Bakers fined for not working homosexual "wedding" continue fighting for their freedoms

I thought loving was correct, and my reasons for not liking Obergefell is again with the process, not the end result.
The same "process" followed in Loving was followed in Obergefell. Same EXACT process except gays had to wait until they were "popular".

and it was right for loving, and wrong for obergefell.

Uh huh, of course it was. I guess we should be happy you're only homophobic and not racist. Yay?

And the same exact process will be used for family marriage and polygamy.

if a state legislature wants to allow polygamy, then I am OK with it. same with marriages between some relations. Some States already allow marriage between 1st cousins.

Sorry if you misunderstood my post. If we are talking process, as you were previously, there can be no limitation to who, within a family can marry.

Personally, I would oppose such a thing as a mother marrying a son, but there is no Complelling state interest in the denial once you understand what the requirements NOW are for a valid marriage.
The same "process" followed in Loving was followed in Obergefell. Same EXACT process except gays had to wait until they were "popular".

and it was right for loving, and wrong for obergefell.

Uh huh, of course it was. I guess we should be happy you're only homophobic and not racist. Yay?

And the same exact process will be used for family marriage and polygamy.

if a state legislature wants to allow polygamy, then I am OK with it. same with marriages between some relations. Some States already allow marriage between 1st cousins.

Sorry if you misunderstood my post. If we are talking process, as you were previously, there can be no limitation to who, within a family can marry.

Personally, I would oppose such a thing as a mother marrying a son, but there is no Complelling state interest in the denial once you understand what the requirements NOW are for a valid marriage.

Personally I think anything closer than 2nd cousin is skeevey, (and 2nd cousin is 1/2 skeevey), but yes, when using the court logic, they have dug themselves a hole when it comes to further expansion of the marriage contract via court action.

Of course, since the Court arbitrarily decided it can get involved in this, it can also arbitrarily decide where to set the line contrary to its previous rulings. Once you open the "I do this because I like it" bag, you can't close it easily.
There are none, but then again, religion is not a protected class, it is a freedom guarenteed within the Constitution itself


Religion is a protected class both under Federal law and State of Oregon Public Accommodation law.


First: Please leave the contexts of my posts in place when replying.

Do you want to discuss how the ratification (voting) process of the constitution of the United States of America is different from court inacted protected group status?

Really, that is High School civics stuff.
The reason for the Baker's decision not to work the wedding is a bad one. Full of misconceptions and false premises to back their rationale. Still they should have the right to serve whomever they wish. There are lots of bakers without bias and disrespect. People should be able to hire who they wish. Rent to who they wish. Etc. etc.

Let me make it clear. I support the baker's right to serve whom they wish. I do not condone the reasoning behind their decision. It is hateful, stupid, ignorant. It is not love thy neighbor, understanding, accepting. Those are some "Christian values" and the ones Christians most often mouth but disregard as they see fit.

To my mind the fact that they have gone out of their way to make such an obvious and public statement is made ridiculous by the the fact that their god does not exist. The premises by which they apply the Christian philosophy for life are false and thereby invalidate the veracity thereof. Grown adults. Otherwise intelligent. Making crucial life decisions based upon such a ridiculous premise.
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and it was right for loving, and wrong for obergefell.

Uh huh, of course it was. I guess we should be happy you're only homophobic and not racist. Yay?

And the same exact process will be used for family marriage and polygamy.

if a state legislature wants to allow polygamy, then I am OK with it. same with marriages between some relations. Some States already allow marriage between 1st cousins.

Sorry if you misunderstood my post. If we are talking process, as you were previously, there can be no limitation to who, within a family can marry.

Personally, I would oppose such a thing as a mother marrying a son, but there is no Complelling state interest in the denial once you understand what the requirements NOW are for a valid marriage.

Personally I think anything closer than 2nd cousin is skeevey, (and 2nd cousin is 1/2 skeevey), but yes, when using the court logic, they have dug themselves a hole when it comes to further expansion of the marriage contract via court action.

Of course, since the Court arbitrarily decided it can get involved in this, it can also arbitrarily decide where to set the line contrary to its previous rulings. Once you open the "I do this because I like it" bag, you can't close it easily.

I agree, but this bag has to do with a law that does not include sex as a requirement for a legal contract. In traditional marriage there was that legitimate assumption.

