Bank fraud, theft, racketeering & money laundering on Wall St

Don't obfuscate :eusa_hand: You made an outrageous statement w/ no basis in fact & I called you on it. Now you're backpedaling. Man up and admit it :(

BTW- we have three branches in government. You can't blame the President for everything. Maybe you can if you're a Fox TV viewer :thup:


another gilded age is upon us again, the media and obama laud the market, but when I ask you acknowledge that fact you go schizo....tissue? :eusa_eh:

I knew you could not make the leap to connect the 2, you can't. You can beat the snot out of the rich all you want, but you cannot ever admit that yes obama has taken advantage of that very success, and so does the media as they assist in that, meanwhile, I am willing to allow they are all at fault in some way shape or form, as it may be coming at the expense of the middle class etc., smoke screen from me but the usual sycophantic blubbering from you....sux to be a sheep eh?

so again-

"Grow from the middle out", snappy phrase, explain it....;
If any one is really interested in Wall Street fraud and criminality, I'd recommed you guys and gals to check out any and all work by Professor William K Black. He's a former regulator, a lawyer, and academic. He helped develop the concept of "control fraud".

UMKC Webpage for Professor William Black

Here's a recent interview:
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Don't obfuscate :eusa_hand: You made an outrageous statement w/ no basis in fact & I called you on it. Now you're backpedaling. Man up and admit it :(

BTW- we have three branches in government. You can't blame the President for everything. Maybe you can if you're a Fox TV viewer :thup:


another gilded age is upon us again, the media and obama laud the market, but when I ask you acknowledge that fact you go schizo....tissue? :eusa_eh:

I knew you could not make the leap to connect the 2, you can't. You can beat the snot out of the rich all you want, but you cannot ever admit that yes obama has taken advantage of that very success, and so does the media as they assist in that, meanwhile, I am willing to allow they are all at fault in some way shape or form, as it may be coming at the expense of the middle class etc., smoke screen from me but the usual sycophantic blubbering from you....sux to be a sheep eh?

so again-

"Grow from the middle out", snappy phrase, explain it....;

Thanks for meeting my expectations. :thup: You DIDN'T do the right thing and man-up. You claimed the President has not addressed income disparities and what to do about it. :)eusa_shhh: He's been addressing it for some time now) & I called you on it. Its all documented in the previous posts and STILL you backpedal :clap2: At least you are consistent in your shamelessness :thup: No surprise there. :eusa_whistle:

Go sell your ideologically biased/fact-free debating tactics in someone else's thread.
Don't obfuscate :eusa_hand: You made an outrageous statement w/ no basis in fact & I called you on it. Now you're backpedaling. Man up and admit it :(

BTW- we have three branches in government. You can't blame the President for everything. Maybe you can if you're a Fox TV viewer :thup:


another gilded age is upon us again, the media and obama laud the market, but when I ask you acknowledge that fact you go schizo....tissue? :eusa_eh:

I knew you could not make the leap to connect the 2, you can't. You can beat the snot out of the rich all you want, but you cannot ever admit that yes obama has taken advantage of that very success, and so does the media as they assist in that, meanwhile, I am willing to allow they are all at fault in some way shape or form, as it may be coming at the expense of the middle class etc., smoke screen from me but the usual sycophantic blubbering from you....sux to be a sheep eh?

so again-

"Grow from the middle out", snappy phrase, explain it....;

Thanks for meeting my expectations. :thup: You DIDN'T do the right thing and man-up. You claimed the President has not addressed income disparities and what to do about it. :)eusa_shhh: He's been addressing it for some time now) & I called you on it. Its all documented in the previous posts and STILL you backpedal :clap2: At least you are consistent in your shamelessness :thup: No surprise there. :eusa_whistle:

Go sell your ideologically biased/fact-free debating tactics in someone else's thread.

You claimed the President has not addressed income disparities and what to do about it.

my first post-

-the market at 15K?....according to the dems and their water carriers thats good news bozo....

second post-

-well as long as you acknowledge a) that is not the view nor is it criticized in the media or by obama, b) that both parties have a hand in it, I agree.


The market is up,the rich are getting richer, the gidled are getting more gilded, are you going to deny that obama and the dems and media have used that as some yardstick that means it benefits us all? How do you square that circle......? Hence my remark.....

