Baracks Obama's Ties to Communism- SEIU

They sure do.......and what have Republicans run on in the last two elections?
Preserving tax cuts for the rich, legitimate rape, 47% of Americans are freeloaders and Obama is a <commie, socialist, Arab, Muslim, Kenyan>

.....which had NO impact the decline of take home pay for the middle class, increase in energy prices or an increase in small businesses. Republicans would have been wise to focus on these. 5 Years into the deal and Middle Class take home pay has declined, energy prices are necessarily high, and small business is in decline. Factually speaking, elections have consequences.

The decline of the middle class has been going on for a lot longer than five years. You can trace it back to the supply side policies of Reagan meant to trickle down to the middle class in the form of more jobs and a booming economy

Instead, the wealthy just kept the money and the middle class got stuck working harder and receiving less

Interesting. I'm the poster boy of middle class, and thanks to Reagan, I progressed yearly. In full disclosure, the same held true under slick Willie

On the flip side, under Obama, my middle class quality of life has stalled, and actually has been reduced

I'm going through financial stagnation since Obama took office

Simple facts from my home

Of course the Stuttering Clusterfukk is communist. Why wouldn't he be?

His Mother was communist. The man he's named after was a Kenyan communist. His real father, Frank Marshall Davis is a communist and member of the CPUSA.

His Grandparents, who raised him after his Mother tired of him, were communists.

They both selected and attended a Unitarian Church (same denomination as Westboro Baptist) called, "The Little Red Church On The Hill" by the entire community because they preached communism instead of God's word.

The man who wrote his book, "Dreams" (Bill Ayers) is a communist.

Ayers is also the person who introduced him to Chicago politics in his own home and the founder of the organization that proposed the murder of 25,000,000 Americans after their planned communist takeover of the Country.

The Right On Right Reverent Right On Wright is a communist. The brand of radical religion he embraced, "Black Liberation Theology" is known, it's not even assumed, it just simply IS communist.

You remember; the Church that the Stuttering Clusterfukk spent 20 years attending until it no longer served his purpose?

Then there's the proven connection the Stuttering Clusterfukk had with the Chicago "New Party". A marxist oriented arm of the DSA (democratic socialists of America).

You gotta be some kind of special stupid to not see that obama has serious communist leanings.

Or you're just another lying dimocrap scumbag piece of shit.

More likely -- Both

Whatever. dimocrap scum, the professionals and their amateur water-carrying errand boys all over, like in here, will lie and deny. Then lie some more. Ignore the facts, then lie some more until at some point they can say....


At which point, they'll start with another lie, cover-up.... You name it.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

All of them.
I look at his actions, not people he used to know.
So how many commies has he brought into positions of power? Ceo's for job czar. Free traders for trade rep. Republicans for secretary of war. Anti union poor little billionaire Pritzker for Commerce secretary. Left over wall street hacks for Treasury Secty. . Continously offering up social security cuts, something even a right winger wouldn't do. Kept the bush tax cuts going way past their expiration date to the anger of his liberal base. How about the free trade deals started by bush that he finalized including the one he wants to have fast tracked by October? None of the above would a commie, socialist, or even liberal have done.
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