Now, it is not
First: Please leave the contexts of my posts in place when replying.

Do you want to discuss how the ratification (voting) process of the constitution of the United States of America is different from court inacted protected group status?

Really, that is High School civics stuff.

You said religion wasn't a protected class. Yes it is protected class both under Federal Civil Rights law and Oregon Public Accommodation law.

Anything else is a deflection from what you said being incorrect.

The reason for the Baker's decision not to work the wedding is a bad one. Full of misconceptions and false premises to back their rationale. Still they should have the right to serve whomever they wish. There are lots of bakers without bias and disrespect. People should be able to hire who they wish. Rent to who they wish. Etc. etc.

Let me make it clear. I support the baker's right to serve whom they wish. I do not condone the reasoning behind their decision. It is hateful, stupid, ignorant. It is not love thy neighbor, understanding, accepting. Those are some "Christian values" and the ones Christians most often mouth but disregard as they see fit.

Welcome to USMB social philosopher. The Klein's refusal to serve the lesbians on a legal-discrimination-hunt at their shop was based on Christian edicts. Jude 1 says that the spread of homosexuality as a cultural value is an insidious one in the human herd. Since it is behavioral and sex habits so hard to break once ingrained and passed on to children via example and coercion, it spreads like wildfire; any condoned kink. It got so bad in Sodom in fact that according to the Bible, God had to come and destroy the entire city and left Christians with a warning: "Do not ever enable that type of society again or you will be punished in the eternal flames of damnation for eternity". Apparently God's reasoning was that if a society is so filled with objectionable addictive imprinted behaviors, even a soul with the best intentions at birth has no chance within that milieu at redemption.

So hence why for Christians it's such a big deal to enable homosexuals "as normal" in a society. No greater perversion could exist for a Christian than the idea of the nuclear family (mother, father, children) being completely dismantled to where there are two adults have gay sex with an absence of either a mother or father for life per a legal contract no less....while the children look on and learn...and learn...

Read Jude 1 (New Testament-Jesus's words recounted) when you get a minute. I guess long story short, God gets pissed off and punishes those who tamper with the matrix of the classroom to where they tear down the walls even of the classroom itself and there is no classroom left.

So the Klein's refusal, though inconceivable to you because you've heard way more surficial press about Jesus' teachings on "love thy neighbor" etc. etc. is still just as integral to being a Christian. When "love thy neighbor" goes from a sublime cerebral concept to instead an interpretation that renders into sticking your whanger in your neighbor's bunghole as "love", God gets pissed at the adulteration of his Sublime Dictionary. The Christian mandates aren't all fluff and "it's all good" stuff. There are some stern warnings in the New Testament still, even though Jesus was the "live and let live type". He was the "live and let live...EXCEPT.."these unforgivable things..." messiah..
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Thank you for all that. However, I am not a believer. The Christian god does not exist. While Christian philosophy is full of wonderful sayings and values, none are holy. They are all rather simple and common sense. We should all live by many of them. Those being the way others are treated. Human respect and dignity. If you want a more rational picture of what really happened you should begin with the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the Sumerian mythology/creation tale.
First: Please leave the contexts of my posts in place when replying.

Do you want to discuss how the ratification (voting) process of the constitution of the United States of America is different from court inacted protected group status?

Really, that is High School civics stuff.

You said religion wasn't a protected class. Yes it is protected class both under Federal Civil Rights law and Oregon Public Accommodation law.

Anything else is a deflection from what you said being incorrect.


Any deflection is yours. I never said that religion is not protected, you want to say protected class, knock your socks off. It IS a constitutionally protection RATIFIED BY THE STATES as opposed to one legislated by the bench.

There is a huge difference, you understand that right?
The reason for the Baker's decision not to work the wedding is a bad one. Full of misconceptions and false premises to back their rationale. Still they should have the right to serve whomever they wish. There are lots of bakers without bias and disrespect. People should be able to hire who they wish. Rent to who they wish. Etc. etc.

Let me make it clear. I support the baker's right to serve whom they wish. I do not condone the reasoning behind their decision. It is hateful, stupid, ignorant. It is not love thy neighbor, understanding, accepting. Those are some "Christian values" and the ones Christians most often mouth but disregard as they see fit.

