Baracks Obama's Ties to Communism- SEIU

Of course the Stuttering Clusterfukk is communist. Why wouldn't he be?

His Mother was communist. The man he's named after was a Kenyan communist. His real father, Frank Marshall Davis is a communist and member of the CPUSA.

His Grandparents, who raised him after his Mother tired of him, were communists.

They both selected and attended a Unitarian Church (same denomination as Westboro Baptist) called, "The Little Red Church On The Hill" by the entire community because they preached communism instead of God's word.

The man who wrote his book, "Dreams" (Bill Ayers) is a communist.

Ayers is also the person who introduced him to Chicago politics in his own home and the founder of the organization that proposed the murder of 25,000,000 Americans after their planned communist takeover of the Country.

The Right On Right Reverent Right On Wright is a communist. The brand of radical religion he embraced, "Black Liberation Theology" is known, it's not even assumed, it just simply IS communist.

You remember; the Church that the Stuttering Clusterfukk spent 20 years attending until it no longer served his purpose?

Then there's the proven connection the Stuttering Clusterfukk had with the Chicago "New Party". A marxist oriented arm of the DSA (democratic socialists of America).

You gotta be some kind of special stupid to not see that obama has serious communist leanings.

Or you're just another lying dimocrap scumbag piece of shit.

More likely -- Both

Whatever. dimocrap scum, the professionals and their amateur water-carrying errand boys all over, like in here, will lie and deny. Then lie some more. Ignore the facts, then lie some more until at some point they can say....


At which point, they'll start with another lie, cover-up.... You name it.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

All of them.

You're mostly correct but there really is no way to be sure if Frank Marshall Davis was Obama's daddy because his mom was a total whore. Nevertheless, he looks much more like FMD than that CIA dropped exchange student from Kenya.

I think it would be interesting if someone dug up Davis, took some DNA and matched it with the Fuhrer. I'd just leave FMD's corpse on the side of the road somewhere.

As far as him being a commie scum, there is ample evidence to support that theory no matter who his daddy was.
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The scum are RC and edgetho who have no evidence at all for their crap. No wonder real GOP will not associate with them.
The scum are RC and edgetho who have no evidence at all for their crap. No wonder real GOP will not associate with them.

LOL, I don't associate with the GOP you insolent dog. If you want evidence you can find plenty, or you can read that retarded book he didn't write. There is plenty of evidence out there.
No one is more anti American than Republicans. The fact they defend gun rights for child killers proves that beyond a doubt.
Telling an aspiring small business owner that higher taxes are necessary to redistribute wealth and saying that small business owners did not build their businesses..... Not really bastions of American principals now, are they? Perhaps these are tenets of "fundamentally transformed America".

Your race card is irrelevant.
Show where Obama ever said small businesses did not build their own business...

Let's have some fun, why don't you post the full quote?

You didn't build that - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business—you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.[7]​

I'm curious. Were you talking about Mitt Romney?

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Telling an aspiring small business owner that higher taxes are necessary to redistribute wealth and saying that small business owners did not build their businesses..... Not really bastions of American principals now, are they? Perhaps these are tenets of "fundamentally transformed America".

Your race card is irrelevant.
Show where Obama ever said small businesses did not build their own business...

Let's have some fun, why don't you post the full quote?

Considering that Obama never earned anything for himself in his entire life, there is no doubt he truly believes that no one else has ever been capable of achieving something that was not given to them or bought for them. Taken from his point of view, he would not be where he is if so many communists had not worked to hard and long to ensure he got there.

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

Obama never earned anything in his whole life?

Which rightwing screwball told you that?
You didn't build that - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business—you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.[7]​

Somebody invested in roads and bridges?

Which small businesses have constructed roads and bridges to enable their business?

context......a conservatives biggest enemy

So businesses just spring up miraculously because someone builds a road? Where does the money to build the roads come from? Are you aware of the fact that private developers build most of the local roads in an area? When Boeing built a factory in South Carolina, it built the road to the factory, not the State of South Carolina.

As a matter of fact they do spring up because there are roads and bridges. Prior to that they sprung up along waterways

Businesses take advantage of infrastructure that previous generations have developed as well as emerging infrastructure. And no, they didn't build that.......but they benefit

What does the Boeing road connect to?
It's not that he's a socialist: HE WAS RAISED BY A WHITE BANKER. Where the loons on this board come from, I dunno. The gop/tea party is unhinged by the demographic change, that's loud and clear.

