Bank fraud, theft, racketeering & money laundering on Wall St

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
This commentary is mainly about BoA:

"massive financial crimes"

Listen to this commentary about Bank of A, except Toro of course ;) , & tell me it isn't the truth. Both major parties are complicit because they both take money & are given *cough* "jobs" such as sitting on a board by them (in this case: BoA). Let it fully load, then drag the cursor to the 49:00 minute mark & let it play. It runs a little less than 10 mins. The only way it wouldn't piss you off is if you are an Establishment/status quo- type. :thup:

The Gary Null Show - 07/24/13 from The Gary Null Show on podbay: open podcasting

***edit- I forgot, throw conspiracy in there too.
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This commentary is mainly about BoA:

"massive financial crimes"

Listen to this commentary about Bank of A, except Toro of course ;) , & tell me it isn't the truth. Both major parties are complicit because they both take money & are given *cough* "jobs" such as sitting on a board by them (in this case: BoA). Let it fully load, then drag the cursor to the 49:00 minute mark & let it play. It runs a little less than 10 mins. The only way it wouldn't piss you off is if you are an Establishment/status quo- type.

The Gary Null Show - 07/24/13 from The Gary Null Show on podbay: open podcasting

***edit- I forgot, throw conspiracy in there too.

I take it you join me in supporting financial industry reforms such as those proposed by Senator Warren? I'd add the name of a Republican senator interested in curbing illegal and enormously destructive practices on Wall Street, if I could find one.
Well sure BUT, no other pols will jump on board after Repubs & the conservative SCOTUS rammed :up: Citizens United down our proverbial throats. We need to get rid of that first & enact laws that prevent pols from sitting on corporate boards of banks and defense contractors for 10 years after leaving "public" service..
Republicans call Wall Street "theft" - good business.

Both parties do but the Repubs to an eXtreme ;) They are the ones who watered-down Dodd Frank & met w/ bankers on the eve before the bill was to be considered. Repubs are basically water-carriers for their masters up in NY. The Dem's as well BUT if the Repubs hadn't insisted on $$$ being speech in Citizens United, & other instances like w/ Gingrich, it wouldn't be so brazen as it is now. Sen. Durbin was right when he said, about the senate that "the banks own the place"

Sen. Durbin: Banks "Own The Place"
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) on the influence of banks: "the banks, hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created, are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place."
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Gary Null is on his game :cool: in this commentary starting at the 49:00 mark. He calls out the dems as well.

Fraud, conspiracy, racketeering, knowingly undermining pension funds (Germany was suing last I heard), rewarding bank employees w/ bonuses for pushing accts into foreclosure through disinformation, etc...
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Repubs are basically water-carriers for their masters up in NY. The Dem's as well BUT if the Repubs hadn't insisted on $$$ being speech in Citizens United, & other instances like w/ Gingrich, it wouldn't be so brazen as it is now.

No such ruling was ever made
This commentary is mainly about BoA:

"massive financial crimes"

Listen to this commentary about Bank of A, except Toro of course ;) , & tell me it isn't the truth. Both major parties are complicit because they both take money & are given *cough* "jobs" such as sitting on a board by them (in this case: BoA). Let it fully load, then drag the cursor to the 49:00 minute mark & let it play. It runs a little less than 10 mins. The only way it wouldn't piss you off is if you are an Establishment/status quo- type.

The Gary Null Show - 07/24/13 from The Gary Null Show on podbay: open podcasting

***edit- I forgot, throw conspiracy in there too.

I take it you join me in supporting financial industry reforms such as those proposed by Senator Warren? I'd add the name of a Republican senator interested in curbing illegal and enormously destructive practices on Wall Street, if I could find one.

