Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry

If Horowitz was deep state before, then he flipped. Because this report is exactly the way it was supposed to be. People were looking for way more out of this than it needed to be. Horowitz established abuse of FISA. There was literally nothing more he could’ve done. Now Durham’s up.
It ended the exact way I told you it was going to three weeks or so ago - remember? Poe confirmed, sign me up!
Did you read the whole report? All 476 pages? He indicates that there was a clear abuse of the FISA court. The predicate was there, and that’s the red herring here. Whether or not there was predicate is irrelevant. Anyone could’ve brought up any kind of claim against a candidate in that manner and triggered a potential FISA matter. That’s not what’s important here. What’s important here is that after it was clear that the information that initially triggered the investigation was unsubstantiated, it was still pursued and inaccurate information was provided to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on American citizens. That the media clearly doesn’t want to touch that aspect at all and only wants to gloss over it with headlines doesn’t change the fact that there was clearly abuse of the FISA process. Whether or not it was politically motivated is for someone else besides Horowitz to determine. I wouldn’t be putting the popcorn away just yet brotha.
I said three weeks ago that there were abuses in the FISA application process, but that those abuses would be deemed a-political and irrelevant to the voracity of the warrant. And that's what it concluded, no I didnt read 476 pages I read the executive summary
Does it bother you that the Obama administration lied to FISA to spy on American citizens? What would be the motive for it?

Horowitz’s job is only to determine these things in the report. He isn’t tasked with informing the nation that a political crime was committed, so people assuming this is the end of the road are mistaken. There are quite a lot of really pissed off people who are sick and tired of this shit happening through the years and no one ever going to prison. The time is now to finally see some justice. I don’t care what political party anyone belongs to, we have what clesrly is a crime here and if no one goes to prison for it it’s not gojng to end well for trump’s political future because his voters are at this point demanding it.
You're not someone I'm talking to about the specifics about all this crap man, and you know why. I was just pointing out that what I said was correct - that's a-political enough to not have to get into the woods with you so I figured it would be "safe," but going further than that isn't something I'mma do.
Im with that bro.
Gee, somebody's foaming at the mouth D33P STAIT Horowitz hasn't marched Comey, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, et. al off to jail like their puppet masters told them would happen. :lol:

Wait until Barr and Durham get done retard. Horowitz found crimes but he can’t indict. But uneducated retards like you don’t know that. Barr and Durham CAN. And will. Then you’ll be crying as usual.
I recommend you hold your breath. :lol:

Take your own advice retard. And clean that 8 inches of egg off your face while you’re at it. Since Barr and Durham are running a CRIMINAL investigation, you sound scared. You should be. Well be sure to laugh at you when Barr and Durham get done.
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation
This dripps of political bias and a Coup D'etat.
Yep. Wait for Durham’s report. It is not pretty for the fbi.
How in the fuck do you know? Clamp your trap till something pans out.
This dripps of political bias and a Coup D'etat.
The FISA renewals werent the origins, it was Papadoplous bragging.
This article your replying to says there were procedural errors but overall no "political bias" by the FBI.
And the Attorney General DISAGREES AS DOES DUNHAM....both have subpoena power THAT THE IG didn't and was stonewalled by the FBI REFUDING to give him dicuments

At the end of the day, we just have a disagreement. Given Barr’s belief that Trump is a god among men (figuratively obviously) I’m not surprised he doesn’t find the evidence warrants the investigation.

It’s all just a matter of opinion. Lots of Monday morning quarterbacks.

I’m not much of a theatre buff. I hope the front row wears a parka. There’s going to be gnashing, spitting and some tears.

Those tears will all be yours after the Dims get completely annihilated due to ZERO evidence of ANY crime committed by Trump. Then watch those same Dims cry when they get forced to testify under oath.
It Will exonerate people we never heard of before like volunteers such as Page and Popodoupolis

Page is pretty well off the hook although Mueller wasn’t really able to investigate anything that happened when he was in Moscow.

