Banks Are Raping Underwater Americans


Aug 2, 2010
[ame=]YouTube - Banks Are Raping Underwater Americans[/ame]

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Existing Home Sales Plunge 27.2%, Record Drop, Trounce Expectations Of 13.4%, Lowest Number Since May 1995
Existing Home Sales Plunge 27.2%, Record Drop, Trounce Expectations Of 13.4%, Lowest Number Since May 1995 | zero hedge

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but things will not get better in housing. Hold on , buckle up and prepare to be dunked financially. The Bloodbath is just getting started. VisionVictory, ManofTruth and myself, to a lesser extent have been predicting Economic Collapse for quite a few years now. What makes you think CNBC, Fox Business News or Bernanke will get it right this time? Banks are colluding with government to keep inventory low by holding properties vacant and off the market leading to a small increase in prices in some markets due to an under supply. These are all false signals. Look at GENERAL ECONOMIC indicators. Is unemployment getting worse? YES of course. Will the US all of a sudden become "hyper productive" with green technologies due to all the fantastic spending programs by the Democrats and the Republicans? NO, of course not. Our economy is going under a realignment the likes of which you have never seen before. If you thought the third world worked for slave wages, those wages are coming to our shores under a global "evening out" process instituted by our Government. How in the hell do you think housing prices will increase or stay even with an American Workforce facing the Second Great Depression.? Hyperinflation will not save your house. German history provides some context when hyperinflation occurs...Home prices decreased 90% relative to the purchasing power of real money like gold and silver. Do not listen to the "state controlled media", talk to friends, look around and search for the truth on the Internet. Good luck you will need it.
The ones that overbought expecting the market to keep on rising at insane rates deserve to be raped. Let me rephrase that. Well it is more of a consensual thing.

In truth though banks have been getting most of their profit gains for the last decade off of those that are the least responsible with their money.
Unannounced overdraft fees on debit card withdrawls and such.
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Will somebody tell the asswipe in the video it's not the banks problem if some fool paid 300 grand for a house worth 100 grand.. WTF?
Unfortunately, I have to admit.... I am one of those damn fools that fell for the "Adjusted Mortgage rate" scheme the banks had. At first I was only paying $525 a month for a beautiful house, all of a sudden the bank that held my mortgage fell and sold my property to another which raised my payment to $700 a month. Well that bank fell and sold my mortgage to another bank which raised my mortgage payment to $850 a month. Hit hard times and went through a divorce, needless to say my loan was sold to yet ANOTHER bank and ended up being $950 a month. dealing with child support and other things I couldn't afford the payments and it took the bank no time to forclose on my ass... Times are not only tough but they are also killing me slowly.
I'll be damned, if you can't trust Bawney Fwanks, Chris Dodd and Maxine Waters, who can you trust ?.....
Trust no one, shred all your walmart reciepts and keep an eye out for black helicopters and rabbits with handgrenades.
Will somebody tell the asswipe in the video it's not the banks problem if some fool paid 300 grand for a house worth 100 grand.. WTF?

Many of those fools thought it would be worth 500 grand in a couple of years.

Homes became investments instead of homes for you and family.
Never gamble with the roof over your family's head.
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Trust no one, shred all your walmart reciepts and keep an eye out for black helicopters and rabbits with handgrenades.

Walmart is an evil corporation bent on the destruction of the path to liberal utopia in this country, i'd never shop there.......
Will somebody tell the asswipe in the video it's not the banks problem if some fool paid 300 grand for a house worth 100 grand.. WTF?

the asswipe is right here and if you can't figure out the banks are raking americans over the coals I won't be able to edumcate you brotha
Unfortunately, I have to admit.... I am one of those damn fools that fell for the "Adjusted Mortgage rate" scheme the banks had. At first I was only paying $525 a month for a beautiful house, all of a sudden the bank that held my mortgage fell and sold my property to another which raised my payment to $700 a month. Well that bank fell and sold my mortgage to another bank which raised my mortgage payment to $850 a month. Hit hard times and went through a divorce, needless to say my loan was sold to yet ANOTHER bank and ended up being $950 a month. dealing with child support and other things I couldn't afford the payments and it took the bank no time to forclose on my ass... Times are not only tough but they are also killing me slowly.

Keep you head up, it is not you fault! jUST bk
Trust no one, shred all your walmart reciepts and keep an eye out for black helicopters and rabbits with handgrenades.

Walmart is an evil corporation bent on the destruction of the path to liberal utopia in this country, i'd never shop there.......

I shop at WalMart about as often as anywhere else.
Several people I know work there.
Just for prescriptive. An average lot here is 25x125. For a 2 bedroom 1 bath home that was built in the '20 and without ANY upgrades or remodels they are going for 1.3M. :eek:
Will somebody tell the asswipe in the video it's not the banks problem if some fool paid 300 grand for a house worth 100 grand.. WTF?

Many of those fools thought it would be work 500 grand in a couple of years.

Homes became investments instead of homes for you and family.
Never gamble with the roof over your family's head.

Never buy into a scheme where you count on there being someone more foolish than you to rescue you.
Just for prescriptive. An average lot here is 25x125. For a 2 bedroom 1 bath home that was built in the '20 and without ANY upgrades or remodels they are going for 1.3M. :eek:

Around here that house would be maybe 85k in the country with an acre or so.
Maybe 200k in the nice Lexington inner older suburbs.

but it is a horrible place to live. no one should move here :)
I have seen the drop in home sales. I have not seen anyone connect it to the gov'ts incentive program for homebuyers, which ended a month or two ago.
All that did was push demand into those few months, robbing it from later months. The result is as we have seen.
There is no recovery. Neubarth was right. Everything positive we've seen has been either misplaced govt incentives robbing demand (like cash for clunkers) or people acting ahead of the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. Or companies rebuilding minimal inventory.
We will drag on until this administration is through. Sooner rather than later I hope.
I have seen the drop in home sales. I have not seen anyone connect it to the gov'ts incentive program for homebuyers, which ended a month or two ago.
All that did was push demand into those few months, robbing it from later months. The result is as we have seen.
There is no recovery. Neubarth was right. Everything positive we've seen has been either misplaced govt incentives robbing demand (like cash for clunkers) or people acting ahead of the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. Or companies rebuilding minimal inventory.
We will drag on until this administration is through. Sooner rather than later I hope.

You mean all the talk from rightwinger and chrissy boy about the strong real estate market recovery wasn't true? ..... :eek:
Will somebody tell the asswipe in the video it's not the banks problem if some fool paid 300 grand for a house worth 100 grand.. WTF?

The banks are the fools WT. More and more Americans are adopting contemporary business ethics and realize a startegic foreclosure is the way to go. The banks and bankers are in the business of making loans, and now own hundreds of thousands of homes they loaned 300 k to buy which are now worth 100 k. WTF, yep, one would think bankers would know better.

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