Barack Hussein Obama

I know that
You know that
They know that.
We're just being honest about it....:cool:

i knew it was something like that.

What is your hang up with the president's middle name?

She doesn't have a hang up with it, everybody else does, see the flames she and Grump engaged in above. Which is why she doesn't want them to use it, and if they do, she will use the fact that the have used it to marginalize their post.
Well one thing that President Obama has brought to the office is a middle name that is politically incorrect to use? Why so with our President and not so with King Hussein of Jordan? Add to that any number of questions about his fairly recent and more distant past that it is not considered proper to ask.

So here we are in the fourth year and facing an upcoming election and we haven't vetted the man much more than we did originally. Huffington Post did have an article today suggesting that President Obama has discovered that he descends from American slaves. :)

So what is fair game? Discuss his record? The unanswered questions? His name? The people with which he has surrounded himself? Those who support and defend him seem determined to make it all off limits. And there are those of us who think at least some of this has not been good for America.

But I honestly believe we are all idiots if we don't sort of insist on taking it all on this time.

Guess it depends on age. I hear it, I think the King of Jordan. Younger people most likely relate it to Saddam.
his constant vigilance to help the least among us (poverty-stricken, elderly and infirm.)

The problem is, that's not the job of the President of the United States. And that's where the arguments start. The left believes they can simply break the law. The fact is, if they want the President to "help the least among us" then they need to properly ammend the Constitution.

Be more specific. I see some attacks, but nothing explaining why a) the left believes they can simply break the law, and b) why the President defending those folks by not raising their taxes when they can least afford it is "breaking the law."
Have you provided any supporting evidence for your claims, Boop?

I'd like to see what you have that shows Obama has actually helped the least among us. Our medical programs are still closed to new applicants in my state, and the medical coverage of our Medicare clients and those who already have medical (TANF medical, for example) is lessening.

So who has he helped? And how?
Have you provided any supporting evidence for your claims, Boop?

I'd like to see what you have that shows Obama has actually helped the least among us. Our medical programs are still closed to new applicants in my state, and the medical coverage of our Medicare clients and those who already have medical (TANF medical, for example) is lessening.

So who has he helped? And how?

I believe that to be the fault of your state.

He fights to keep the social safety net in place. Planned Parenthood is part of that net, in giving women in the lower social strata access to testing and birth control. He fights not to have Medicare and Medicaid reduced for those who can least afford it. In fact, that video that he did for helping women from birth to earth was decried by the right as 'nanny government.'

He gives tax breaks to the middle class, he extends unemployment when there are no jobs to be found. Everything that he does to help, the right either refuses to help pass, or attacks him for doing with an executive order.
That's not supporting evidence. That's just more opinion and vague assertions, for which you give no particulars.

I'm trying really hard here, but I don't see the point. You are demanding specifics and have created this forum...but you aren't playing by the rules and appear to have no clue what a debate is, let alone how to participate in one.
-Killing Osama Bin Laden.
-Passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
-Passing the ACA.
-Saving the Financial Industry.
-Saving the Auto Industry.
-Steady job growth.
-Securing the borders with National Guard.
-Deporting Illegals at a record pace.
-Normalizing relations with our Allies.
-SALT agreement with Russia.
-Made BP pay to clean up their mess.
-Saved 2 journalists from North Korea.
-Killing Al Qaeda leaders and members at a record pace.
-Backed the factions that killed Mommar Gaddafi.
-Middle Class and Small Business Tax cut.
-Is serious about paying down the debt.
-Brought Iraq to a successful conclusion.
-Stabilized Afghanistan.

That's a pretty fine list whether it's for a Democrat or a Republican in the Oval.

Democrats are wimps though, and they don't make a case for themselves based on this, while Republicans are stronger and George W. Bush et al would be hammering it home that an overall competence by the White House has returned.

I can't believe I'm saying this (I'm a Jeff Daniels Repub from Newsroom) but if Obama had been able to do his thing on the debt bill and not face obstruction for obstruction's sake, we would have seen $2 trillion in additional revenue over 10 years, and $2 trillion in spending cuts.

I like the sound of that. I would have voted for that, but see, these days you can't even admit that Obama is legitimately the President if you're conservative or else the teabaggers jump all over you.

President Obama's a fair moderate while Mitt Romney is beholden to neo-cons and teabaggers.
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Barack Hussein Obama used it as well

As already stated. I know why you use his full name, you know why you do, and so does everybody else. From day one, the only people who have used his full name have done so out of hate.

