Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry

It’s simple.. predicate to open a FISA case was there in the same way it would’ve been there regarding anyone else. Lindsay Graham said it best I think. But that’s not what the problem is here. Sure, you saw some things in a report that indicated that maybe it should be looked into further. Ok fine. But once it was determined that there was no further evidence to indicate a necessity for a FISA warrant, that’s where it should’ve ended. But it didn’t, and that’s where the crime is.
#1. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside anyone who isn't STILL EMPLOYED with the government.
#2. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside the federal government AT ALL.
#3. Horowitz's investigation could NOT subpoena documents or depose witnesses under oath.
#4. Horowitz is a deep state obama appointee.

For anyone thinking it's ALL OVER, and that deep state Horowitz saying there was no apparent political bias, which is an absolutely ASININE thing to say, but if you think it's over, then you have a very rude kick in the nuts still coming. Barr and Durham are the ones to watch. They are the ones conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, and have a much, MUCH BROADER SCOPE and far greater powers. They can look at ANYONE, ANYWHERE, even overseas, and can subpoena documents, put people under oath, the works. Horowitz was unable to do ANY of that.

So this watered down fluff piece by Horowitz isn't even the beginning of the shit hitting the fan. We all knew already that his report was going to be a deep state fluff piece much like Comey letting Hitlery off the hook.
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How can you say an investigation is politically biased

I was referring to Barr's statements that are used to obfuscate the conclusion of certain investigations that don't comport with the alternative facts distributed by Trumpyberra's administration.

If you caught your friend and coworker violating company policy such as stealing from the company would you turn them in?

Depends on the nature of the policy they violated verse how strong our friendship is. Stealing? Also depends what were they stealing? Office supplies or thousands of dollars.

Do you believe cops turn a blind eye to bad cops?

Some do.
You know a business partner has misused funds in the past. The same partner comes to you and asks for more funds, As the President of your Company do you have an Obligation to your Employees and share holders to take every step necessary to insure the funds will not be squandered, even if it includes exposing mismanagement within your own Company at the highest levels. The "amount" of the theft is irrelevant.

Yeah, that's a bit more than violating some company policy or pilfering the office supplies. So I'd agree, especially for a President of a company.
#1. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside anyone who isn't STILL EMPLOYED with the government.
#2. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside the federal government AT ALL.
#3. Horowitz's investigation could NOT subpoena documents or depose witnesses under oath.
#4. Horowitz is a deep state obama appointee.

For anyone thinking it's ALL OVER, and that deep state Horowitz saying there was no apparent political bias, which is an absolutely ASININE thing to say, but if you think it's over, then you have a very rude kick in the nuts still coming. Barr and Durham are the ones to watch. They are the ones conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, and have a much, MUCH BROADER SCOPE and far greater powers. They can look at ANYONE, ANYWHERE, even overseas, and can subpoena documents, put people under oath, the works. Horowitz was unable to do ANY of that.

So this watered down fluff piece by Horowitz isn't even the beginning of the shit hitting the fan. We all knew already that his report was going to be a deep state fluff piece much like Comey letting Hitlery off the hook.
If Horowitz was deep state before, then he flipped. Because this report is exactly the way it was supposed to be. People were looking for way more out of this than it needed to be. Horowitz established abuse of FISA. There was literally nothing more he could’ve done. Now Durham’s up.
#1. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside anyone who isn't STILL EMPLOYED with the government.
#2. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside the federal government AT ALL.
#3. Horowitz's investigation could NOT subpoena documents or depose witnesses under oath.
#4. Horowitz is a deep state obama appointee.

For anyone thinking it's ALL OVER, and that deep state Horowitz saying there was no apparent political bias, which is an absolutely ASININE thing to say, but if you think it's over, then you have a very rude kick in the nuts still coming. Barr and Durham are the ones to watch. They are the ones conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, and have a much, MUCH BROADER SCOPE and far greater powers. They can look at ANYONE, ANYWHERE, even overseas, and can subpoena documents, put people under oath, the works. Horowitz was unable to do ANY of that.

