Banning AR-15's Doesn't Make Sense To Me

Okay, true. But I don't care: let the South Side take care of its own. We've got troubles enough: we've got white crazies, old and teens, from sea to shining sea shooting up every place they can find enough people to make it worthwhile. And we've got white men who are the very pool these crazies come out of who are fighting tooth and nail against gun control so it can all go on and on and on forever!

I suggest that the argument "it's too few to matter" is not a good one and is also unattractive to a whole lot of people, especially to the majority of the population who get shot more than the minority who does the shooting ---- I refer to women. Women and children are the usual victims of white gun violence. MOST killed are women and children. Think back to some of the recent massacres. In Newtown it was 100% women and children. That's pretty much usual, if they have time to aim.

I don't know how gender breaks down with black gun violence. That seems to me to be predominantly simply the way blackmarket contracts are enforced (worldwide) since blackmarkets have no access to legal systems, so they use violence instead. So probably it's more male victims, but basically, let them take care of their gun problems and we'll try to take care of ours ---- that's turning out to be QUITE hard enough, thank you.

Wow, Circe, I hate to say it but you're sounding just a bit racists (in my opinion). Please correct me if I misinterpreted your post above!

First of all, many of the victims in poor areas of Chicago to the gun violence are women and children. Not sure if poor minority women in children hold the same level of importance as rich white women and children in your view, but to me they are the same.

Secondly, my point is this...

If assault weapons are killing maybe 50 people a year and handguns maybe 7,000+ people a year, and you had limited time and resources, wouldn't it make sense to go after the handgun deaths first above all?


It is much more difficult to demonize a firearm that doesn't "look" evil enough. First, go after the "bad" guns. When that doesn't work, go after the new "bad" guns. Consider the ultimate goal is to remove all types of defense from the hands of the populace. But you have to go after the low hanging fruit first, it's easiest to sell to those of weak minds and easily aroused emotions. Facts and reality do not play well the the gun-grabbers' audience.
Not sure if poor minority women in children hold the same level of importance as rich white women and children in your view, but to me they are the same.

Yes, I can be antimale of any color ----- sure, there are innocent bystanders killed, look at the girl who sang for Obama, shot down. But I think the majority of gun victims in black ghettos are male because they are enforcing the drug trade issues. Also gang violence. This is primarily male-on-male, whereas white men mostly kill white women and children. This is well known.

Secondly, my point is this...

If assault weapons are killing maybe 50 people a year and handguns maybe 7,000+ people a year, and you had limited time and resources, wouldn't it make sense to go after the handgun deaths first above all?

I thought you were pro-gun, but actually, you are trying to get handguns banned, right?

There is no sound argument for banning 'assault weapons'.
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.

OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)


And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)


They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?

There you go again, asking for some logical reasoning to support an emotional argument.
Are they?

Again, we're talking maybe 50 deaths a year out of a country of 315 million people. If we're talking about dangers to the public, shouldn't we start at the most significant killers first (vs the least)?


If you limit the definition of 'assault weapons' to rifles. But handguns with semi automatic firing systems and fitted with high capacity clips bring more destruction than most other types of weapons. See the streets of Chicago or Detroit.

Again, what exactly are you talking about?

Fully Automatic weapons (of any kind) are already banned.


Well, not banned, per se. They are very heavily regulated, licensed, and taxed, though.
There is no sound argument for banning 'assault weapons'.
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.

OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)


And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)


They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?

One is black, therefore it's evil.:evil:
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.

OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)


And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)


They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?

Boy, I'll bet you could kill a lot of people with those guns, Skull Pilot, if they'd let you.
You completely, and completely unsurprisingly, igore the point.
Speaks volumes. Well done.
Not sure if poor minority women in children hold the same level of importance as rich white women and children in your view, but to me they are the same.

Yes, I can be antimale of any color ----- sure, there are innocent bystanders killed, look at the girl who sang for Obama, shot down. But I think the majority of gun victims in black ghettos are male because they are enforcing the drug trade issues. Also gang violence. This is primarily male-on-male, whereas white men mostly kill white women and children. This is well known.

Secondly, my point is this...

If assault weapons are killing maybe 50 people a year and handguns maybe 7,000+ people a year, and you had limited time and resources, wouldn't it make sense to go after the handgun deaths first above all?

I thought you were pro-gun, but actually, you are trying to get handguns banned, right?


No, I'm not. I'm just trying to step into your shoes and ask myself "if I want to reduce gun violence, do I go after the gun implicated in 99% of murders, or the gun implicated in 1% of murders"?