Welcome to USMB social philosopher. The Klein's refusal to serve the lesbians on a legal-discrimination-hunt at their shop was based on Christian edicts. Jude 1 says that the spread of homosexuality as a cultural value is an insidious one in the human herd. Since it is behavioral and sex habits so hard to break once ingrained and passed on to children via example and coercion, it spreads like wildfire; any condoned kink. It got so bad in Sodom in fact that according to the Bible, God had to come and destroy the entire city and left Christians with a warning: "Do not ever enable that type of society again or you will be punished in the eternal flames of damnation for eternity". Apparently God's reasoning was that if a society is so filled with objectionable addictive imprinted behaviors, even a soul with the best intentions at birth has no chance within that milieu at redemption.

So hence why for Christians it's such a big deal to enable homosexuals "as normal" in a society. No greater perversion could exist for a Christian than the idea of the nuclear family (mother, father, children) being completely dismantled to where there are two adults have gay sex with an absence of either a mother or father for life per a legal contract no less....while the children look on and learn...and learn...

Read Jude 1 (New Testament-Jesus's words recounted) when you get a minute. I guess long story short, God gets pissed off and punishes those who tamper with the matrix of the classroom to where they tear down the walls even of the classroom itself and there is no classroom left.

So the Klein's refusal, though inconceivable to you because you've heard way more surficial press about Jesus' teachings on "love thy neighbor" etc. etc. is still just as integral to being a Christian. When "love thy neighbor" goes from a sublime cerebral concept to instead an interpretation that renders into sticking your whanger in your neighbor's bunghole as "love", God gets pissed at the adulteration of his Sublime Dictionary. The Christian mandates aren't all fluff and "it's all good" stuff. There are some stern warnings in the New Testament still, even though Jesus was the "live and let live type". He was the "live and let live...EXCEPT.."these unforgivable things..." messiah..

Thank you for all that. However, I am not a believer. The Christian god does not exist. While Christian philosophy is full of wonderful sayings and values, none are holy. They are all rather simple and common sense. We should all live by many of them. Those being the way others are treated. Human respect and dignity. If you want a more rational picture of what really happened you should begin with the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the Sumerian mythology/creation tale.

Well fortunately, the 1st Amendment exists and so therefore so does God. And the word "holy" just means "do this or else". There is nothing more undignified than forcing children to watch two men sodomizing each other "as socially legitimate" and calling themselves "your parents" doing so. The mother is completely vital and missing from that extremely undignified scenario.

If there was a Sublime Watcher over the human condition and progression of souls in the physical matrix, that Entity would have certain systems in place for testing those souls. If you assume there could be a Higher Power than yourself. Yes, most of God's rules are based on common sense. But common sense can be skewed by the stamp children receive in the matrix they are born in. For instance, "common sense" to white infants born in Germany in the 1930s was "Jews should be killed" by the time their minds sealed in school. That was, in that day, time and place = to "common sense". God understanding that all common sense is relative within a given time and society, set out some eternal hard rules to endure no matter what psycho new trend homo sapiens dreamed up as a culture.

And apparently one of those rules (maybe a lesson learned from Ancient Greece where "common sense" was to take a boy of 6 from his mother and sodomize him until he looked too old; and where that child older then took a child for himself to sodomize...etc.) was "sexual deviance can become so perverse and pernicious as to overtake entire societies".

So Common Sense is different from common sense. See what I mean? And hence the reason the Kleins cannot serve "gay wedding cakes" to homosexuals. Understanding it involves the wisdom and depth of the Sublime Plan; or at least a rough familiarity with it.
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Oh I understand what you mean by Common Sense is different than common sense. I understand the difference and of course you realize it it not the lesser one I speak of. These things are no great revelation. It is obscene that they are considered so. It leaves any other interpretation without credence. And often the other interpretation is the one that is greater in scope and importance than the Christian one. They are limited as to time, space and personages. Especially any philosophy that doesn't apply equally and totally to all humans is invalid as per the greater scope.
The reason for the Baker's decision not to work the wedding is a bad one. Full of misconceptions and false premises to back their rationale. Still they should have the right to serve whomever they wish. There are lots of bakers without bias and disrespect. People should be able to hire who they wish. Rent to who they wish. Etc. etc.

