Barack Obama's Legacy

notice you didn't mention Sol
I mention Solyndra every chance I get. It is the perfect example of Obama corruption. White House emails show that Obama knew Solyndra would file bankruptcy even with the unconstitutional bailout - and he still gave them half a billion dollars. He stuffed the bank accounts of all of his pals and supporters. They in turn made sure his re-election campaign was extremely well financed. The worst corruption.
We decided such a principled patriot (the last refuge of the scoundel) has returned his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
When the government returns 100% of the money they stole from me for an unconstitutional purpose, I will absolutely return the unconstitutional “VA SS Medicare benefits”. Until then, I’m goin to suck those benefits dry. Even when I don’t need them. I’m getting every cent back that I can and I’m going to do my best to burden that illegal/unconstitutional bullshit into collapse.
OBL is dead
GM is alive
The market is up
Unemployment is down
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in the ME
Gas is around 2 bucks a gallon.

Thank you Mr. President.
OBL is dead
GM is alive
The market is up
Unemployment is down
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in the ME
Gas is around 2 bucks a gallon.

Thank you Mr. President.'ve copied and pasted this astoundingly ignorant nonsense dozens of times. Each time, you've been laughed out of the thread.
  • Osama Bin Laden was caught using the "enhanced interrogation" techniques that MaObama decried. And oh yeah, he promised to close Guantanamo Bay within 90 days of taking office. 11 years later, it remains OPEN.
  • GM is a train wreck, the bailout was unconstitutional, and the whole thing added to the $21 trillion debt (of which MaObama single-handedly owns nearly 50% of himself)
  • The market was a disaster under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do)
  • Unemployment was a disaster under MaObama and the Dumbocrats (went from 7% to over 10%). Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do)
  • There was no blood being spilled in the Middle East until MaObama took over and sent the whole damn thing on fire with his pro-muslim policies. He owns the now infamous "arab spring" mess. Riots, unrest, and blood spilt everywhere - giving rise to ISIS (who he also armed).
  • Gas went from $1.89 to over $4 per gallon under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do
Not sure why you're obsessed with denying reality.
We decided such a principled patriot (the last refuge of the scoundel) has returned his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
When the government returns 100% of the money they stole from me for an unconstitutional purpose, I will absolutely return the unconstitutional “VA SS Medicare benefits”. Until then, I’m goin to suck those benefits dry. Even when I don’t need them. I’m getting every cent back that I can and I’m going to do my best to burden that illegal/unconstitutional bullshit into collapse.

Nice Christian selfish reply and excuse.
PHD in constitutional law?
At least we got you to admit sucking off socialist benefits
OBL is dead
GM is alive
The market is up
Unemployment is down
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in the ME
Gas is around 2 bucks a gallon.

Thank you Mr. President.'ve copied and pasted this astoundingly ignorant nonsense dozens of times. Each time, you've been laughed out of the thread.
  • Osama Bin Laden was caught using the "enhanced interrogation" techniques that MaObama decried. And oh yeah, he promised to close Guantanamo Bay within 90 days of taking office. 11 years later, it remains OPEN.
  • GM is a train wreck, the bailout was unconstitutional, and the whole thing added to the $21 trillion debt (of which MaObama single-handedly owns nearly 50% of himself)
  • The market was a disaster under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do)
  • Unemployment was a disaster under MaObama and the Dumbocrats (went from 7% to over 10%). Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do)
  • There was no blood being spilled in the Middle East until MaObama took over and sent the whole damn thing on fire with his pro-muslim policies. He owns the now infamous "arab spring" mess. Riots, unrest, and blood spilt everywhere - giving rise to ISIS (who he also armed).
  • Gas went from $1.89 to over $4 per gallon under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do
Not sure why you're obsessed with denying reality.
Why read more from a blind SS rube
At least we got you to admit sucking off socialist benefits you didn’t. I’ve never taken a single “benefit” yet. There is a difference between taking them and planning to. Reading isn’t your strong point, is it?

Again, return my money, allow me to opt out, and I’ll never use that failed government garbage. But thinking you have me in a “gotcha” because you force me to pay into something and then not expect me to try to get some of it back is a special kind of stupid that could only come from a leftist.
Dumbocrats Why read more from a blind SS rube
Can’t stand’re definitely a Dumbocrat!
You mean the fake facts that I gave the response too.?
Have to have a knower garden insult on there don't we.
You do know that's the first rule of decent debate?
Don't insult, you lose
You do know the study said the more you watch knees news the dumber you get?
I guess you believe the Obama you can keep your plan too?
Keep sucking off your socialist benefits
At least we got you to admit sucking off socialist benefits you didn’t. I’ve never taken a single “benefit” yet. There is a difference between taking them and planning to. Reading isn’t your strong point, is it?

Again, return my money, allow me to opt out, and I’ll never use that failed government garbage. But thinking you have me in a “gotcha” because you force me to pay into something and then not expect me to try to get some of it back is a special kind of stupid that could only come from a leftist.
At least we got you to admit sucking off socialist benefits you didn’t. I’ve never taken a single “benefit” yet. There is a difference between taking them and planning to. Reading isn’t your strong point, is it?

Again, return my money, allow me to opt out, and I’ll never use that failed government garbage. But thinking you have me in a “gotcha” because you force me to pay into something and then not expect me to try to get some of it back is a special kind of stupid that could only come from a leftist.
I thought it was taking and returning.
So you are a taker?
You can easily return it, called a cheque
OBL is dead
GM is alive
The market is up
Unemployment is down
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in the ME
Gas is around 2 bucks a gallon.

Thank you Mr. President.'ve copied and pasted this astoundingly ignorant nonsense dozens of times. Each time, you've been laughed out of the thread.
  • Osama Bin Laden was caught using the "enhanced interrogation" techniques that MaObama decried. And oh yeah, he promised to close Guantanamo Bay within 90 days of taking office. 11 years later, it remains OPEN.
  • GM is a train wreck, the bailout was unconstitutional, and the whole thing added to the $21 trillion debt (of which MaObama single-handedly owns nearly 50% of himself)
  • The market was a disaster under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do)
  • Unemployment was a disaster under MaObama and the Dumbocrats (went from 7% to over 10%). Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do)
  • There was no blood being spilled in the Middle East until MaObama took over and sent the whole damn thing on fire with his pro-muslim policies. He owns the now infamous "arab spring" mess. Riots, unrest, and blood spilt everywhere - giving rise to ISIS (who he also armed).
  • Gas went from $1.89 to over $4 per gallon under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. Thank you Republicans for rescuing us from failed left-wing policy (as you always do
Not sure why you're obsessed with denying reality.
Glad you still support our vagina grabber and daughter screwer
I guess you believe the Obama you can keep your plan too?
Nah...we all know Obama is a pathological liar. I didn't believe him back when he adamantly insisted that was the case, hundreds and hundreds of times.

But I can't wait to see how you try to twist this one!
Glad you still support our vagina grabber and daughter screwer
Wow...that's vulgar. And you have the audacity to complain about others being vulgar? By the way, please remove the shiny tinfoil hat that the Dumbocrats gave you. Trump hasn't slept with his daughter. Sorry to disappoint you (we all know how the left has the most disturbing sexual deviant fantasies).

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