Papadopolous was claiming he was set up. That’s not in the report. It’s not going to be in any reports.
Mueller looked like a combination of Gomer Pyle and 'Rainman' when testifying. It was obvious that while he colored and sipped juice boxes Weismann ran the 'non-politically biased' Witch Hunt.

Okay buddy.

Just as an aside, look at Trump’s written testimony to Mueller. That man barely remembers running for President.
Mueller couldn't remember which President appointed him / who he served under...or who was even on his OWN team.


Sure buddy.

Keep showing how much of an uneducated know nothing you are moron. Obviously you didn’t watch the senile Mule-er’s testimony. The idiot didn’t even know who Fusion GOS was. The company mentioned all through “his” report, which he didn’t even know anything about. You might want to get through grade school before trying to debate anybody. I’d call you brainwashed, but you obviously have no brain.......
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Not really. See Andrew McCarthy's column, the two men have less a difference of opinion than a difference in focus – the distinction between what may be done and what should be done.

Th FBI is given tremendous latitude, that men of honor are to use with integrity. Horowitz has straightforwardly stated that they MAY do particular things, Barr and Durham are focusing on the fact that those with honor would never do the things they did.

The Mueller probe found no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy, notwithstanding the indefatigable “collusion” narrative.

Now the Horowitz IG report has found major abuses in the FBI’s investigation of Trump. The question naturally arises: Why did the Obama administration use the intelligence and law-enforcement apparatus of the government to investigate its political opposition?

The specter of political spying, that bane of the Watergate era, is manifest. That is what Barr and Durham are exploring.

Democrats and their media confederates are determined to protect Obama’s legacy from Nixonian taint. Barr, therefore, must be subjected to character assassination.

The same people who lionized Mueller’s team of partisan Democrats, now feign outraged disbelief at the suggestion that the FBI could possibly have been just a tad political.

That would be the same Bureau that helped whitewash the Clinton emails caper; scorched the earth to find a non-existent conspiracy against Trump; brought us the charming Strzok-Page texts; and has, in just the last two years, been the subject of not one but two voluminous IG reports examining the anti-Trump animus of top investigators.

That is why the Barr-Horowitz contretemps must be exaggerated.

Typical of IG reports, Horowitz’s latest features admirably comprehensive fact-finding but conclusions framed in lawyerly gobbledygook that lend themselves to easy distortion.

The anti-Trump forces pounced: We’re to believe the IG concluded that the Trump-Russia investigation’s commencement was unimpeachable and that there was no political bias in the FBI’s decision-making.

That is not what Horowitz said. Since it is important that the public be given accurate information about the Justice Department’s position, the AG has spoken out to clarify what the IG concluded and how DOJ regards these conclusions.

In press coverage, this has been portrayed as a blistering attack on Horowitz.

At Wednesday’s hearing, Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats picked up the theme: Horowitz heroically struggles to uphold the rule of law and standards of impartial fact-finding, but Barr, that diabolical Trumpkin, is determined to bring him down for refusing to brand Crossfire Hurricane a hoax.

Even as this narrative first took wing, there was a clue that it was deceptive, though you had to dig a little to find it.

When Horowitz finally released the report on Monday, Barr himself made a statement. Relying on the IG’s work, rather than contradicting it, the AG observed that the FBI had, “launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.

Barr did not disagree with Horowitz on the commencement of the investigation. Horowitz had found that the FBI’s written procedures provide a very low bar in terms of the suspicion that may justify the opening of an investigation.

Barr did not dispute this; he said the investigation was opened “on the thinnest of suspicions.” That is both true and, as Horowitz points out, sufficient.

Barr thinks it was unwise to open so significant an investigation on such thin evidence. Horowitz is not claiming it was prudent; he is saying the regulations permitted it.

Barr’s beef was less with the opening of the investigation than with “the steps taken” after the investigation was opened.This, plainly, is a reference to the use of intrusive investigative techniques – in particular, confidential informants and FISA surveillance warrants.

