Baracks Obama's Ties to Communism- SEIU

Many here of the libs and mainstream left of center to right of center and Republicans, Geaux4it, served in the military preserving your right to opine stupidly as you do. Keep that in mind.
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Forbes just blasted Obama's knox speech because they noted the concentration of power has merely increased with Obama's bailout of private equity. Yet, to some on this board, that evidences his socialist tendencies ... and then they call other stupid. It's like the blind bitching about someone turning off the lights.
Many here of the libs and mainstream left of center to right of center and Republicans, Geaux4it, served in the military preserving your right to opine stupidly as you do. Keep that in mind.

Not sure a Supply Clerk in Bien Hoa counts as much as an 11B4S in the woods.

I've heard ducks fart underwater before.

Piss off
Many here of the libs and mainstream left of center to right of center and Republicans, Geaux4it, served in the military preserving your right to opine stupidly as you do. Keep that in mind.

Dude, you couldn't carry my mess kit.

Now go find some lime

Obama is a commie

That one has been so effective in the last two elections

No one will dispute you there. Let's talk about its effect on Middle Class take home pay, energy prices, small business growth. Those are the things that matter. Elections have consequences.
Ah, the communist supporters out in force.

We can't clean up Washington until we clean up our own house first.

And if so be it at a rally perhaps at 'Little Bighorn' you pathetic weak 51% would run like crazy. You see, that's how you anti-Americans are. You want to degrade all the men, young and old, who died on the beaches of Omaha, Iwo Jima, Kwajalein to the jungles of Vietnam, the desert of Iraq, and the mountains of Afghanistan by supporting communism.

Do you think for one minute they gave their lives so you socialist can sit here on this board enabling a POS like Obama? They are weeping in the grave at what has become of this once proud respected nation. Now we are nothing but the laughing stock of the world behind a weak ass POS.

You anti Americans will have to answer someday, or you may just go down the crapper on your own.

Just my 2 cents


Those on Omaha, Iwo, New Guinea are the very ones that voted for FDR, some in four different elections. They wanted FDR's programs, his Social Security, CCC, WPA and the other attempts to help America. Be pretty hard to stretch revisionist history to include the average GI of that period into the Republican camp, maybe in another twenty years when all are gone.
Ah, the communist supporters out in force.

We can't clean up Washington until we clean up our own house first.

And if so be it at a rally perhaps at 'Little Bighorn' you pathetic weak 51% would run like crazy. You see, that's how you anti-Americans are. You want to degrade all the men, young and old, who died on the beaches of Omaha, Iwo Jima, Kwajalein to the jungles of Vietnam, the desert of Iraq, and the mountains of Afghanistan by supporting communism.

Do you think for one minute they gave their lives so you socialist can sit here on this board enabling a POS like Obama? They are weeping in the grave at what has become of this once proud respected nation. Now we are nothing but the laughing stock of the world behind a weak ass POS.

You anti Americans will have to answer someday, or you may just go down the crapper on your own.

Just my 2 cents


Those on Omaha, Iwo, New Guinea are the very ones that voted for FDR, some in four different elections. They wanted FDR's programs, his Social Security, CCC, WPA and the other attempts to help America. Be pretty hard to stretch revisionist history to include the average GI of that period into the Republican camp, maybe in another twenty years when all are gone.

That is where is the rub. America has to move beyond the 2 party system that is actually one system today

Both are done and need replaced

Ah, the communist supporters out in force.

We can't clean up Washington until we clean up our own house first.

And if so be it at a rally perhaps at 'Little Bighorn' you pathetic weak 51% would run like crazy. You see, that's how you anti-Americans are. You want to degrade all the men, young and old, who died on the beaches of Omaha, Iwo Jima, Kwajalein to the jungles of Vietnam, the desert of Iraq, and the mountains of Afghanistan by supporting communism.

Do you think for one minute they gave their lives so you socialist can sit here on this board enabling a POS like Obama? They are weeping in the grave at what has become of this once proud respected nation. Now we are nothing but the laughing stock of the world behind a weak ass POS.

You anti Americans will have to answer someday, or you may just go down the crapper on your own.

Just my 2 cents


Those on Omaha, Iwo, New Guinea are the very ones that voted for FDR, some in four different elections. They wanted FDR's programs, his Social Security, CCC, WPA and the other attempts to help America. Be pretty hard to stretch revisionist history to include the average GI of that period into the Republican camp, maybe in another twenty years when all are gone.

That is where is the rub. America has to move beyond the 2 party system that is actually one system today

Both are done and need replaced


So what would a third party look like, in your opinion?

Stating the RP and the DP are the same - which I inferred from your post - defies reality
Obama is a commie

That one has been so effective in the last two elections

No one will dispute you there. Let's talk about its effect on Middle Class take home pay, energy prices, small business growth. Those are the things that matter. Elections have consequences.

They sure do.......and what have Republicans run on in the last two elections?
Preserving tax cuts for the rich, legitimate rape, 47% of Americans are freeloaders and Obama is a <commie, socialist, Arab, Muslim, Kenyan>
Those on Omaha, Iwo, New Guinea are the very ones that voted for FDR, some in four different elections. They wanted FDR's programs, his Social Security, CCC, WPA and the other attempts to help America. Be pretty hard to stretch revisionist history to include the average GI of that period into the Republican camp, maybe in another twenty years when all are gone.

That is where is the rub. America has to move beyond the 2 party system that is actually one system today

Both are done and need replaced


So what would a third party look like, in your opinion?

Stating the RP and the DP are the same - which I inferred from your post - defies reality

For starters- How about one that represents the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. A Constitutional Republic.

That is where is the rub. America has to move beyond the 2 party system that is actually one system today

Both are done and need replaced


So what would a third party look like, in your opinion?

