Baltimore Residents Blame Record-High Murder Rate On Lower Police Presence

The cops get nothing but a load of shit whenever they go into those inner city neighborhoods. Maybe residents should learn to have a little respect for the law, that might be a good first step.
The cops get nothing but a load of shit whenever they go into those inner city neighborhoods. Maybe residents should learn to have a little respect for the law, that might be a good first step.
Exactly why you should be supporting a law and order president like Trump.
The cops get nothing but a load of shit whenever they go into those inner city neighborhoods. Maybe residents should learn to have a little respect for the law, that might be a good first step.
Exactly why you should be supporting a law and order president like Trump.
I support some of trump's policies: limiting legal immigration to a trickle, completely stopping illegal immigration, and deportation of anyone who is here illegally.

I also feel that most, if not all, "refugees" who came here should be returned to their own countries and helped there. This would include all Haitians, Africans, anyone from the middle east, and others. The U.S. should not allow itself to become a dumping ground for the world's every problem. Our immigration policies have to be completely changed, tightened, and enforced.

trump's support for the police is also much needed. The police have been dumped on for far too long. They should be allowed to use whatever force is needed in a given situation. Only the cop on the ground, who is dealing with scumbags really knows the danger in a situation he confronts.

And, regarding the topic of this thread, if residents of inner city neighborhoods continually threaten police as angry crowds form, chanting their stupid accusations every time police respond to a call in their neighborhoods, then let them go fuck themselves. Cops' lives should not be put at risk in order to patrol and try to protect these areas and the ignorant ingrates who don't appreciate their efforts.

But, in many ways, I can't stand trump: his stupid Tweets make him seem like an immature child. He too often behaves like someone suffering from stunted development. And it's pathetic, the way he hangs onto small slights from people who can do him no harm. His insults, hurled at women, minorities, other world leaders, anyone who catches the attention of his small mind, are also disgusting.

His decisions that endanger the environment, his lack of knowledge about how the government in general and diplomacy works, the damage he has done, and is continuing to do, to foreign relations. The way he has made America a laughingstock across the world because of his petty, ignorant, behavior. His insistance on getting HIS way at all times, rather than being able to consider the needs of all sides and all people.

In short, I like trump's pro-law and order positions and his immigration actions. But, overall, I consider him to be a lazy, lying, arrogant, small-minded, dolt. He seems totally incapable of learning or emotional growth, and he is incapable of caring about anyone other than himself.

For those reasons, and more, it is my opinion that trump is unfit to be president of this great country.
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See, I told you guys the blacks are stupid

Hell anyone living in Baltimore is stupid especially since the powers that be tries to hose those cops.

I wouldn't be a police officer if they paid me a thousand dollars an hour.
The cops get nothing but a load of shit whenever they go into those inner city neighborhoods. Maybe residents should learn to have a little respect for the law, that might be a good first step.
Exactly why you should be supporting a law and order president like Trump.
Law and order president my ass!

Not for the rich,,,, he has 2 standards, one for the little guy and one for people like himself, the man of lawlessness! :eek:
The cops get nothing but a load of shit whenever they go into those inner city neighborhoods. Maybe residents should learn to have a little respect for the law, that might be a good first step.
Exactly why you should be supporting a law and order president like Trump.
I support some of trump's policies: limiting legal immigration to a trickle, completely stopping illegal immigration, and deportation of anyone who is here illegally.

I also feel that most, if not all, "refugees" who came here should be returned to their own countries and helped there. This would include all Haitians, Africans, anyone from the middle east, and others. The U.S. should not allow itself to become a dumping ground for the world's every problem. Our immigration policies have to be completely changed, tightened, and enforced.

trump's support for the police is also much needed. The police have been dumped on for far too long. They should be allowed to use whatever force is needed in a given situation. Only the cop on the ground, who is dealing with scumbags really knows the danger in a situation he confronts.

And, regarding the topic of this thread, if residents of inner city neighborhoods continually threaten police as angry crowds form, chanting their stupid accusations every time police respond to a call in their neighborhoods, then let them go fuck themselves. Cops' lives should not be put at risk in order to patrol and try to protect these areas and the ignorant ingrates who don't appreciate their efforts.

Well said, up to this point.
More good cops on the streets gives time and the bodies, to develop relationships of trust with the community...

When president Clinton increased federal help to the states for more good cops, I believe crime rates went down?
The thinking by liberals on this is fascinating. They simply cannot grasp that when you go and dick law enforcement like that jackass mayor 3 years ago, donut breaks are going to go up 10 fold. duh...........and that kind of thinking gets people killed in droves. Lots of people. Those poor people in these Baltimore shithole neighborhoods........nobody is coming to help them. They are sitting ducks.

Then you see these k00k-ass solutions by these bubble dweller thinkers like Careforall..........."we need more good cops". Really now? But to these liberals, you're a bad cop if you use any force to arrest a violent black felon = lots and lots of jelly donuts and java for law enforcement.

fucking duh.........when you indict a whole police department due to a couple of bad cops, you're guaranteed to accomplish one thing: get a lot of black people dead.:gay:
More good cops on the streets gives time and the bodies, to develop relationships of trust with the community...

When president Clinton increased federal help to the states for more good cops, I believe crime rates went down?
Then came Obama and screwed it up.

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