The problem is that you could enact laws to your heart’s content and that would do zip to actually change the problem. As long as government is in bed with industry (which is exactly what those laws create) industry will always influence government. That is simply reality.
This commentary is mainly about BoA:

"massive financial crimes"

Listen to this commentary about Bank of A, except Toro of course ;) , & tell me it isn't the truth. Both major parties are complicit because they both take money & are given *cough* "jobs" such as sitting on a board by them (in this case: BoA). Let it fully load, then drag the cursor to the 49:00 minute mark & let it play. It runs a little less than 10 mins. The only way it wouldn't piss you off is if you are an Establishment/status quo- type.

The Gary Null Show - 07/24/13 from The Gary Null Show on podbay: open podcasting

***edit- I forgot, throw conspiracy in there too.

I take it you join me in supporting financial industry reforms such as those proposed by Senator Warren? I'd add the name of a Republican senator interested in curbing illegal and enormously destructive practices on Wall Street, if I could find one.

The problem is that you could enact laws to your heart’s content and that would do zip to actually change the problem. As long as government is in bed with industry (which is exactly what those laws create) industry will always influence government. That is simply reality.

good point. 'financial *cough* "services" AKA- ripping people's faces off (remember that?) is not an "industry" IMHO. Its more like a gambling casino where the House has the odds obsecenly in their favor AKA- Too Big to Fail. (TBTF) and the majority of the nepotist pols are :up: in their pocket
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coincidentally, this was on Washington Journal this morning :2up:

Washington Journal | C-SPAN
Securities and Exchange Commission Case Against Goldman Sachs

Bloomberg News Legal Reporter Bob Van Voris describes the Securities and Exchange Commission's court case against Goldman Sachs stemming from the 2008 financial meltdown.

I don't expect anything to come of it because the pols are bought & paid for.
The wealthy always do well. Where you been? Its just a matter of degrees. We're living in the 2nd gilded age right now as far as the pol's masters are concerned
The wealthy always do well. Where you been? Its just a matter of degrees. We're living in the 2nd gilded age right now as far as the pol's masters are concerned

well as long as you acknowledge a) that is not the view nor is it criticized in the media or by obama, b) that both parties have a hand in it, I agree.
The wealthy always do well. Where you been? Its just a matter of degrees. We're living in the 2nd gilded age right now as far as the pol's masters are concerned

well as long as you acknowledge a) that is not the view nor is it criticized in the media or by obama, b) that both parties have a hand in it, I agree.

AGAIN!!! Where have you been? :banghead: THAT, or you're being intentionally disingenuous :eusa_whistle: Does the phrase "grow from the middle out rather than the top down" ring a bell? :eusa_eh: They must not have showed that on Fox TV :tinfoil:

Obama's 'Highest Priority': Reverse Growing Wealth Disparity |
Jul 24, 2013

Obama's 'Highest Priority': Reverse Growing Wealth Disparity
The President's speech on the economy focused on boosting the middle class, arguing that we've been betraying the American idea.
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The wealthy always do well. Where you been? Its just a matter of degrees. We're living in the 2nd gilded age right now as far as the pol's masters are concerned

well as long as you acknowledge a) that is not the view nor is it criticized in the media or by obama, b) that both parties have a hand in it, I agree.

AGAIN!!! Where have you been? :banghead: THAT, or you're being intentionally disingenuous :eusa_whistle: Does the phrase "grow from the middle out rather than the top down" ring a bell? :eusa_eh: They must not have showed that on fox TV :tinfoil:

Obama's 'Highest Priority': Reverse Growing Wealth Disparity |
Jul 24, 2013

Obama's 'Highest Priority': Reverse Growing Wealth Disparity
The President's speech on the economy focused on boosting the middle class, arguing that we've been betraying the American idea.

The market is up,the rich are getting richer, the gidled are getting more gilded, are you going to deny that obama and the dems and media have used that as some yardstick that means it benefits us all? How do you square that circle......? Hence my remark.....

"Grow from the middle out", snappy phrase, explain it....;
Don't obfuscate :eusa_hand: You made an outrageous statement w/ no basis in fact & I called you on it. Now you're backpedaling. Man up and admit it :(

BTW- we have three branches in government. You can't blame the President for everything. Maybe you can if you're a Fox TV viewer :thup:
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