Stating the RP and the DP are the same - which I inferred from your post - defies reality

For starters- How about one that represents the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. A Constitutional Republic.


Really, that's the best you've got. Are you a demagogue in training? Better get a new and better mentor if so. Oh, and how would you know what is and what is not Constitutional?
You have a Juris Doctorate?

Maybe you ought to read the DoI and some history on it's production (I recommend Thomas Jefferson, The Art of Power).
Many here of the libs and mainstream left of center to right of center and Republicans, Geaux4it, served in the military preserving your right to opine stupidly as you do. Keep that in mind.

Dude, you couldn't carry my mess kit.

Now go find some lime


Noob, you did not even serve. Your reactionary revisionism does not even represent anything real. Move along.
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Many here of the libs and mainstream left of center to right of center and Republicans, Geaux4it, served in the military preserving your right to opine stupidly as you do. Keep that in mind.

Not sure a Supply Clerk in Bien Hoa counts as much as an 11B4S in the woods. I've heard ducks fart underwater before. Piss off
So you were SF. Who cares? Airborne arctic light infantry who got to wear two berets. Who cares? You should fucking know better.

The great mainstream of us who served thank you for your shared service but fully realize you have no special insight or indulgence. You are part of the greater whole in civilian life just as you were in the military.

The difference is that We the People through our leges make the rules, and we all, including you, troop, abide by them.
Ah, the communist supporters out in force.

We can't clean up Washington until we clean up our own house first.

And if so be it at a rally perhaps at 'Little Bighorn' you pathetic weak 51% would run like crazy. You see, that's how you anti-Americans are. You want to degrade all the men, young and old, who died on the beaches of Omaha, Iwo Jima, Kwajalein to the jungles of Vietnam, the desert of Iraq, and the mountains of Afghanistan by supporting communism.

Do you think for one minute they gave their lives so you socialist can sit here on this board enabling a POS like Obama? They are weeping in the grave at what has become of this once proud respected nation. Now we are nothing but the laughing stock of the world behind a weak ass POS.

You anti Americans will have to answer someday, or you may just go down the crapper on your own.

Just my 2 cents


I think if a real Communist stood in front of you, you'd piss your pants. And all this anti-American shit is anti-American! Why do you hate freedom of speech and freedom of expression? You must be a pinko Communist!:eek:
Ah, the communist supporters out in force.

We can't clean up Washington until we clean up our own house first.

And if so be it at a rally perhaps at 'Little Bighorn' you pathetic weak 51% would run like crazy. You see, that's how you anti-Americans are. You want to degrade all the men, young and old, who died on the beaches of Omaha, Iwo Jima, Kwajalein to the jungles of Vietnam, the desert of Iraq, and the mountains of Afghanistan by supporting communism.

Do you think for one minute they gave their lives so you socialist can sit here on this board enabling a POS like Obama? They are weeping in the grave at what has become of this once proud respected nation. Now we are nothing but the laughing stock of the world behind a weak ass POS.

You anti Americans will have to answer someday, or you may just go down the crapper on your own.

Just my 2 cents


I think if a real Communist stood in front of you, you'd piss your pants. And all this anti-American shit is anti-American! Why do you hate freedom of speech and freedom of expression? You must be a pinko Communist!:eek:

Speech and expression are one thing.. well, actually two

Voting for communism/socialism that we fought against is another

BTW- They have stood in front of me at a distance, and at times, closer

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Speech and expression are one thing.. well, actually two

Voting for communism/socialism that we fought against is another

BTW- They have stood in front of me at a distance, and at times, closer


You are one fortunate 47%er then, Geaux4it, just like me, both who draw pensions from the government teat, that we don't have any commies or socialists to vote for.
The framers never intended there to be political parties and the Constitution discouraged political parties and we have had to change the Constitution to make them more workable. The Constitution still makes third parties almost unworkable. There are usually two types of third parties, the great man, (Teddy Roosevelt) or the great idea. And if an idea seems to gain some traction it is usually picked off by one of the two regular parties. So far there seems to be a shortage of great ideas. How catchy is the idea of going back to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, whatever that means, compared to the idea of everyone getting an old age pension?
Obama is a commie

That one has been so effective in the last two elections

No one will dispute you there. Let's talk about its effect on Middle Class take home pay, energy prices, small business growth. Those are the things that matter. Elections have consequences.

They sure do.......and what have Republicans run on in the last two elections?
Preserving tax cuts for the rich, legitimate rape, 47% of Americans are freeloaders and Obama is a <commie, socialist, Arab, Muslim, Kenyan>

.....which had NO impact the decline of take home pay for the middle class, increase in energy prices or an increase in small businesses. Republicans would have been wise to focus on these. 5 Years into the deal and Middle Class take home pay has declined, energy prices are necessarily high, and small business is in decline. Factually speaking, elections have consequences.
No one will dispute you there. Let's talk about its effect on Middle Class take home pay, energy prices, small business growth. Those are the things that matter. Elections have consequences.

They sure do.......and what have Republicans run on in the last two elections?
Preserving tax cuts for the rich, legitimate rape, 47% of Americans are freeloaders and Obama is a <commie, socialist, Arab, Muslim, Kenyan>

.....which had NO impact the decline of take home pay for the middle class, increase in energy prices or an increase in small businesses. Republicans would have been wise to focus on these. 5 Years into the deal and Middle Class take home pay has declined, energy prices are necessarily high, and small business is in decline. Factually speaking, elections have consequences.

The decline of the middle class has been going on for a lot longer than five years. You can trace it back to the supply side policies of Reagan meant to trickle down to the middle class in the form of more jobs and a booming economy

Instead, the wealthy just kept the money and the middle class got stuck working harder and receiving less

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