Bain Capital owns Clear Channel

Hmmm.. If that were true, I doubt it makes the difference since Obama has CNN. MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC as well as a host of other cable stations doing his bidding. It might help the fair factor.
Bain is going to own the Boston Globe too after Romney wins his Libel suit against them
In 2008, Bain Capital acquired Clear Channel Radio and 850 radio stations for $24 billion, and records show 14 of the company's directors have contributed more than $700,000 to Romney's campaigns. Romney left the firm in 1999, but still rakes in millions from his sizable share of Bain investments and pays 15 percent tax.

Romney's Bain Capital controls the board of directors of Clear Channel. These are people who started giving to Romney in 1994. This is a social and economic network that is deeply involved in Clear Channel and tightly controlled. These are Romney's friends and allies going back to the very beginning of his political career. And now they control Clear Channel Radio, America's largest and most powerful FM and AM radio station corporation. It operates 850 radio stations and reaches 110 million Americans.

Clear Channel syndicates most conservative talk radio shows including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Michael Savage. And what about all that "free" advertising that Romney gets every day on hundreds of radio stations across the country on these talk shows? What better way to control the message of conservative talk radio than to BUY it? Rush Limbaugh was given a $400 million contract in 2008 when Bain Capital purchased Clear Channel. He broadcasts on over 600 radio stations. Sean Hannity is heard on over 500 stations by 13.5 million listeners. Hannity also received a new and lucrative contract when Bain purchased Clear Channel in 2008.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney's Secret Weapon: Clear Channel Radio
What about all that free and for the most part positive press Obama gets from the majority of the networks and major papers?
What about all that free and for the most part positive press Obama gets from the majority of the networks and major papers?

But..but.. that's different !!

( don't know HOW it's different, but they'll come up with something )
In 2008, Bain Capital acquired Clear Channel Radio and 850 radio stations for $24 billion, and records show 14 of the company's directors have contributed more than $700,000 to Romney's campaigns. Romney left the firm in 1999, but still rakes in millions from his sizable share of Bain investments and pays 15 percent tax.

Romney's Bain Capital controls the board of directors of Clear Channel. These are people who started giving to Romney in 1994. This is a social and economic network that is deeply involved in Clear Channel and tightly controlled. These are Romney's friends and allies going back to the very beginning of his political career. And now they control Clear Channel Radio, America's largest and most powerful FM and AM radio station corporation. It operates 850 radio stations and reaches 110 million Americans.

Clear Channel syndicates most conservative talk radio shows including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Michael Savage. And what about all that "free" advertising that Romney gets every day on hundreds of radio stations across the country on these talk shows? What better way to control the message of conservative talk radio than to BUY it? Rush Limbaugh was given a $400 million contract in 2008 when Bain Capital purchased Clear Channel. He broadcasts on over 600 radio stations. Sean Hannity is heard on over 500 stations by 13.5 million listeners. Hannity also received a new and lucrative contract when Bain purchased Clear Channel in 2008.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney's Secret Weapon: Clear Channel Radio

Scott Walker won
Rush, Sean, and Glenn work for Clear Channel. Romney's Bain Capital owns Clear Channel and controls the board of directors. So, Romney and the GOP own their very own propaganda machine. Classic GOP tactics.
Countered by the Liberal Propaganda Machine MSNBC, owned by G.E. which pay no Income Taxes.
.. What better way to control the message of conservative talk radio than to BUY it? Rush Limbaugh was given a $400 million contract in 2008 when Bain Capital purchased Clear Channel. He broadcasts on over 600 radio stations. Sean Hannity is heard on over 500 stations by 13.5 million listeners. Hannity also received a new and lucrative contract when Bain purchased Clear Channel in 2008.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney's Secret Weapon: Clear Channel Radio

What an interesting theory, Chris. No doubt this comes from the same source that lead you to predict Scot Walker would lose the recall election in WI.

You really think that the message from Rush Lintball would be different, regardless of who owned Clear Channel?
Obama doesnt own any channels you lair
I didn't say he did liar for the record neither does Romney unless of course the far left loons are now claiming Romney was running Bain in 2008. Thanks for showing truth really doesn't matter to you.
Daily Kos: Does BAIN Capital Still Own Rush, Sean, and Glenn? DOJ Anti-Trust Final Judgement

Rush, Sean, and Glenn work for Clear Channel. Romney's Bain Capital owns Clear Channel and controls the board of directors. So, Romney and the GOP own their very own propaganda machine. Classic GOP tactics.

From your link:

With Newpapers stripped to the bone, I'd say we have snow ball's chance in hell of anyone doing the needed investigative reporting to learn about Bain & Clear Channel. It would take a team and some complex data systems.

Good thing they have people like you and Chris working for the Cause!

JUL 29 2008
Final Judgment : U.S. v. Bain Capital, LLC, et al.

Daily Kos: Does BAIN Capital Still Own Rush, Sean, and Glenn? DOJ Anti-Trust Final Judgement

Rush, Sean, and Glenn work for Clear Channel. Romney's Bain Capital owns Clear Channel and controls the board of directors. So, Romney and the GOP own their very own propaganda machine. Classic GOP tactics.

From your link:

With Newpapers stripped to the bone, I'd say we have snow ball's chance in hell of anyone doing the needed investigative reporting to learn about Bain & Clear Channel. It would take a team and some complex data systems.

Good thing they have people like you and Chris working for the Cause!

JUL 29 2008
Final Judgment : U.S. v. Bain Capital, LLC, et al.


I understand Moe, Larry, and Curly will join the crack journalistic A-Team before November.

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