So this watered down fluff piece by Horowitz isn't even the beginning of the shit hitting the fan. We all knew already that his report was going to be a deep state fluff piece much like Comey letting Hitlery off the hook.
If Horowitz was deep state before, then he flipped. Because this report is exactly the way it was supposed to be. People were looking for way more out of this than it needed to be. Horowitz established abuse of FISA. There was literally nothing more he could’ve done. Now Durham’s up.
It ended the exact way I told you it was going to three weeks or so ago - remember? Poe confirmed, sign me up!
#1. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside anyone who isn't STILL EMPLOYED with the government.
#2. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside the federal government AT ALL.
#3. Horowitz's investigation could NOT subpoena documents or depose witnesses under oath.
#4. Horowitz is a deep state obama appointee.

For anyone thinking it's ALL OVER, and that deep state Horowitz saying there was no apparent political bias, which is an absolutely ASININE thing to say, but if you think it's over, then you have a very rude kick in the nuts still coming. Barr and Durham are the ones to watch. They are the ones conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, and have a much, MUCH BROADER SCOPE and far greater powers. They can look at ANYONE, ANYWHERE, even overseas, and can subpoena documents, put people under oath, the works. Horowitz was unable to do ANY of that.

So this watered down fluff piece by Horowitz isn't even the beginning of the shit hitting the fan. We all knew already that his report was going to be a deep state fluff piece much like Comey letting Hitlery off the hook.
If Horowitz was deep state before, then he flipped. Because this report is exactly the way it was supposed to be. People were looking for way more out of this than it needed to be. Horowitz established abuse of FISA. There was literally nothing more he could’ve done. Now Durham’s up.
It ended the exact way I told you it was going to three weeks or so ago - remember? Poe confirmed, sign me up!
Did you read the whole report? All 476 pages? He indicates that there was a clear abuse of the FISA court. The predicate was there, and that’s the red herring here. Whether or not there was predicate is irrelevant. Anyone could’ve brought up any kind of claim against a candidate in that manner and triggered a potential FISA matter. That’s not what’s important here. What’s important here is that after it was clear that the information that initially triggered the investigation was unsubstantiated, it was still pursued and inaccurate information was provided to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on American citizens. That the media clearly doesn’t want to touch that aspect at all and only wants to gloss over it with headlines doesn’t change the fact that there was clearly abuse of the FISA process. Whether or not it was politically motivated is for someone else besides Horowitz to determine. I wouldn’t be putting the popcorn away just yet brotha.
#1. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside anyone who isn't STILL EMPLOYED with the government.
#2. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside the federal government AT ALL.
#3. Horowitz's investigation could NOT subpoena documents or depose witnesses under oath.
#4. Horowitz is a deep state obama appointee.

For anyone thinking it's ALL OVER, and that deep state Horowitz saying there was no apparent political bias, which is an absolutely ASININE thing to say, but if you think it's over, then you have a very rude kick in the nuts still coming. Barr and Durham are the ones to watch. They are the ones conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, and have a much, MUCH BROADER SCOPE and far greater powers. They can look at ANYONE, ANYWHERE, even overseas, and can subpoena documents, put people under oath, the works. Horowitz was unable to do ANY of that.

So this watered down fluff piece by Horowitz isn't even the beginning of the shit hitting the fan. We all knew already that his report was going to be a deep state fluff piece much like Comey letting Hitlery off the hook.
If Horowitz was deep state before, then he flipped. Because this report is exactly the way it was supposed to be. People were looking for way more out of this than it needed to be. Horowitz established abuse of FISA. There was literally nothing more he could’ve done. Now Durham’s up.
It ended the exact way I told you it was going to three weeks or so ago - remember? Poe confirmed, sign me up!
Did you read the whole report? All 476 pages? He indicates that there was a clear abuse of the FISA court. The predicate was there, and that’s the red herring here. Whether or not there was predicate is irrelevant. Anyone could’ve brought up any kind of claim against a candidate in that manner and triggered a potential FISA matter. That’s not what’s important here. What’s important here is that after it was clear that the information that initially triggered the investigation was unsubstantiated, it was still pursued and inaccurate information was provided to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on American citizens. That the media clearly doesn’t want to touch that aspect at all and only wants to gloss over it with headlines doesn’t change the fact that there was clearly abuse of the FISA process. Whether or not it was politically motivated is for someone else besides Horowitz to determine. I wouldn’t be putting the popcorn away just yet brotha.
I said three weeks ago that there were abuses in the FISA application process, but that those abuses would be deemed a-political and irrelevant to the voracity of the warrant. And that's what it concluded, no I didnt read 476 pages I read the executive summary
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry

Understand----------------------->The IG can only investigate the DOJ. He/she can NOT investigate the other agencies such as the CIA, nor DNI. He also has no subpoena power. This is exactly why Barr installed Durham, as well he should have.
#1. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside anyone who isn't STILL EMPLOYED with the government.
#2. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside the federal government AT ALL.
#3. Horowitz's investigation could NOT subpoena documents or depose witnesses under oath.
#4. Horowitz is a deep state obama appointee.

