Bannon may not be the right guy as chief strategist in the WH

Oh stop with the bullshit that Bannon is a white nationalist and an anti semite. It's a lie.

How so?
something that isn't fact. called a lie.

Cool. Disprove then.
disprove what? your lies? why, you published for all to see. lie after lie.
You are being asked to prove a negative - to prove somebody isn't something i.e. In this case an anti Semite. The onus isn't on anyone here to prove somebody isn't an anti Semite, it's on the person throwing around the vile accusation to prove it's a fact.

If she hasn't learned this by now, then she's never going to learn. Pudding headed.
During a vicious custody battle and divorce his EX <meanspirited bitch from hell >WIFE claimed he was anti Jew. BTW the girls attended that school no problemo.

The anti-semitic claims came from more than the jut the divorce (assuming SHE is the evil one....)

Tell me lefties. Considering Ivanka and Jared and their children are Jews do you really really believe Trump would have Bannon any where near them? Just when I didn't think the left could get any lower, they do it again by sliming a man just because of his politics.

:lmao: the hypocrisy is...astounding.

His politics, per the organizations he promotes and started - are hardly conventional nor, until now, were those views legitimized.

Nobody cares what you *think* coyote.

And I use that term loosely.
You know that if you make the claim, it's up to you to *prove*. It isn't up to us to *disprove* that which hasn't been substantiated.

If you can't substantiate it, then there's no need to even discuss it any further.

We should give her a break.

Without logical fallacy, Coyote would have no logic at all.
Of course, it matters, if you believe in doing the American thing, pauli.

White Nationalists can't be represented in the WH.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


David Duke may finally get an invitation to the oval office......
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"

ptbw and old yeller are anti-minority and anti-Jewish as well.
So the libstains hate Bannon. Waaa fuckin waaaa.
I didn't care for for most of The Blamer's appointments, namely Ash Carter, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Kathleen Sebelius, Rahm Emanuel, Susan Rice - to name a few.
Guess what?
Nobody gave a shit, including the press.
We had to swallow this sewage for 8 years. Now it your turn.
So the libstains hate Bannon. Waaa fuckin waaaa.
I didn't care for for most of The Blamer's appointments, namely Ash Carter, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Kathleen Sebelius, Rahm Emanuel, Susan Rice - to name a few.
Guess what?
Nobody gave a shit, including the press.
We had to swallow this sewage for 8 years. Now it your turn.
Does not matter. Want to bet Bannon will be gone by 1 Feb?

$ each for c_k to hold then donate to a favorite charity.
You loons and the alt right garbage are getting annoying

Bannon is the one claiming to speak for the alt right. Why should we pretend they don't exist when their self proclaimed spokesman is in the white house? It be one thing if he didn't claim to speak for them. But it isn't prudent to ignore them.

Where and when did he claim to speak for them? And he's not their spokesman. Where do you pick up this garbage?
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"

He an outsider, that can only be good. Who cares "if" he's "anti-Mormon?
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


That's a flat out lie that he's head of Alternative Right. It was founded by Spencer and Liddell. And the leadership has not changed.

Now I'm listening to Beck lie about him, but what else is new.l Beck's turned into a complete asshole.
Oh stop with the bullshit that Bannon is a white nationalist and an anti semite. It's a lie.

How so?
something that isn't fact. called a lie.

Cool. Disprove then.
disprove what? your lies? why, you published for all to see. lie after lie.

Silly boy. I made various claims - outlined in my OP. I supported my claims with sources. That is as far as I need to go. Now it's up to you to show that it's a lie since you are making the accusation.

I can wait.
something that isn't fact. called a lie.

Cool. Disprove then.
disprove what? your lies? why, you published for all to see. lie after lie.

Ok. So you can't disprove it. All you can do is throw out your silly one-liners.

Let's see. Has Bannon distanced himself in anyway from the his extremists....
why does he need to, cause you say so?

You seem to be focused on the "you say so" stuff. Can you apply that to your own claims about politicians and their ethics? Oh wait, that's probably asking too much of you...we're still waiting on you to disprove the OP as "lies".
We have racist elect president and his right hand man is also a racist. That is just wonderful.
Congratulations White Supremacist are celebrating. At the same time facing backlash from several groups.

The Southern Poverty Law Center
"What this signals is Donald Trump bringing hatred of immigrants and Muslims, and misogyny directly into the White House," Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center told CNN on Monday. "It is a disaster."

In a broader attack Sunday, SPLC President Richard Cohen underlined Bannon's close ties to the "alt-right," a loose association of right-wing trolls and white nationalists who operate mostly online and have proliferated on Twitter, where they routinely harass women and minorities.