But, no one can deny Obama's an elitist. Sane gopers, like Boehner, and even Mitt when he took off the tea party clown costume ... clearly pointed it out. I mean WHY would Obama give that "you didn't build it" speech? People who start businesses WANT TO CREATE JOBS. Sure they want profit, and there's nothing wrong with that. But they also want to make a difference. Obama doesn't get that. Then, he makes the Knox speech. It's better, but in the end, he's still talking about federal spending for ports, transportation, grid, communication .... all great stuff. But, first and foremost, he loves govt in the private sector. He's not a communist by any means, but he'd be right at home the the Public Utility Regulators in the 70s who decided whether a new energy plant could be built with private dollars.
It's not that he's a socialist: HE WAS RAISED BY A WHITE BANKER. Where the loons on this board come from, I dunno. The gop/tea party is unhinged by the demographic change, that's loud and clear.

But, no one can deny Obama's an elitist. Sane gopers, like Boehner, and even Mitt when he took off the tea party clown costume ... clearly pointed it out. I mean WHY would Obama give that "you didn't build it" speech? People who start businesses WANT TO CREATE JOBS. Sure they want profit, and there's nothing wrong with that. But they also want to make a difference. Obama doesn't get that. Then, he makes the Knox speech. It's better, but in the end, he's still talking about federal spending for ports, transportation, grid, communication .... all great stuff. But, first and foremost, he loves govt in the private sector. He's not a communist by any means, but he'd be right at home the the Public Utility Regulators in the 70s who decided whether a new energy plant could be built with private dollars.

Best post of the thread.
We have had help all along the way from birth to death. To think we survived alone, all by ourselves, with no help from anyone is idiocy and a form of childishness. Could we even read these posts if someone had not helped us. A more interesting question is why must some believe they did it all by themselves?
We have had help all along the way from birth to death. To think we survived alone, all by ourselves, with no help from anyone is idiocy and a form of childishness. Could we even read these posts if someone had not helped us. A more interesting question is why must some believe they did it all by themselves?

Well, I don't know anyone who really thinks they did it themselves. Sure there are egotists, but really, if a person is going to have the ability to motivate workers in even a small biz ... he's gotta have some humble. You gotta communicate, and telling someone they're a dumb shite 47% taker isn't getting it done.

That's why Obama's whole schtick of "you didn't do it yourself" confuses me. It its own way it's as insulting as Mitt's 47% idiocy. I realize Obama's trying to say 'we're in this together." But telling a guy who is risking his savings to start a biz this is not a way to make friends.
It's not that he's a socialist: HE WAS RAISED BY A WHITE BANKER. Where the loons on this board come from, I dunno. The gop/tea party is unhinged by the demographic change, that's loud and clear.

But, no one can deny Obama's an elitist. Sane gopers, like Boehner, and even Mitt when he took off the tea party clown costume ... clearly pointed it out. I mean WHY would Obama give that "you didn't build it" speech? People who start businesses WANT TO CREATE JOBS. Sure they want profit, and there's nothing wrong with that. But they also want to make a difference. Obama doesn't get that. Then, he makes the Knox speech. It's better, but in the end, he's still talking about federal spending for ports, transportation, grid, communication .... all great stuff. But, first and foremost, he loves govt in the private sector. He's not a communist by any means, but he'd be right at home the the Public Utility Regulators in the 70s who decided whether a new energy plant could be built with private dollars.

Best post of the thread.

Raised by a White Banker?

Who was the 'White Banker'?

His Grandmother?

His Mother was an Anthropologist who worked at USAID in Indonesia and a devout communist. Trust me, I've run into USAID types before, and.....

So was the Stuttering Clusterfukk's name-sake father. So was the Stuttering Clusterfukk's real Father, Frank Marshal Davis.

So was the Stuttering Clusterfukk's Grandfather.

I don't know squat about his Grandmother. And I don't believe she had any influence on him at all.

You people are nuts.

The Stuttering Clusterfukk had nothing but communists and communism around him most of his entire life.

I can't say with any certainty that he is communist now or at any time in the past, but he sure does love his pals in the collectives.
the Fluttering StutterCluck is running around in circles in the pen, dust flying everywhere.

Edge, give it up, hon.
Ah, the communist supporters out in force.

We can't clean up Washington until we clean up our own house first.

And if so be it at a rally perhaps at 'Little Bighorn' you pathetic weak 51% would run like crazy. You see, that's how you anti-Americans are. You want to degrade all the men, young and old, who died on the beaches of Omaha, Iwo Jima, Kwajalein to the jungles of Vietnam, the desert of Iraq, and the mountains of Afghanistan by supporting communism.

Do you think for one minute they gave their lives so you socialist can sit here on this board enabling a POS like Obama? They are weeping in the grave at what has become of this once proud respected nation. Now we are nothing but the laughing stock of the world behind a weak ass POS.

You anti Americans will have to answer someday, or you may just go down the crapper on your own.

Just my 2 cents

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