Let me make it clear. I support the baker's right to serve whom they wish. I do not condone the reasoning behind their decision. It is hateful, stupid, ignorant. It is not love thy neighbor, understanding, accepting. Those are some "Christian values" and the ones Christians most often mouth but disregard as they see fit.

Welcome to USMB social philosopher. The Klein's refusal to serve the lesbians on a legal-discrimination-hunt at their shop was based on Christian edicts. Jude 1 says that the spread of homosexuality as a cultural value is an insidious one in the human herd. Since it is behavioral and sex habits so hard to break once ingrained and passed on to children via example and coercion, it spreads like wildfire; any condoned kink. It got so bad in Sodom in fact that according to the Bible, God had to come and destroy the entire city and left Christians with a warning: "Do not ever enable that type of society again or you will be punished in the eternal flames of damnation for eternity". Apparently God's reasoning was that if a society is so filled with objectionable addictive imprinted behaviors, even a soul with the best intentions at birth has no chance within that milieu at redemption.

So hence why for Christians it's such a big deal to enable homosexuals "as normal" in a society. No greater perversion could exist for a Christian than the idea of the nuclear family (mother, father, children) being completely dismantled to where there are two adults have gay sex with an absence of either a mother or father for life per a legal contract no less....while the children look on and learn...and learn...

Read Jude 1 (New Testament-Jesus's words recounted) when you get a minute. I guess long story short, God gets pissed off and punishes those who tamper with the matrix of the classroom to where they tear down the walls even of the classroom itself and there is no classroom left.

So the Klein's refusal, though inconceivable to you because you've heard way more surficial press about Jesus' teachings on "love thy neighbor" etc. etc. is still just as integral to being a Christian. When "love thy neighbor" goes from a sublime cerebral concept to instead an interpretation that renders into sticking your whanger in your neighbor's bunghole as "love", God gets pissed at the adulteration of his Sublime Dictionary. The Christian mandates aren't all fluff and "it's all good" stuff. There are some stern warnings in the New Testament still, even though Jesus was the "live and let live type". He was the "live and let live...EXCEPT.."these unforgivable things..." messiah..

Thank you for all that. However, I am not a believer. The Christian god does not exist. While Christian philosophy is full of wonderful sayings and values, none are holy. They are all rather simple and common sense. We should all live by many of them. Those being the way others are treated. Human respect and dignity. If you want a more rational picture of what really happened you should begin with the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the Sumerian mythology/creation tale.

Well fortunately, the 1st Amendment exists and so therefore so does God. And the word "holy" just means "do this or else". There is nothing more undignified than forcing children to watch two men sodomizing each other "as socially legitimate" and calling themselves "your parents" doing so. The mother is completely vital and missing from that extremely undignified scenario.

If there was a Sublime Watcher over the human condition and progression of souls in the physical matrix, that Entity would have certain systems in place for testing those souls. If you assume there could be a Higher Power than yourself. Yes, most of God's rules are based on common sense. But common sense can be skewed by the stamp children receive in the matrix they are born in. For instance, "common sense" to white infants born in Germany in the 1930s was "Jews should be killed" by the time their minds sealed in school. That was, in that day, time and place = to "common sense". God understanding that all common sense is relative within a given time and society, set out some eternal hard rules to endure no matter what psycho new trend homo sapiens dreamed up as a culture.

And apparently one of those rules (maybe a lesson learned from Ancient Greece where "common sense" was to take a boy of 6 from his mother and sodomize him until he looked too old; and where that child older then took a child for himself to sodomize...etc.) was "sexual deviance can become so perverse and pernicious as to overtake entire societies".

So Common Sense is different from common sense. See what I mean? And hence the reason the Kleins cannot serve "gay wedding cakes" to homosexuals. Understanding it involves the wisdom and depth of the Sublime Plan; or at least a rough familiarity with it.

[Well fortunately, the 1st Amendment exists and so therefore so does God.]

I had to chuckle when I read that. The constitution of the United States, great document that it is, is nevertheless a contrivance. It is not written in stone and is a transitory instrument. You don't really presume that the constitution is a proof of god? I suppose you also believe you can legislate human behavior? Pass a law and suddenly it is no longer normal or human? No one would dare? The proofs for god is therefore the bible? Interesting position. If indeed that is your position.
There are none, but then again, religion is not a protected class, it is a freedom guarenteed within the Constitution itself
Any deflection is yours. I never said that religion is not protected, you want to say protected class, knock your socks off. It IS a constitutionally protection RATIFIED BY THE STATES as opposed to one legislated by the bench.

