Baltimore riots, blame democrat policies of Mayor O' malley, running for president..

Bo Dacious.....excuse me if I quote your post.....

The dirty little secret no one wants to admit about Baltimore - Allen B. West -

Every single major urban center in America is run by Democrats — more specifically, liberal progressives, black or white. The morass that became Detroit. The killing fields of Chicago. The depravity of Washington DC. The shame of South Dallas. And yes, even the place that was once my home, Atlanta — even with all the successful black entertainers.

Now, I remember the first black mayor of Atlanta, Maynard Jackson. That guy was a leader and even spoke at my high school Baccalaureate. But today, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed has done such a bang-up job that the Atlanta Braves are moving to Cobb County!

Just do the assessment yourselves, who are the elected officials heading up the urban centers? And where does one find the most dire socio-economic statistics?

Yet we hear these rioters blame whites — well, they need to make sure they’re specifically blaming the correct whites — those on the left.

But....if we only gave them more money.....I mean...obama only gave Baltimore 1.8 million dollars in stimulus money......
And why not cite great economist Thomas know he started out as a marxist communist, even wrote books on marx....then he grew up......

The Inconvenient Truth about Ghetto Communities Social Breakdown National Review Online

----Anyone who is serious about evidence need only compare black communities as they evolved in the first 100 years after slavery with black communities as they evolved in the first 50 years after the explosive growth of the welfare state, beginning in the 1960s. You would be hard-pressed to find as many ghetto riots prior to the 1960s as we have seen just in the past year, much less in the 50 years since a wave of such riots swept across the country in 1965.

---One key fact that keeps getting ignored is that the poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits every year since 1994. Behavior matters and facts matter, more than the prevailing social visions or political empires built on those visions.Read more at: The Inconvenient Truth about Ghetto Communities Social Breakdown National Review Online
From 1969 there have only been 2 Republican governors of Maryland.....
How many politicians have shipped Maryland jobs to China since 1969? The decision to offshore jobs takes place in corporate boardrooms where rich Republicans AND Democrats decide the fate on thousands of productive workers. You are blaming politicians for something they are not responsible for.
From 1969 there have only been 2 Republican governors of Maryland.....
How many politicians have shipped Maryland jobs to China since 1969? The decision to offshore jobs takes place in corporate boardrooms where rich Republicans AND Democrats decide the fate on thousands of productive workers. You are blaming politicians for something they are not responsible for.

The decisions made are based on hostile communities who see business as the enemy and piggy banks for corrupt, greedy politicians and union them, fine them, increase their fees and put the hand out for bribes...constantly....and they look for better environment to do business......and as your new Presidential candidate shows...corruption and greed are the hallmark of democrat politicians.....on top of no idea of how to nurture job growth in a city.....
We are told that such riots are a result of black poverty and white racism. But in fact — for those who still have some respect for facts — black poverty was far worse, and white racism was far worse, prior to 1960. But violent crime within black ghettos was far less.
another intelligent column on why Baltimore went down the crapper....

When Liberals Run Cities - John C. Goodman - Page 1

et rid of one left wing myth right away. Krugman and other liberal commentators are asserting that Baltimore’s poor minority community is suffering from “neglect.” True? Hardly.

Among the top 100 school districts in the country, Baltimore spending per student ranks number two – trailing only New York. According to George Mason University economist Alex Tabarrok, Baltimore spends $17,196 per student – an amount that would pay the tuition at some of the nation’s most exclusive private schools. Further, according to Terence Jeffrey, the Baltimore school system has about 10,165 teachers and other staff on the payroll in the 2012-2013 school year — or about 1 for every 8.3 students.

Yet the school system there has all the characteristics of a classic bureaucracy. Despite an 8 to 1 student-to-adult ratio, class sizes are often 40 students per teacher. And despite a huge budget that would be the envy of most inner city schools, according the Baltimore Sunonly $5,190 per student finds its way into the classroom. Perhaps that’s why we are hearing that students are using 20-year-old books.

In some neighborhoods, half the students don’t show up for class on any given day. One reason may be the deplorable conditions of the school buildings. Baltimore businessman Jay Steinmetz writes in the Wall Street Journal:
To be fair with their budget, dollars to doughnuts a lot of that money goes to pensions. Businesses and Government made an unfortunate financial mistake when it comes to pensions, though one could argue it was unions. Either way it is a non-sustainable program that's become a major problem for pretty much everyone not in the multi-billions who offered them/continues to offer them.
Baltimore....the reason there is such damage in that governing policies.....the one I point out all the time...undermining the this case...the next democrat to run for President against crime boss hilary is the former Mayor of Baltimore....Martin O'malley...who used the police not to keep the peace and keep people safe....but in typical democrat exploit blacks for his own personal gain....something democrats have done since slavery.....the modern democrats have simply changed tactics....

The Wire Creator Demolishes Baltimore Crime Myths Pushed by Martin O Malley - Breitbart

No, the Baltimore scenario Simon laid out in gripping detail is about how ambitious Democrat mayor Martin O’Malley created and encouraged an environment of lawlessness by the police. It’s about how O’Malley cynically manipulated crime statistics in order to pad his resume for his future political career, a strategy he continues to employ as he prepares his presidential run......

Simon’s essential thesis is that in order to bring down crime stats to pump up his future political ambitions, Democrat Martin O’Malley took actions that destroyed the quality of policing in Baltimore.

As an example, look at Simon’s assertion that under Mayor O’Malley, the police began to do massive sweeps for no other reason than to gin up arrest numbers.

They actually had police supervisors stationed with printed forms at the city jail – forms that said, essentially, you can go home now if you sign away any liability the city has for false arrest, or you can not sign the form and spend the weekend in jail until you see a court commissioner. And tens of thousands of people signed that form.
The riots were started by the Baltimore police when they began taking kids off of buses and not letting them go home.

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