Democrat Mayor: Residents Must ‘Sacrifice’ for Denver ‘to Be a Welcoming City’ for Illegals

However, funding the open borders agenda “requires shared sacrifice” from the public, the mayor asserted.

“It requires compromise,” he added.
Sure, I'll agree when I see sanctimonious Democrats like Mayor Johnston demonstrate how HE is sharing in the sacrifice that he is forcing on the poor constituents of his city.

Denver’s Democrat mayor has declared that his residents must now accept a “shared sacrifice” in order for the Colorado city to become “welcoming” for illegal aliens.

The comments from Mayor Mike Johnston come as he seeks to divert Denver’s resources to fund the influx of illegal border crossers.

After burning through Denver taxpayers’ money, Johnston is now demanding federal tax dollars to fund his great replacement agenda.

“We want to be a welcoming city,” Johnston declared during a CNBC interview that aired this week.

However, funding the open borders agenda “requires shared sacrifice” from the public, the mayor asserted.

“It requires compromise,” he added.

“So, we are both making cuts to city budgets to meet this financial need, and we are making cuts to the amount of services we can provide to the migrants that arrive and to the number of folks that we can serve,” he told CNBC.

Johnston was asked to respond to critics who argue Denver has been too generous to illegal aliens.

The mayor responded by saying his initiatives to cut city budget services for them is “a balance.”

I wonder, will that communist mayor be moving illegals to live in his spare bedrooms at his own house?

Somehow, when democrats talk about "sacrifice," it's always everyone else who is expected to do it, not themselves.

Funny how that works. Sooner or later, the citizens of Denver will have nothing left to sacrifice to the illegals. That will be a most interesting day.

BTW.....Denver has been caught sending their Homeless people to Tulsa via commercial bus.

Maybe they should buy more one-way bus tickets instead. ;)
Yeah. And France should have just invited the Nazis into Paris. Same Deal.

That's it. Look at how many unused rooms they have in their homes and then multiply that by 10. That how many house guests that "mayor" could take in.

It would be even closer to Nazi Germany if the Mayor just informed the people that their necessary 'sacrifice' to be 'welcoming' would include assignment of X number of illegals to each Denver household and the homeowners would be required to give them a bed, food, transportation, and whatever else they wanted/needed.

I think if that happened we would see a very quick resolution to the whole problem. :)
I think we can all agree that more sacrifices will need to be made by Denver residents.

Such limitations to 6 months of free everything is just... you know... racist.

Migrants and an advocacy group in Denver decried the city's new Asylum Seekers Program that offers six months of free housing, calling it "insufficient" and "offensive" despite the mayor cutting the city's emergency budget to accommodate the migrant surge.

Denver’s Democrat mayor has declared that his residents must now accept a “shared sacrifice” in order for the Colorado city to become “welcoming” for illegal aliens.

The comments from Mayor Mike Johnston come as he seeks to divert Denver’s resources to fund the influx of illegal border crossers.

After burning through Denver taxpayers’ money, Johnston is now demanding federal tax dollars to fund his great replacement agenda.

“We want to be a welcoming city,” Johnston declared during a CNBC interview that aired this week.

However, funding the open borders agenda “requires shared sacrifice” from the public, the mayor asserted.

“It requires compromise,” he added.

“So, we are both making cuts to city budgets to meet this financial need, and we are making cuts to the amount of services we can provide to the migrants that arrive and to the number of folks that we can serve,” he told CNBC.

Johnston was asked to respond to critics who argue Denver has been too generous to illegal aliens.

The mayor responded by saying his initiatives to cut city budget services for them is “a balance.”

I wonder, will that communist mayor be moving illegals to live in his spare bedrooms at his own house?

Somehow, when democrats talk about "sacrifice," it's always everyone else who is expected to do it, not themselves.

Funny how that works. Sooner or later, the citizens of Denver will have nothing left to sacrifice to the illegals. That will be a most interesting day.

BTW.....Denver has been caught sending their Homeless people to Tulsa via commercial bus.

Maybe they should buy more one-way bus tickets instead. ;)
He seems to forget that people have a choice as to whether or not they want to stay. The end result will be the drop in real estate values, The flight of hard working tax paying citizens, and the growing sense of entitlement from an illegals community that did not work their way in properly. They can bring lots of votes with them but they can't bring tax revenue.
It would be even closer to Nazi Germany if the Mayor just informed the people that their necessary 'sacrifice' to be 'welcoming' would include assignment of X number of illegals to each Denver household and the homeowners would be required to give them a bed, food, transportation, and whatever else they wanted/needed.

