Bad News for Obama! 72% Favor Free Market Economy Over One Managed by the Government

No doubt this absurd claim is backed up by a MediaMatters poll.


Does Media Matters conduct polls? I have no idea. Unlike you, I don't pay attention to Media Matters.

Regardless, one does not need Media Matters to tell you that Rasmussen has a long history of leaning right. All one needs is a couple of brain cells. :razz:

Ok, got something to back that up, other than your insane diatribe?

Just google Rasmussen "bias" or look at Real Clear Politics. RCP compares polls and Rasmussen has a history of standing out and to the right.
RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

Insane diatribe? Hardly, unless you are an emotionally and dramatically charged person.

Your ignoring the fact that I busted your lie on the first page. Hillary was also beating Obama early on. If your going to use links to back up your lies at least keep them current to the discussion were having. I could give you a link where huckabee was beating McCain too but that like your link would be irrelevant to the argument I made now wouldn't it.

You lied in an attempt to bolster your position and I busted you. Fail..
This should also be bad news for the GOP since they have a long history of being antagonistic to the free market.

Unfortunately, many of them still live in the days of McCarthyism where you are either a Republican or a communist.

As opposed to what, you're ether a Communist or an evil Christian? you buy into the false dichotomy that you are either a Republican or a communist.

I am not surprised.

Your ignoring the fact that I busted your lie on the first page. Hillary was also beating Obama early on. If your going to use links to back up your lies at least keep them current to the discussion were having. I could give you a link where huckabee was beating McCain too but that like your link would be irrelevant to the argument I made now wouldn't it.

You lied in an attempt to bolster your position and I busted you. Fail..

No..I busted your lie.
Rasmussen polls have historicly been the most accurate to actual voter outcomes than any other.

Typical, can't argue the message attack the messenger.


They had McCain beating Obama.

I guess that would be your little secret now, wouldn't it.

Last year, the progressive website’s pollster ratings, based on the 2008 presidential primaries, awarded Rasmussen the third-highest mark for its accuracy in predicting the outcome of the contests. And Rasmussen’s final poll of the 2008 general election — showing Obama defeating Arizona Sen. John McCain 52 percent to 46 percent — closely mirrored the election’s outcome.

Democrats rip Rasmussen - Print View
Rasmussen polls have historicly been the most accurate to actual voter outcomes than any other.
Actually, no, they haven't.

Typical, can't argue the message attack the messenger.
I learned from the best ;)

Actually, yes.. they have.

Rasmussen Reports - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slate Magazine and The Wall Street Journal reported that Rasmussen Reports was one of the most accurate polling firms for the 2004 United States presidential election and 2006 United States general elections.

In 2004 Slate magazine "publicly doubted and privately derided" Rasmussen's use of recorded voices in electoral polls. However, after the election, they concluded that Rasmussen’s polls were among the most accurate in the 2004 presidential election.

According to Politico, Rasmussen's 2008 presidential-election polls "closely mirrored the election's outcome".[18]
The answer is a balanced mixture of free market reasonably regulated by the govt.
That is clear to all who can think for themselves.

Your ignoring the fact that I busted your lie on the first page. Hillary was also beating Obama early on. If your going to use links to back up your lies at least keep them current to the discussion were having. I could give you a link where huckabee was beating McCain too but that like your link would be irrelevant to the argument I made now wouldn't it.

You lied in an attempt to bolster your position and I busted you. Fail..

No..I busted your lie.

You gave me poll numbers from the primaries idiot. That's nearly one year prior to the actual election and we didn't even have primary winners yet. I gave you polls from the last week before the election as well as other poll results that were right on the mark.
Are you really not going to admit the fault with the poll your quoting as relative to the election results?
Please show me your not that much of a partisan hack. Please...
Actually, yes.. they have.

Did you even read your own link? From your link.

Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points according to Silver's model. [27] He singled out as an example the Hawaii Senate Race, which Rasmussen showed the incumbent 13 points ahead, where he in actuality won by 53[28] - a difference of 40 points, or "the largest error ever recorded in a general election in FiveThirtyEight’s database, which includes all polls conducted since 1998."[27].

Did you read that? Rasmussen recorded the largest error ever in a general election and it was biased towards the right.

And more from your link.
TIME has described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group".[29] According to Charles Franklin, a University of Wisconsin political scientist who co-developed,[30] “He [Rasmussen] polls less favorably for Democrats, and that’s why he’s become a lightning rod." Franklin also said: "It’s clear that his results are typically more Republican than the other person’s results.”[31]...

...Rasmussen has received criticism over the wording in its polls.[33][34]
Rasmussen Reports - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rasmussen polls have historicly been the most accurate to actual voter outcomes than any other.
Actually, no, they haven't.

I learned from the best ;)

Actually, yes.. they have.

Rasmussen Reports - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slate Magazine and The Wall Street Journal reported that Rasmussen Reports was one of the most accurate polling firms for the 2004 United States presidential election and 2006 United States general elections.

In 2004 Slate magazine "publicly doubted and privately derided" Rasmussen's use of recorded voices in electoral polls. However, after the election, they concluded that Rasmussen’s polls were among the most accurate in the 2004 presidential election.

According to Politico, Rasmussen's 2008 presidential-election polls "closely mirrored the election's outcome".[18]

From your link.

"FOX News contributors Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen (a coauthor of Rasmussen) wrote that Rasmussen has an “unchallenged record for both integrity and accuracy."

Yup. No bias here! Nothing to see here! Go back to hating Obama!

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