There is a huge difference, you understand that right?

You said it wasn't a protected class. You were wrong. It is a protected class under Federal Civil Rights law and Oregon Public Accommodation law.

Constitutional protections apply to government. "Protected Class" (in the realm of Public Accommodation laws) refers to protections and places of business (non-government) - also referred to as Public Accommodations - and other private entities (i.e. customers).

There are none, but then again, religion is not a protected class, it is a freedom guarenteed within the Constitution itself
Any deflection is yours. I never said that religion is not protected, you want to say protected class, knock your socks off. It IS a constitutionally protection RATIFIED BY THE STATES as opposed to one legislated by the bench.

There is a huge difference, you understand that right?

You said it wasn't a protected class. You were wrong. It is a protected class under Federal Civil Rights law and Oregon Public Accommodation law.

Constitutional protections apply to government. "Protected Class" (in the realm of Public Accommodation laws) refers to protections and places of business (non-government) - also referred to as Public Accommodations - and other private entities (i.e. customers).


You want to quibble, have at it.

The freedom of religion is stated quite eloquently in the bill of rights. This was ratified by the states and there was no need for court actions.

Please, where in the constitution is sexual orientation given the same standard.

Oh my, it's not.

And, please state, of those groups in which the protective status is given by the courts, which cannot be verified by an objective physical examination? There is but one. Sexual orientation. With that we are forced to simply take their word for it. It stands alone.

Now you admitted in another post, that two heterosexual males would be right in pressing a discrimination case against a baker for his refusal to bake them a wedding cake. And it was based on sexual orientation.


Because the men said they were homosexual!

Perplexing, is it not?
Thank you for all that. However, I am not a believer. The Christian god does not exist. While Christian philosophy is full of wonderful sayings and values, none are holy. They are all rather simple and common sense. We should all live by many of them. Those being the way others are treated. Human respect and dignity. If you want a more rational picture of what really happened you should begin with the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the Sumerian mythology/creation tale.

"The Christian God does not exist". Prove it. :popcorn: And while you're at it, prove water isn't wet.

What about the dignity children deserve having both a mother and father in marriage? Forgot about children in the marriage contract? That's OK, a lot of people do. But their dignity is still at stake. Either you care about it or you don't. Does your common sense recipe include marriages having both a mother and father for the children (boys and girls) who are part of it?

You want to keep it light and simple "don't go there" type of discussion. Strawman by net weight. However, the Church of LGBT has made it heavy and complex. So we have to talk about it, thanks to the Devil. It's always that way, isn't it?
And, please state, of those groups in which the protective status is given by the courts, which cannot be verified by an objective physical examination? There is but one. Sexual orientation. With that we are forced to simply take their word for it. It stands alone.

Can you imagine? Here's a lesbian testifying she is a lesbian: "I swear that even though I'm attracted to a female partner who for all the world, acts like, talks like, walks like, dresses like a man, and who wears a strapon dildo during sex with me, I am STILL SOLIDLY a "lesbian".

I mean, we have to step back and look at what the word even means? On the surface "simple...take her at her word." Going deeper (where challenged law has to go) "not so simple after all"..
And, please state, of those groups in which the protective status is given by the courts, which cannot be verified by an objective physical examination? There is but one. Sexual orientation. With that we are forced to simply take their word for it. It stands alone.

Can you imagine? Here's a lesbian testifying she is a lesbian: "I swear that even though I'm attracted to a female partner who for all the world, acts like, talks like, walks like, dresses like a man, and who wears a strapon dildo during sex with me, I am STILL SOLIDLY a "lesbian".

I mean, we have to step back and look at what the word even means? On the surface "simple...take her at her word." Going deeper (where challenged law has to go) "not so simple after all"..

You're just mad that her strap-on dyke is more man than you'll ever have.
And, please state, of those groups in which the protective status is given by the courts

Religion, Sexual Orientation, Race, National Origin, Marital Status were not defined by the courts they specifically enumerated in the Oregon Public Accommodation law. Therefore they were defined by the Oregon Legislature, not the courts.


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