"In his victory speech, Trump pledged to be the president for 'all Americans' and to 'bind the wounds of division' in our country, " Cohen said. "Appointing someone like Bannon, who will have the president-elect's ear every single day, makes a mockery of that pledge."

The Anti-Defamation League
The Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted a statement saying it was "a sad day when a man who presided over the premier website of the 'alt right' -- a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists -- is slated to be a senior staff member in the 'people's house.'"

The Council on American-Islamic Relations
The Council on American-Islamic Relations also asked that Trump reject Bannon, calling his elevation to a powerful White House role a "disturbing message that anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and White nationalist ideology will be welcome in the White House."

"We urge President-elect Trump to reconsider this ill-advised appointment if he truly seeks to unite Americans," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.

People For the American Way
As the tensions escalated Monday, People For the American Way President Michael Keegan joined the chorus contesting Bannon's new role, and called on the Capitol Hill GOP to join.

"Congressional Republicans need to stand up and call out Trump for choosing Bannon as a senior adviser and 'equal partner' to Trump's Chief of Staff," he said. "This isn't about partisan politics; no one with Bannon's record should be anywhere near the White House."

IfNotNow and other liberal organizers and activists

While the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, would not weigh in, citing "a long-standing policy of not taking positions on presidential appointments," smaller Jewish groups registered their concern.

"The Bannon appointment is a signal to the Jewish community that we are not safe in a Trump administration," Yonah Lieberman, an organizer with IfNotNow told CNN. "This is a clear sign that they will not be friendly toward to the Jewish community and a direct threat to our allies, including Muslims and people of color."

IfNotUs, another progressive millennial activist group, also weighed in.
"Steve Bannon is an anti-Semite and out fascist, and his appointment to one of the most powerful positions in the White House is an incredibly dangerous indication of where is our democracy headed," organizer Max Berger told CNN. "Trump has made various extreme statements during the campaign and his appointment of a white supremacist nationalist to be his chief strategist is an indication of just how extreme he would be as president."
Rebecca Katz, a former top aide to Reid and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, said Trump's pick was a "horrendous error in judgment," but also further evidence of a lowered standard for this president-elect.
"Donald Trump has a white nationalist who will be just steps away from the Oval Office," she told CNN. "And no one is asking him to apologize because no one expects him to."

Congressional Democrats

The office of Minority Leader Harry Reid, the outgoing Nevada Senator, said Trump's choice of Bannon to serve as a co-equal to Priebus indicated that "White Supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trump's White House."

Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi echoed Reid, saying in a statement that the hire was a sign that Trump had no plans to divert from the "hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign."

"There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has been named chief strategist for the Trump administration," she said.

Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, a Democrat, also called on Trump to pull back Bannon's appointment.

"After running a campaign built on inciting divisions and hate, Donald Trump has claimed he wants to unite America," he said in a statement. "Yet he has done nothing meaningful to stop the wave of hate crimes and hate speech he has unleashed, and now has brought that strategy right into the Oval Office."
The southern poverty law center are a bunch delusional racist bed wetters, they have zero credibility...
Jake stop lying about the man. You are making yourself look like as big a fool as the others buying into the ADL trashing of Bannon. Think about it. I put this up in another thread.

My heavens Bannon has been surrounded for years by high powered Jews. Do you really think they would put up with him being an anti Semite or a white Nationalist?

"The one lie about Bannon being an anti Semite has had me laughing my ass off all day. The left wing loons obviously don't know Andrew Breitbart was a Jew. Bannon was his friend and advisor.

The Senior editor at large of Breitbart News is an Orthodox Jew. And Steve Bannon helped launch Breitbart News Jerusalem with Breitbart News CEO Larry Solov .

Guess the religion!

For an anti Semite he sure hangs with a lot of Jews. Too funny!

Lying scumbuckets should have done their homework. "
Now Zionists come out swinging against the ADL LYING their asses off about Bannon. It's disgusting.

Zionist Organization of America: ADL Falsely Alleging Steve Bannon Is Anti-Semitic

"ZOA President Morton Klein stated: “The ZOA welcomes the appointment of Stephen Bannon as chief strategist to the incoming Trump/Pence administration. We wish Mr. Bannon every success in his new position. We urge Jonathan Greenblatt/ADL to withdraw and apologize for their inappropriate character assassination of Mr. Bannon and Breitbart Media.”

Would Trump’s extraordinary pro-Israel advisors such as Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence, Sheldon Adelson, and Orthodox Jews Jared Kushner, David Friedman, and Jason Greenblatt ever allow an anti-Semite/Israel-hater to work with them? Would Trump’s Orthodox Jewish daughter Ivanka, whose children go to an Orthodox day school, ever allow an anti-Semite to work with her father?

Zionist Organization of America: ADL Falsely Alleging Steve Bannon Is Anti-Semitic - Breitbart

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