No, I'm not. I'm just trying to step into your shoes and ask myself "if I want to reduce gun violence, do I go after the gun implicated in 99% of murders, or the gun implicated in 1% of murders"?
It's not quite 99% and 1% , but your premise is sound:
If you are serious about reducing the number of murders committed with guns, then you will seek to address the class of guns used most often in gun-related murder.

Equally sound:
If you do not seek to address the class of guns used most often in gun-related morder, then you are not serious about reducing the number of murders committed with guns.

That's all you need to know, folks.
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.

OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)


And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)


They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?

Boy, I'll bet you could kill a lot of people with those guns, Skull Pilot, if they'd let you.

Maybe you'll luck out and society will break down.

When you ASSUME.....

I do not own an AR 15. I love my mini 14 and it's bigger brother the mini 30.
OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)

And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)

They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?

Boy, I'll bet you could kill a lot of people with those guns, Skull Pilot, if they'd let you.

Maybe you'll luck out and society will break down.

When you ASSUME.....

I do not own an AR 15. I love my mini 14 and it's bigger brother the mini 30.
I have their father and Garandfather
There is no sound argument for banning 'assault weapons'.
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.

OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)


And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)


They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?
Ask the NRA. Twenty years ago Congress passed a watered down assault weapons ban and there was little effect. Why was it watered down? Why the National Rifle Association, that's why!

And so when a comprehensive ban is proposed, the NRA issues talking points and the gun advocates trumpet them like good little obsequious supplicants. No law can stop gun deaths, so why pass a law? Why ban this weapon and not that one? All these situations were set up like bowling pins by the gun lobby and now we have to cut through all this dross just to make a point.
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.

OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)
And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)
They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?
Ask the NRA....
You have no clue as to why one shoud be banned but noth the other- you're simply scared by mean-looking guns, and so want to ban them.
OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)
And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)
They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?
Ask the NRA....
You have no clue as to why one shoud be banned but noth the other- you're simply scared by mean-looking guns, and so want to ban them.
That's every bit as true as me saying you're in love with the big penis extensions guns provide. It's a silly argument and it's not worth rebutting.

The NRA writes gun legislation. Don't you think that's the case? During the last attempt to clear our streets of assault weapons, Smith and Wesson were ready to deal on a partial ban. But the NRA organized a boycott against S&W and nearly ran them out of business for even considering a common sense solution.
Ask the NRA....
You have no clue as to why one shoud be banned but noth the other- you're simply scared by mean-looking guns, and so want to ban them.
That's every bit as true as me saying you're in love with the big penis extensions guns provide. It's a silly argument and it's not worth rebutting.
We then return to the question you failed to address:
How is it logically sound to ban the AR-15 and not the Mini-14?
There is no sound argument for banning 'assault weapons'.
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.
Show this to be true. Be sure to bring only facts and exclude opinion and/or conjecture.

Also be sure to include and then allow for the fact that 'assault wepaoms' are the class of firearm least used in crime. and that, in both real and relative terms, their use in crime has -dropped- since the federal ban on them expired.
Still waiting for a reponse.
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.

OK I'll say it again

There is absolutely no fucking difference between my Ruger Mini 14 ( not classified as an "assault" rifle)


And this AR 15 ( a so called assault rifle)


They both shoot the exact same round at the same rate in fact I'll say the Mini 14 is more accurate and therefore more deadly

So what is the logic in banning one and not the other?
Ask the NRA. Twenty years ago Congress passed a watered down assault weapons ban and there was little effect. Why was it watered down? Why the National Rifle Association, that's why!

And so when a comprehensive ban is proposed, the NRA issues talking points and the gun advocates trumpet them like good little obsequious supplicants. No law can stop gun deaths, so why pass a law? Why ban this weapon and not that one? All these situations were set up like bowling pins by the gun lobby and now we have to cut through all this dross just to make a point.

Gun ownership advocates can make exactly the same observation regarding the gun-grabber lobbies.
They are too dangerous to be on the streets, campuses, school yards, theaters, shopping malls, and churches and temples of America.
Show this to be true. Be sure to bring only facts and exclude opinion and/or conjecture.

Also be sure to include and then allow for the fact that 'assault wepaoms' are the class of firearm least used in crime. and that, in both real and relative terms, their use in crime has -dropped- since the federal ban on them expired.
Still waiting for a reponse.

The problem is an agreed upon definition of 'assault weapon'. Here's mine: any firearm, long barrel or hand gun which has a semi automatic firing system and can be fitted with a magazine holding greater than 10 rounds.

Now, if you don't think this is the type of weapon blasting urban neighborhoods, or used in the spate of mass shootings, which weapons are? If you don't think that it can be a true statement that this type of weapon is too dangerous to be on our streets, which weapons are?
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