Hey, we can all play pretend. Whatever floats your boat....:cool:
A dead giveaway that the Right uses his middle name as a sign of disrespect is when confronted with the use of his middle name, the "Big Voice On The Right" denied using the name until AFTER Bob Kerrey used it on Dec 16, 2007 even though he himself beat Kerrey by over a year on Dec 13, 2006 and he wasn't the first Right winger to do so in 2006!

If the Right only use it out of "respect" why would they deny using it until after the Left first used it??????? Actions speak louder than words!

March 3, 2008
RUSH: Who was it that first used Obama's middle name of Hussein? It was not us. It was Bob Kerrey, over and over again, former Democrat senator of Nebraska.

KERREY: I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama,

Stop the Tape: Sexy Rock Star Obama Whines About His Ears
Dec 13, 2006
RUSH: (interruption) Snerdley is convinced that Maureen wants Barack Hussein Obama.
(sigh) I don't even want to go there.

* On November 27, 2006, MSNBC host Tucker Carlson referred to radio host Bill Press as "a true member of the Barack Hussein Obama fan club."

* During the November 28, 2006, edition of MSNBC's Hardball, Republican strategist Ed Rogers referred to "Barack Hussein Obama."

* On the December 5, 2006, edition of Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume, senior political correspondent Carl Cameron told viewers: "Though he's written two books about himself already, most people know very little about Barack Hussein Obama Junior's uncommonly privileged life."

* On the December 14, 2006, broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh gave Obama a "nickname" -- "Barack Hussein Odumbo" (in reference to Obama's "big ears").


* On the December 14, 2006, edition of Hardball, NBC's Mike Viqueira announced "a man named Barack Obama, whose middle name, incidentally, is Hussein, running for president."
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-Killing Osama Bin Laden. Bush got the master mind of 9/11 and all key people who were behind the attack
-Passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
-Passing the ACA. Created a new tax and against the will of the people
-Saving the Financial Industry. allowed CEO's to keep their bonuses
-Saving the Auto Industry. took control of GM and sent jobs to mexico and China
-Steady job growth. 1 job a month would be steady job growth with you obama numb nuts
-Securing the borders with National Guard. sitting in an office is not securing the border.
-Deporting Illegals at a record pace.
-Normalizing relations with our Allies. weaken relation with our allies
-SALT agreement with Russia. What did we lose
-Made BP pay to clean up their mess.
-Saved 2 journalists from North Korea.
-Killing Al Qaeda leaders and members at a record pace.
-Backed the factions that killed Mommar Gaddafi. Aided America's enemy Al Qaeda
-Middle Class and Small Business Tax cut. Bush tax cuts
-Is serious about paying down the debt. No budget since he tool office
-Brought Iraq to a successful conclusion. Followed Bush plan
-Stabilized Afghanistan.

Not Allowed Here.
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-Killing Osama Bin Laden. Bush got the master mind of 9/11 and all key people who were behind the attack
-Passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
-Passing the ACA. Created a new tax and against the will of the people
-Saving the Financial Industry. allowed CEO's to keep their bonuses
-Saving the Auto Industry. took control of GM and sent jobs to mexico and China
-Steady job growth. 1 job a month would be steady job growth with you obama numb nuts
-Securing the borders with National Guard. sitting in an office is not securing the border.
-Deporting Illegals at a record pace.
-Normalizing relations with our Allies. weaken relation with our allies
-SALT agreement with Russia. What did we lose
-Made BP pay to clean up their mess.
-Saved 2 journalists from North Korea.
-Killing Al Qaeda leaders and members at a record pace.
-Backed the factions that killed Mommar Gaddafi. Aided America's enemy Al Qaeda
-Middle Class and Small Business Tax cut. Bush tax cuts
-Is serious about paying down the debt. No budget since he tool office
-Brought Iraq to a successful conclusion. Followed Bush plan
-Stabilized Afghanistan.

Not Allowed Here.

Then refute.
-Killing Osama Bin Laden.
-Passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
-Passing the ACA.
-Saving the Financial Industry.
-Saving the Auto Industry.
-Steady job growth.
-Securing the borders with National Guard.
-Deporting Illegals at a record pace.
-Normalizing relations with our Allies.
-SALT agreement with Russia.
-Made BP pay to clean up their mess.
-Saved 2 journalists from North Korea.
-Killing Al Qaeda leaders and members at a record pace.
-Backed the factions that killed Mommar Gaddafi.
-Middle Class and Small Business Tax cut.
-Is serious about paying down the debt.
-Brought Iraq to a successful conclusion.
-Stabilized Afghanistan.

That's a pretty fine list whether it's for a Democrat or a Republican in the Oval.

Democrats are wimps though, and they don't make a case for themselves based on this, while Republicans are stronger and George W. Bush et al would be hammering it home that an overall competence by the White House has returned.

