Barbara Walters names Caitlyn Jenner 'Most Fascinating Person' of 2015

Baba Wawa did wha-what?

Sick, plain old sick!
No surprise from Babs. The problem is why anyone in the world thinks that Barbara Walters' opinion is important.
the second runner up - Pogo

So a mentally ill guy puts on a dress and adopts a woman's name.

And he is hailed as some kind of hero.

American culture is beyond sick. ..... :cool:

I don't think it's fair, in cases like this, to judge the whole of American culture by a handful of prominent elitists in the media. I think that the vast majority of American people, as a whole, are not buying into the madness and perversion that the media is trying to sell us, and trying to represent as normal and mainstream.
I still think Bruce Jenner may be trolling everyone. Either that or the Kardashian family just ruins everyone they come in contact with.
American culture is beyond sick. ..... :cool:
Wrong. Liberal culture is beyond sick.

I don't know that mainstream liberal Americans are quite that culturally sick, in general, but the leadership of that side of the political aisle certainly is. Transgenderism is only the latest, and most extreme example, yet, of how the “progressive” movement has come to put aside the melancholy burden of sanity, to embrace madness and perversion.

With The ‘Transgender’ Movement, Liberalism Has Finally Descended Into Total Madness
It's almost as if they go out of their way to fuck with the self righteous, holier-than-thou crowd.
Just because she did interviews didn't mean Walters was the brightest bulb out there.

In fact she's quite the idiot in my book
Just because she did interviews didn't mean Walters was the brightest bulb out there.

In fact she's quite the idiot in my book
Well, I guess trading sexual favors can get just about anybody anywhere.

Ah yes, she did sleep her way up to where she is today. Just like Hillary using her President Hubby to get where she is. so much for the liberal women being, Independent eh.
Well, "most interesting" certainly is accurate. But by failing to condemn him as a clown, B. Walters is now scratched off my list of respected journalists. Poor Barbara, an entire career shattered on the rocks by fawning over an errant and depraved cult in the twilight years of her fame. She should've quit while she was ahead..

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