Should Biden give up?

should he give up?

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Biden probably isn't aware of the issue but Jill Biden ain't about to give up the perks of the 1st Lady of the U.S. The NYT has already surrendered to the obvious but what about ABC, NBC CBS, MSNBC, PBS and a hundred left wing blogs dedicated to lying to America about the mental condition of the President? Will they fire their lead spokespeople and admit that they were intentionally lying to the public for at least the last two years?
To cede the election to Biden is unthinkable after the Thursday debate.

The fact that the modern day Mandela was adjudicated "guilty" by a kangaroo court is all the more reason to line up behind the Trumpster.
Trump is the modern day political gangster. To compare him to Mandela is to foul Mandela's name forever.,
Trump is the modern day political gangster. To compare him to Mandela is to foul Mandela's name forever.,

Mandela was convicted by his political enemies just like Trump. And the libs in the Union of South Africa had a vendetta against Mandela just like Sleepy Joe has against Trump.

BTW, Thursday's event should show everyone that Biden is WAY OVER HIS HEAD as President. The country has to get rid of him, and the other choice is Trump.
which has not a thing to do with a shit ass like Trump

Actually it has a lot to do with it.

Sleepy Joe is an incompetent, we have to get rid of this existential threat to the Republic.

You saw Thursday, but so did foreign powers from Uncle Pooty to Kim J Un to Xi to Charles III.

America is in great peril, particularly as these rivals know how pitiful America's leadership is.

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