50 -7
Common sense-thinking Americans are tuning out the daily Democrat hissy fits. They're completely sick of the Russia meme, 'Trump is Hitler!', 'Trump is Racist!', and so on. Democrats have nothing to run on. Their polices suck bad. Most Americans don't want policies like Open Borders and Higher Taxes. Hopefully, that'll be expressed in the Mid-Terms.
Trump hits 50 per cent approval in Rasmussen poll and surges past Obama's numbers from 8 years ago | Daily Mail Online

Donald Trump has achieved a 50 per cent approval rating in a poll that proved better than most at predicting his stunning 2016 election victory.

Oh this is the best weapon to sicken the leftis scum of the universe. They can't stand it they lie about it make up thier bs.

They can't comprehend how others who are just as much of a.... holes as they are , are the same idiots who make up lies appeasing themselves on false information. So when they think Trump is losing really he's not it's MSM telling their parasitic losers the bs so they can keep them following the Democratic a... holes.

It works well those who never jump ship are your die hard IDIOT.
This is significant because, frankly, polling numbers are skewed to the left because the people most likely to favor Trump are working and those who don't like him are most likely to be sitting home in front of the TV.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

In point of fact, at this identical time (Aug 1) of the Liar in Chief's tenure, he was 4 points below where Trump is.


And that was with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slobbering all over obama and with them hammering Trump at every turn.


Meanwhile, they have dimocraps with a 6 point edge over Republicans for the Midterms.

But we're not even campaigning yet and the Media is constantly campaigning for dims, so.......

Only an average of the polls has any meaning, if any.

Fivethirtyeight has Trump at only 41.4 percent approval.
It would have never happened without the hard work of the Left.
Thank you. :clap::clap2::clap::clap2:

Amid the constant storm of bad press, controversy and #resistance outrage, President Trump has seen his approval numbers climb — in fact, according to Rasmussen, he’s outpacing President Obama at the same stage in his presidency.

Rasmussen’s latest numbers from its daily tracking poll are the best Trump’s seen in a while. As of August 2, 50% of U.S. Voters approve of Trump’s job performance, while 49% disapprove.

Though he’s currently got the edge on overall approval, he’s still behind when it comes to those who feel “strongly” about his performance in office. “The latest figures include 35% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove,” Rasmussen reports. “This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -6.”

Keep reading…
Their 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!' meme is fading. Folks are fatigued by it. It just looks like a never-ending Witch Hunt to most. First it was about 'Collusion', and now it just seems like it's about dragging it out until they get something on Trump. Folks are sick of it. Trump's delivering for his supporters. Personally, i think he could do better on Foreign Policy. But overall, he is doing what i expect of him.
This is significant because, frankly, polling numbers are skewed to the left because the people most likely to favor Trump are working and those who don't like him are most likely to be sitting home in front of the TV.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports[emoji768]

In point of fact, at this identical time (Aug 1) of the Liar in Chief's tenure, he was 4 points below where Trump is.


And that was with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slobbering all over obama and with them hammering Trump at every turn.


Meanwhile, they have dimocraps with a 6 point edge over Republicans for the Midterms.

But we're not even campaigning yet and the Media is constantly campaigning for dims, so.......

Rasmussen? Very funny.

If that is true your boy Trump could have come out bragging and swinging.
This is significant because, frankly, polling numbers are skewed to the left because the people most likely to favor Trump are working and those who don't like him are most likely to be sitting home in front of the TV.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports[emoji768]

In point of fact, at this identical time (Aug 1) of the Liar in Chief's tenure, he was 4 points below where Trump is.


And that was with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slobbering all over obama and with them hammering Trump at every turn.


Meanwhile, they have dimocraps with a 6 point edge over Republicans for the Midterms.

But we're not even campaigning yet and the Media is constantly campaigning for dims, so.......

Even Rasmussen the most unscientific and fake polls giving him 50% is a total disappointment.

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