I think if that happened we would see a very quick resolution to the whole problem. :)
You know Goddamn good and well that's what they're thinking.

Denver’s Democrat mayor has declared that his residents must now accept a “shared sacrifice” in order for the Colorado city to become “welcoming” for illegal aliens.

The comments from Mayor Mike Johnston come as he seeks to divert Denver’s resources to fund the influx of illegal border crossers.

After burning through Denver taxpayers’ money, Johnston is now demanding federal tax dollars to fund his great replacement agenda.

“We want to be a welcoming city,” Johnston declared during a CNBC interview that aired this week.

However, funding the open borders agenda “requires shared sacrifice” from the public, the mayor asserted.

“It requires compromise,” he added.

“So, we are both making cuts to city budgets to meet this financial need, and we are making cuts to the amount of services we can provide to the migrants that arrive and to the number of folks that we can serve,” he told CNBC.

Johnston was asked to respond to critics who argue Denver has been too generous to illegal aliens.

The mayor responded by saying his initiatives to cut city budget services for them is “a balance.”

I wonder, will that communist mayor be moving illegals to live in his spare bedrooms at his own house?

Somehow, when democrats talk about "sacrifice," it's always everyone else who is expected to do it, not themselves.

Funny how that works. Sooner or later, the citizens of Denver will have nothing left to sacrifice to the illegals. That will be a most interesting day.

BTW.....Denver has been caught sending their Homeless people to Tulsa via commercial bus.

Maybe they should buy more one-way bus tickets instead. ;)

They fuckin' better sacrifice.

He seems to forget that people have a choice as to whether or not they want to stay. The end result will be the drop in real estate values, The flight of hard working tax paying citizens, and the growing sense of entitlement from an illegals community that did not work their way in properly. They can bring lots of votes with them but they can't bring tax revenue.

Until they stop giving people that choice. It's headed that way in California, with their extortionate "exit tax".
It would be even closer to Nazi Germany if the Mayor just informed the people that their necessary 'sacrifice' to be 'welcoming' would include assignment of X number of illegals to each Denver household and the homeowners would be required to give them a bed, food, transportation, and whatever else they wanted/needed.

I think if that happened we would see a very quick resolution to the whole problem. :)

Any "sanctuary" city not already doing this is racist and xenophobic.
I think we can all agree that more sacrifices will need to be made by Denver residents.

Such limitations to 6 months of free everything is just... you know... racist.

Migrants and an advocacy group in Denver decried the city's new Asylum Seekers Program that offers six months of free housing, calling it "insufficient" and "offensive" despite the mayor cutting the city's emergency budget to accommodate the migrant surge.
Ellis Island (and other islands before 1892) held new immigrants in quarantine for 30 or more days to be sure they were not bringing in any communicable diseases. New immigrants were fully vetted, given visas before they came, and were expected to be financially self sufficient or have a sponsor who officially agreed to help them with food, clothing, housing, all necessities until they could be self sufficient. New immigrants were required to learn English (at their own expense) and learn and obey American laws and renounce all loyalty to their former country. The government provided little or nothing to new immigrants other than freedom and opportunity.

As a result a huge majority of new immigrants were productive, responsible, self sufficient, and assets to the country.

That is the way it should be.
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Ellis Island (and before 1892) held new immigrants in quarantine for 30 days to be sure they were not bringing in any communicable diseases. New immigrants were fully vetted, given visas before they came, and were expected to be financially self sufficient or have a sponsor who officially agreed to help them with food, clothing, housing, all necessities until they could be self sufficient. New immigrants were required to learn English (at their own expense) and learn and obey American laws and renounce all loyalty to their former country. The government provided little or nothing to new immigrants other than freedom and opportunity.

As a result a huge majority of new immigrants were productive, responsible, self sufficient, and assets to the country.

That is the way it should be.
We got stone work from the Italians, Ornare woodworking from the Europeans and swedish meatballs from????🤔😎
He seems to forget that people have a choice as to whether or not they want to stay. The end result will be the drop in real estate values, The flight of hard working tax paying citizens, and the growing sense of entitlement from an illegals community that did not work their way in properly. They can bring lots of votes with them but they can't bring tax revenue.

Not smart, but then nobody ever said that the leftists were anything resembling smart.

America the ShitLand .

Just waiting for Civil War reports once it starts to fry outside .
Then you will be told that you are usurping Human Rights when you BBQ them .
I occasionally ponder the question about luiza:

wtf is wrong with her?


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