Barr’s point is that, given the norm against permitting the incumbent government’s investigative powers to intrude on our political process, it was wrong to use such aggressive tactics given the threadbare basis for suspicion.

Horowitz is not disputing that. He is saying that it is not his place to second-guess discretionary judgment calls about investigative tactics as long as the probe is legitimately opened. And clearly, the IG report is a testament to the abuse of those tactics: the misrepresentations to the FISA court, and the fact that, although the use of informants generated exculpatory evidence, the Bureau inexplicably continued investigating a U.S. political campaign.

Andrew McCarthy: DOJ vs. IG – Barr and Horowitz's reported rift over FISA report is bogus spin by Democrats
But the IG also said he found NO EVIDENCE of intentional misconduct...
Sure, and there's no evidence that soccer players dive at the world cup.
i'm sorry, but it is utter bull crap, to not believe the IG and his results for this investigation.... it is his job to determine these things and he and his crew are trained and experts above all, on this type of stuff.

So your diatribe and Trump's diatribe and Barr's diatribe are simply from a partisan and biased view.... the IG is TRAINED NOT TO BE that way..... and yeah, for people like you, if they are not ass kissers for Trump, then they can not be believed... and I call bull crap on that!
But the IG also said he found NO EVIDENCE of intentional misconduct...
Sure, and there's no evidence that soccer players dive at the world cup.
i'm sorry, but it is utter bull crap, to not believe the IG and his results for this investigation.... it is his job to determine these things and he and his crew are trained and experts above all, on this type of stuff.

So your diatribe and Trump's diatribe and Barr's diatribe are simply from a partisan and biased view.... the IG is TRAINED NOT TO BE that way..... and yeah, for people like you, if they are not ass kissers for Trump, then they can not be believed... and I call bull crap on that!

Peter Strzok was trained to be that way.

Lisa Page was trained to be that way.

How'd that work out for them.
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Horrowitz did not have Subpoena power, and THE FBI refused to turn over documents, such as Exculpatory Evidence.

Horrowitz only made an opinion about intent, but within that, he found that The FBI with held exculpatory evidence, altered documents, altered emails, falsified evidence, submitted false affidavits, & lied under oath 17 times & did not bother to vet or verify The Dirty Russian Dossier even though they knew Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid to have it made.
He only reports what he is told by the individuals. Just like Hillary’s ‘I don’t recall’. Or, ‘I didn’t know’. He doesn’t try to read past their statements to him. He then gathers evidence where he can, which is limited. He is also limited to interviewing only those still employed. Most have left the dept.
Durham is able to subpoena documents, witnesses and put them under oath.
But the IG also said he found NO EVIDENCE of intentional misconduct...

It's becoming more clear the IG couldn't find his ass with both hands.
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Horrowitz did not have Subpoena power, and THE FBI refused to turn over documents, such as Exculpatory Evidence.

Horrowitz only made an opinion about intent, but within that, he found that The FBI with held exculpatory evidence, altered documents, altered emails, falsified evidence, submitted false affidavits, & lied under oath 17 times & did not bother to vet or verify The Dirty Russian Dossier even though they knew Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid to have it made.
He only reports what he is told by the individuals. Just like Hillary’s ‘I don’t recall’. Or, ‘I didn’t know’. He doesn’t try to read past their statements to him. He then gathers evidence where he can, which is limited. He is also limited to interviewing only those still employed. Most have left the dept.
Durham is able to subpoena documents, witnesses and put them under oath.
But the IG also said he found NO EVIDENCE of intentional misconduct...

It's becoming more clear the IG couldn't find his ass with both hands.
Really, what good was he if he was not allowed to DRAW CONCLUSIONS from evidence much more did he need than the texts and emails between the 2 lovebirds, even stating the Obomanation wants to stay in the loop?....
But the IG also said he found NO EVIDENCE of intentional misconduct...
Sure, and there's no evidence that soccer players dive at the world cup.
i'm sorry, but it is utter bull crap, to not believe the IG and his results for this investigation.... it is his job to determine these things and he and his crew are trained and experts above all, on this type of stuff.

