Bain evil rich goons, give more campaign $$ to Democrats than GOP


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
I was going to put this in the humor section, to funny, and a major irony alert................with the appointment of an evil rich Goon from Bain et al ( hes has been sprayed by the Utopian Unicorn , so hes been rehabilitated) to head the OMB, now this, I really cannot wait to see how Obama spins this, its shaping up to be a pisser of a campaign season....:rock:

Bain gives more campaign money to Democrats than it does to Republicans
By Alexander Bolton - 01/19/12 05:30 AM ET

Democrats have accepted more political donations than Republicans from executives at Bain Capital, complicating the left’s plan to attack Mitt Romney for his record at the private equity firm.

During the last three election cycles, Bain employees have given Democratic candidates and party committees more than $1.2 million. The vast majority of that sum came from senior executives.

Republican candidates and party committees raised over $480,000 from senior Bain executives during that time period.


Romney has collected more money from Bain Capital employees than any federal candidate since the beginning of 2007, amassing more than $166,000 in contributions. He took more than $84,000 from Bain employees in the first three quarters of 2011.

But President Obama received a sizable share as well. He has accepted more than $80,000 from Bain employees since the beginning of 2007. Bain Capital employees gave $27,500 to Obama during the first three quarters of 2011.

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