Zone1 HBCU's

WTH? That racist refused to shake the whites’ hands?! Now imagine if a white student did that to the black leaders.

Her name should be published so that any potential white employer knows he’s dealing with a nasty racist.
In fairness, it looks like she also snubs the first black woman. A woman with long white hair and glasses. She is second in-line, right behind a white woman (who gets her hand shook first). Even IF, there isn’t a racial aspect to her actions, it’s like the higher ed version of a Waffle House brawl.
HBCUs are needed to protect fragile black people from shaking hands with white people.

Wrong! HBCUs started before the American Civil War. It was the "white people" that didn't want to "shake hands" with others.

The first HBCUs were founded in Pennsylvania and Ohio before the American Civil War (1861–65) with the purpose of providing Black youths—who were largely prevented, due to racial discrimination, from attending established colleges and universities—with a basic education and training to become teachers or tradesmen.

The first colleges for African Americans were established largely through the efforts of black churches with the support of the American Missionary Association and the Freedmen’s Bureau. The second Morrill Act of 1890 required states—especially former confederate states—to provide land-grants for institutions for black students if admission was not allowed elsewhere. As a result, many Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) were founded.

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