Banning Abortion- A fool's errand

It may just have the opposite effect intended

Women do not know they are pregnant until four weeks and a missed period. With Texas setting the limit at six weeks, women have a two week window to decide their options.

Better rush into an abortion while you still can
But they are so much smarter as what is forced on society.
So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
Maybe you could link to where the Supreme Court overturned RvW. I can't find it anywhere I have looked.
Wow.....It's as though we've told Catholics that communion has been outlawed!

The important and more relevant thing is removing federal jurisdiction from where it doesn't belong and where there are no 'just powers'

"Strictly limited"
Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The right to privacy has long been acknowledged in Constitutional case law.

Also long established is the fact that prior to birth, an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections.

The right to privacy has long been acknowledged in Constitutional case law.

Also long established is the fact that prior to birth, an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections.
Roe is shit case law, according to a lot of DEMOCRAT lawyers, sub-cretin.
So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
Abortions will soon be outlawed all across our country. We know alot more about babies in the womb since 1973. They are operating on babies in the womb. Soon you loons will be considered Hitler like supporting the killing of babies.

The right to privacy has long been acknowledged in Constitutional case law.

Also long established is the fact that prior to birth, an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections.
Things are changing as the technology we had in 1973 has improved 100%. So soon abortion should be outlawed. If a woman has unprotected sex, she can take the morning after pill. No reason to wait until the baby has a heartbeat to kill it.
Is it your business what women have a abortion or not?? You don't give a rip about these women who want to have an abortion. Many women who have an abortion go to church, and they receive the host. I thought your God was all forgiving.
You misunderstand the nature of his God. Have a look at the situation in Northern Ireland where his friends make women travel to Wales to get an abortion.
Their stance is all about punishing "sluts" and nothing else.
Texas now joins Ulster as one of the most backward parts of the world.
I would expect adults to step in pretty quickly to end this nonsense.

The right to privacy has long been acknowledged in Constitutional case law.

Also long established is the fact that prior to birth, an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections.
clayton we've been over this,,

case not doesnt apply when the constitution is in play,,

so your premise is a lie,,
So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
There is a prohibition on murder, yet we still have a lot of murders.

Using your TardLogic™, we should just legalize murder.
Abortions will soon be outlawed all across our country. We know alot more about babies in the womb since 1973. They are operating on babies in the womb. Soon you loons will be considered Hitler like supporting the killing of babies.
This is satire...right?
This law will encourage less women to have kids as they will take precautions. That's a win for the nation....less births.
You misunderstand the nature of his God. Have a look at the situation in Northern Ireland where his friends make women travel to Wales to get an abortion.
Their stance is all about punishing "sluts" and nothing else.
Texas now joins Ulster as one of the most backward parts of the world.
I would expect adults to step in pretty quickly to end this nonsense.

Well hopefully Kookyfornians will stop flockiing there and infecting the great state

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