So your diatribe and Trump's diatribe and Barr's diatribe are simply from a partisan and biased view.... the IG is TRAINED NOT TO BE that way..... and yeah, for people like you, if they are not ass kissers for Trump, then they can not be believed... and I call bull crap on that!

You carried Obama’s water Care, it’s really simple for anyone with a IQ above 80, Horowitz was appointed by Obama and is a career Civil Servant, they rarely lookout for anyone else but themselves. The IG’s report points out 17 major abuses of authority, direct evidence of corruption in our very own Justice Department and you want to sit here and defend it like no one should be held accountable? That’s always your f’ing pathetic excuse, you just f’ing capitulate because you have no integrity as a Party, you couldn’t tell a 2 year old no! F’ing Pathetic!!!
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Not really. See Andrew McCarthy's column, the two men have less a difference of opinion than a difference in focus – the distinction between what may be done and what should be done.

Th FBI is given tremendous latitude, that men of honor are to use with integrity. Horowitz has straightforwardly stated that they MAY do particular things, Barr and Durham are focusing on the fact that those with honor would never do the things they did.

The Mueller probe found no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy, notwithstanding the indefatigable “collusion” narrative.

Now the Horowitz IG report has found major abuses in the FBI’s investigation of Trump. The question naturally arises: Why did the Obama administration use the intelligence and law-enforcement apparatus of the government to investigate its political opposition?

The specter of political spying, that bane of the Watergate era, is manifest. That is what Barr and Durham are exploring.

Democrats and their media confederates are determined to protect Obama’s legacy from Nixonian taint. Barr, therefore, must be subjected to character assassination.

The same people who lionized Mueller’s team of partisan Democrats, now feign outraged disbelief at the suggestion that the FBI could possibly have been just a tad political.

That would be the same Bureau that helped whitewash the Clinton emails caper; scorched the earth to find a non-existent conspiracy against Trump; brought us the charming Strzok-Page texts; and has, in just the last two years, been the subject of not one but two voluminous IG reports examining the anti-Trump animus of top investigators.

That is why the Barr-Horowitz contretemps must be exaggerated.

Typical of IG reports, Horowitz’s latest features admirably comprehensive fact-finding but conclusions framed in lawyerly gobbledygook that lend themselves to easy distortion.

The anti-Trump forces pounced: We’re to believe the IG concluded that the Trump-Russia investigation’s commencement was unimpeachable and that there was no political bias in the FBI’s decision-making.

That is not what Horowitz said. Since it is important that the public be given accurate information about the Justice Department’s position, the AG has spoken out to clarify what the IG concluded and how DOJ regards these conclusions.

In press coverage, this has been portrayed as a blistering attack on Horowitz.

At Wednesday’s hearing, Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats picked up the theme: Horowitz heroically struggles to uphold the rule of law and standards of impartial fact-finding, but Barr, that diabolical Trumpkin, is determined to bring him down for refusing to brand Crossfire Hurricane a hoax.

Even as this narrative first took wing, there was a clue that it was deceptive, though you had to dig a little to find it.

When Horowitz finally released the report on Monday, Barr himself made a statement. Relying on the IG’s work, rather than contradicting it, the AG observed that the FBI had, “launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.

Barr did not disagree with Horowitz on the commencement of the investigation. Horowitz had found that the FBI’s written procedures provide a very low bar in terms of the suspicion that may justify the opening of an investigation.

Barr did not dispute this; he said the investigation was opened “on the thinnest of suspicions.” That is both true and, as Horowitz points out, sufficient.

Barr thinks it was unwise to open so significant an investigation on such thin evidence. Horowitz is not claiming it was prudent; he is saying the regulations permitted it.

Barr’s beef was less with the opening of the investigation than with “the steps taken” after the investigation was opened.This, plainly, is a reference to the use of intrusive investigative techniques – in particular, confidential informants and FISA surveillance warrants.

Barr’s point is that, given the norm against permitting the incumbent government’s investigative powers to intrude on our political process, it was wrong to use such aggressive tactics given the threadbare basis for suspicion.