"Grow from the middle out", snappy phrase, explain it....;

and the last is right above; where did I say that?
stop ninnyhammering! (freedombecki's words ;) ) I'm not going to lead you by the hand. I posted all the relevant info in the previous posts. The fact that you are willfully programmed to gloss over it says volumes. :thup:

NOW!!!..... back to topic- banksters and their bestest friends in the whole world :up: Republicans in Washington :)

Sens. McConnell and Cornyn go to Wall Street
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stop ninnyhammering! (freedombecki's words ;) ) I'm not going to lead you by the hand. I posted all the relevant info in the previous posts. The fact that you are willfully programmed to gloss over it says volumes. :thup:

NOW!!!..... back to topic- banksters and their bestest friends in the whole world :up: Republicans in Washington :)

so your full of shit as to what I said...well, I knew that. :eusa_whistle:

Anyway, so back to more of your slobbering hackage- why can't you admit that obama with his willing media whores is flaking the rise in the market?
stop ninnyhammering! (freedombecki's words ;) ) I'm not going to lead you by the hand. I posted all the relevant info in the previous posts. The fact that you are willfully programmed to gloss over it says volumes. :thup:

NOW!!!..... back to topic- banksters and their bestest friends in the whole world :up: Republicans in Washington :)

so your full of shit as to what I said...well, I knew that. :eusa_whistle:

Anyway, so back to more of your slobbering hackage- why can't you admit that obama with his willing media whores is flaking the rise in the market?

ummm..... because its a deflection :eusa_eh: Why don't you start a thread on it? :thup: This thread is about institutionalized theft and the water-carriers in Washington, primarily, but not limited to, Republicans, who willfully perpetuate it through deregulation (a republican favorite) at every opportunity, among other tactics.

I have to go out for a time. Any non-deflectors are welcome to comment.
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stop ninnyhammering! (freedombecki's words ;) ) I'm not going to lead you by the hand. I posted all the relevant info in the previous posts. The fact that you are willfully programmed to gloss over it says volumes. :thup:

NOW!!!..... back to topic- banksters and their bestest friends in the whole world :up: Republicans in Washington :)

so your full of shit as to what I said...well, I knew that. :eusa_whistle:

Anyway, so back to more of your slobbering hackage- why can't you admit that obama with his willing media whores is flaking the rise in the market?

ummm..... because its a deflection :eusa_eh: Why don't you start a thread on it? :thup: This thread is about institutionalized theft and the water-carriers in Washington, primarily, but not limited to, Republicans, who willfully perpetuate it through deregulation (a republican favorite) at every opportunity, among other tactics.

I have to go out for a time. Any non-deflectors are welcome to comment.

its atypical of your pathology, I don't need to start another thread, as you just did it again; if its primarily the gop thats at fault why is obama lauding it and the media parroting him?

try picking up some intellectual honesty at the store while you're out....:eusa_whistle:
This commentary is mainly about BoA:

"massive financial crimes"

Listen to this commentary about Bank of A, except Toro of course ;) , & tell me it isn't the truth. Both major parties are complicit because they both take money & are given *cough* "jobs" such as sitting on a board by them (in this case: BoA). Let it fully load, then drag the cursor to the 49:00 minute mark & let it play. It runs a little less than 10 mins. The only way it wouldn't piss you off is if you are an Establishment/status quo- type.

The Gary Null Show - 07/24/13 from The Gary Null Show on podbay: open podcasting

***edit- I forgot, throw conspiracy in there too.

I take it you join me in supporting financial industry reforms such as those proposed by Senator Warren? I'd add the name of a Republican senator interested in curbing illegal and enormously destructive practices on Wall Street, if I could find one.

There is plenty of blame put on Wall Street and lenders and Elisabeth has done a couple of well intentioned things, such as create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Not to be confused with the already existing Bureau of Consumer Protection. I guess the whole point of her new agency, redundant as it may have been, was to protect consumers. Not taxpayers, but consumers.
Here you go. They are redundant only in that both are chartered to protect consumers against financial products. The Bureau of consumer protection has a much wider set of concerns. And, you may have noticed, did not help much when it came to the great recession of 2008.