I can't believe I'm saying this (I'm a Jeff Daniels Repub from Newsroom) but if Obama had been able to do his thing on the debt bill and not face obstruction for obstruction's sake, we would have seen $2 trillion in additional revenue over 10 years, and $2 trillion in spending cuts.

I like the sound of that. I would have voted for that, but see, these days you can't even admit that Obama is legitimately the President if you're conservative or else the teabaggers jump all over you.

President Obama's a fair moderate while Mitt Romney is beholden to neo-cons and teabaggers.

It's a list of a Continuation of Bush II Policies. :thup:

And a LOT of it ain't True.

My Favorite of Sallow's List is "Serious about Paying Down the Debt"...

I almost Cried I Laughed so hard.

That's Blind Faith in the Face of Reality right there. :lol:


-Killing Osama Bin Laden. Bush got the master mind of 9/11 and all key people who were behind the attack
-Passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
-Passing the ACA. Created a new tax and against the will of the people
-Saving the Financial Industry. allowed CEO's to keep their bonuses
-Saving the Auto Industry. took control of GM and sent jobs to mexico and China
-Steady job growth. 1 job a month would be steady job growth with you obama numb nuts
-Securing the borders with National Guard. sitting in an office is not securing the border.
-Deporting Illegals at a record pace.
-Normalizing relations with our Allies. weaken relation with our allies
-SALT agreement with Russia. What did we lose
-Made BP pay to clean up their mess.
-Saved 2 journalists from North Korea.
-Killing Al Qaeda leaders and members at a record pace.
-Backed the factions that killed Mommar Gaddafi. Aided America's enemy Al Qaeda
-Middle Class and Small Business Tax cut. Bush tax cuts
-Is serious about paying down the debt. No budget since he tool office
-Brought Iraq to a successful conclusion. Followed Bush plan
-Stabilized Afghanistan.

Not Allowed Here.

Then refute.
Read the red part.
KSM was the Mastermind behind 9/11...

KSM and Iraqi Ramzi Yousef Attacked the Trade Center in 1993 Killing Americans on American Soil in a Terrorist Attack that Clinton Pursued as a "Crime"...

Clinton FAILED to get the Future Mastermind behind 9/11 for the duration of his 8 years in Office...

KSM finally finished the job 2 years AFTER Clinton was Warned that al Qaeda wanted to use Airliners as Missiles Against Targets such as the Pentagon...

Not a PDB that said "bin Laden Determined to Strike" something that was Obvious from 1996 on after bin Laden Declared War on us...

No, a DETAILED Report that named the Pentagon as a Target of a Hijacked Airliner...

That sounds Familiar doesn't it?...

Bush "got" the Mastermind behind 9/11... Quickly.

Obama used the System Bush put into place, including the Seal Team and the Patriot Act, to take bin Laden out once found.

Obama did nothing Special to "find" bin Laden he simply gave the order once it was Established that bin Laden wasn't in Afghanistan like all of the Dishonest Liberals Insisted he was for the duration of Bush's Presidency as a Excuse to Attack Bush on Iraq...

Nope, he was in Pakistan.

Anyway, History is what it is and bin Laden denied Involvement in 9/11 after the Attack...

Something that Terrorists NEVER do.

And in FACT KSM, NOT bin Laden was the Mastermind of 9/11...

Get it yet people?


Those who protest they don't have a problem with the pres's middle name, of course, protest too much. And, I believe, many of them are acting childishly in their denials about the little game they are playing.

I will vote for Romney, but that we of the right waste our time on silly games is not amusing. It's a waste of time.
-Killing Osama Bin Laden. Bush got the master mind of 9/11 and all key people who were behind the attack
-Passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
-Passing the ACA. Created a new tax and against the will of the people
-Saving the Financial Industry. allowed CEO's to keep their bonuses
-Saving the Auto Industry. took control of GM and sent jobs to mexico and China
-Steady job growth. 1 job a month would be steady job growth with you obama numb nuts
-Securing the borders with National Guard. sitting in an office is not securing the border.
-Deporting Illegals at a record pace.
-Normalizing relations with our Allies. weaken relation with our allies
-SALT agreement with Russia. What did we lose
-Made BP pay to clean up their mess.
-Saved 2 journalists from North Korea.
-Killing Al Qaeda leaders and members at a record pace.
-Backed the factions that killed Mommar Gaddafi. Aided America's enemy Al Qaeda
-Middle Class and Small Business Tax cut. Bush tax cuts
-Is serious about paying down the debt. No budget since he tool office
-Brought Iraq to a successful conclusion. Followed Bush plan
-Stabilized Afghanistan.

Not Allowed Here.

Then refute.

You don't refute Not Allowed Here.

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