Horowitz is not disputing that. He is saying that it is not his place to second-guess discretionary judgment calls about investigative tactics as long as the probe is legitimately opened. And clearly, the IG report is a testament to the abuse of those tactics: the misrepresentations to the FISA court, and the fact that, although the use of informants generated exculpatory evidence, the Bureau inexplicably continued investigating a U.S. political campaign.

Andrew McCarthy: DOJ vs. IG – Barr and Horowitz's reported rift over FISA report is bogus spin by Democrats

Beautifully written summation.

The only thing is, you stopped short of explaining that the Horowitz findings are very limited. The IG cannot issue subpoenas or investigate outside of the FBI. Durham's criminal investigation does have subpoena power and he can investigate other agencies to find out if the CIA illegally used foreign assets to setup the Crossfire Hurricane plot.
So your diatribe and Trump's diatribe and Barr's diatribe are simply from a partisan and biased view.... the IG is TRAINED NOT TO BE that way..... and yeah, for people like you, if they are not ass kissers for Trump, then they can not be believed... and I call bull crap on that!
The IG is another swamp monster that need to be removed by Trump. He's probably a secret liberal.
So your diatribe and Trump's diatribe and Barr's diatribe are simply from a partisan and biased view.... the IG is TRAINED NOT TO BE that way..... and yeah, for people like you, if they are not ass kissers for Trump, then they can not be believed... and I call bull crap on that!
The IG is another swamp monster that need to be removed by Trump. He's probably a secret liberal.
He's fine. He is under agency rules, that tightly constrain him, he does not have arrest of subpoena powers, the supposed "rift" between him and Barr/Durham is yet another Fake News Media Fable.

We held the FBI in the highest esteem.
We presumed they were staffed and led by folks of great personal integrity and honor.
With that, We The People granted them tremendous leeway in OPENING cases like this, as Horowitz reports they COULD legally open this investigation, as they did, on a suggestion of a suggestion.

Barr/Horowitz, like the rest of us, are stunned that such slimy political operators as Stzork, McCabe, Comey and the rest came to occupy these positions. That the FBI was actually staffed with folks that would forge an exculpatory email in order to make it appear incriminating and then submit it to the FISA court in order to spy on the President of The Untied States.

I'm not kidding. Brennan repeatedly and in writing informed the Corrupt FBI that Carter Page worked as a source for the CIA, did a very good job, and gather intel FOR the United States from Russian Intelligence. As he did this, naturally he interacted with Russian Intelligence, the corrupt FBI, who assumed Hillary was going to win, and so that these FISA submissions would never see the light of day. Lied about that to the FISA court. They took the email that said "is a source" for the CIA and forged it to read "not a source" for the CIA and submitted in the FISA application as "Verified"! These are the most vile of scum.

Brennan may be scum too, but on this point, he did the right thing and he wisely has the paper trail to back it up, and Horowitz confirmed this.

Trump has been dealing with the constant lies, spying, forgeries, slander for 4 years, and there was NEVER any justification for it. And it continues in the House of Representatives as they hop from one farce to the next and are now going through the motions of impeachment, when they know full well that Trump will not be removed and that he will be their quite formidable opponent in 2020 election.

It's all a farce. It is all lies. The Fake News Media has acted as the propaganda arm burying the American People in this blizzard of lies and filth, for 4 years, and no one is showing any shame or contrition, Comey is doing a modified limited hangout, after first claiming to be "vindicated" and they continue with the farce in the House as an election year stunt to try to weaken Trump as a candidate, though frankly, the longer they push this phony impeachment, the more the critical swing state voters are beginning to support Trump. And why not, he is doing a hell of a job. Our wages are up, jobs are plentiful, the Stock Market is closing in on a 30% annual gain, and the Santa Clause Rally is ringing in the Election Year!


Tired of the Left's refusal to accept the election results and ready for us all to just be thankful and grateful for our great prosperity here in the holiday season!

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