Bureau of Consumer Protection[edit]
The Bureau of Consumer Protection’s mandate is to protect consumers against unfair or deceptive acts or practices in commerce. With the written consent of the Commission, Bureau attorneys enforce federal laws related to consumer affairs and rules promulgated by the FTC. Its functions include investigations, enforcement actions, and consumer and business education. Areas of principal concern for this bureau are: advertising and marketing, financial products and practices, telemarketing fraud, privacy and identity protection, etc. The bureau also is responsible for the United States National Do Not Call Registry.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is an independent federal agency that holds primary responsibility for regulating consumer protection with regard to financial products and services in the United States.
This commentary is mainly about BoA:

"massive financial crimes"

Listen to this commentary about Bank of A, except Toro of course ;) , & tell me it isn't the truth. Both major parties are complicit because they both take money & are given *cough* "jobs" such as sitting on a board by them (in this case: BoA). Let it fully load, then drag the cursor to the 49:00 minute mark & let it play. It runs a little less than 10 mins. The only way it wouldn't piss you off is if you are an Establishment/status quo- type.

The Gary Null Show - 07/24/13 from The Gary Null Show on podbay: open podcasting

***edit- I forgot, throw conspiracy in there too.

I take it you join me in supporting financial industry reforms such as those proposed by Senator Warren? I'd add the name of a Republican senator interested in curbing illegal and enormously destructive practices on Wall Street, if I could find one.
Funny but true statement that no repubs will support financial system regulations. While every republican who could voted against tarp, and railed against tarp, suggesting that we let the financial organizations go bankrupt, NONE will go along with the rather obviously similar ideas of stopping the types of abuses that led to the financial system destruction and the recession of 2008.
You can always know what a con will say about this issue. They ALWAYS suggest that we go back to where we were before the great recession. And, by god, we are pretty much there again. IMHO.
Let's have a look at some the Wall Street fraud and criminality the federal government has refused to prosecute. Off the top of my, I've come up with the following:

1)HSBC laundering billions in illicit funds.
2)Goldman Sachs admitting to fraud.
3)Jamie Dimon's violation of Sarbanes Oxley with the whale trade fiasco.
4)Bank of America fraudulently foreclosing on homeowners.

Did I miss anything? Anyone else?
This commentary is mainly about BoA:

"massive financial crimes"

Listen to this commentary about Bank of A, except Toro of course ;) , & tell me it isn't the truth. Both major parties are complicit because they both take money & are given *cough* "jobs" such as sitting on a board by them (in this case: BoA). Let it fully load, then drag the cursor to the 49:00 minute mark & let it play. It runs a little less than 10 mins. The only way it wouldn't piss you off is if you are an Establishment/status quo- type. :thup:

***edit- I forgot, throw conspiracy in there too.

Thanks for teaching us about those who are too big and connected to be jailed for whatever their crimes are. No wonder everyone hates bankers... they lie and steal from people and then they get generously rewarded with huge bonuses paid by the hardworking tax payers.
I'm starting another thread w/ a good find about institutionalized theft as well. It has to do w/ "aluminum".

USDOJ: Department of Justice Sues Bank of America for Defrauding Investors in Connection with Sale of Over $850 Million of Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities
Bank of America lied to investors about the relative riskiness of the mortgage loans backing the residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), made false statements after intentionally not performing proper due diligence and filled the securitization with a disproportionate amount of risky mortgages originated through third party mortgage brokers.
Justice Department Sues Bank of America Over Mortgages - Bloomberg
The Justice Department estimated in its suit alleging violations of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act that investors in the securitization deal would sustain losses exceeding $100 million. The SEC in its own lawsuit said the firm had committed securities fraud.

thank you General Holder :cool:
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why can't they send some VERY HIGH RANKING official to jail let alone having them admit wrongdoing :dunno: I'll tell you why, banking lobbyists own the senate
Updated, 8:56 p.m. | Federal regulators are seeking to level civil charges against JPMorgan Chase and extract a rare admission of wrongdoing from the nation’s biggest bank as an investigation into a multibillion-dollar trading loss enters its final stage.

These banksters own the government until we can divorce them from bribing politicians & staffers :(

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