For anyone thinking it's ALL OVER, and that deep state Horowitz saying there was no apparent political bias, which is an absolutely ASININE thing to say, but if you think it's over, then you have a very rude kick in the nuts still coming. Barr and Durham are the ones to watch. They are the ones conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, and have a much, MUCH BROADER SCOPE and far greater powers. They can look at ANYONE, ANYWHERE, even overseas, and can subpoena documents, put people under oath, the works. Horowitz was unable to do ANY of that.

So this watered down fluff piece by Horowitz isn't even the beginning of the shit hitting the fan. We all knew already that his report was going to be a deep state fluff piece much like Comey letting Hitlery off the hook.
If Horowitz was deep state before, then he flipped. Because this report is exactly the way it was supposed to be. People were looking for way more out of this than it needed to be. Horowitz established abuse of FISA. There was literally nothing more he could’ve done. Now Durham’s up.
It ended the exact way I told you it was going to three weeks or so ago - remember? Poe confirmed, sign me up!
Did you read the whole report? All 476 pages? He indicates that there was a clear abuse of the FISA court. The predicate was there, and that’s the red herring here. Whether or not there was predicate is irrelevant. Anyone could’ve brought up any kind of claim against a candidate in that manner and triggered a potential FISA matter. That’s not what’s important here. What’s important here is that after it was clear that the information that initially triggered the investigation was unsubstantiated, it was still pursued and inaccurate information was provided to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on American citizens. That the media clearly doesn’t want to touch that aspect at all and only wants to gloss over it with headlines doesn’t change the fact that there was clearly abuse of the FISA process. Whether or not it was politically motivated is for someone else besides Horowitz to determine. I wouldn’t be putting the popcorn away just yet brotha.
I said three weeks ago that there were abuses in the FISA application process, but that those abuses would be deemed a-political and irrelevant to the voracity of the warrant. And that's what it concluded, no I didnt read 476 pages I read the executive summary
Does it bother you that the Obama administration lied to FISA to spy on American citizens? What would be the motive for it?

Horowitz’s job is only to determine these things in the report. He isn’t tasked with informing the nation that a political crime was committed, so people assuming this is the end of the road are mistaken. There are quite a lot of really pissed off people who are sick and tired of this shit happening through the years and no one ever going to prison. The time is now to finally see some justice. I don’t care what political party anyone belongs to, we have what clesrly is a crime here and if no one goes to prison for it it’s not gojng to end well for trump’s political future because his voters are at this point demanding it.
#1. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside anyone who isn't STILL EMPLOYED with the government.
#2. Horowitz's investigation could NOT look outside the federal government AT ALL.
#3. Horowitz's investigation could NOT subpoena documents or depose witnesses under oath.
#4. Horowitz is a deep state obama appointee.

For anyone thinking it's ALL OVER, and that deep state Horowitz saying there was no apparent political bias, which is an absolutely ASININE thing to say, but if you think it's over, then you have a very rude kick in the nuts still coming. Barr and Durham are the ones to watch. They are the ones conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, and have a much, MUCH BROADER SCOPE and far greater powers. They can look at ANYONE, ANYWHERE, even overseas, and can subpoena documents, put people under oath, the works. Horowitz was unable to do ANY of that.

So this watered down fluff piece by Horowitz isn't even the beginning of the shit hitting the fan. We all knew already that his report was going to be a deep state fluff piece much like Comey letting Hitlery off the hook.
If Horowitz was deep state before, then he flipped. Because this report is exactly the way it was supposed to be. People were looking for way more out of this than it needed to be. Horowitz established abuse of FISA. There was literally nothing more he could’ve done. Now Durham’s up.
It ended the exact way I told you it was going to three weeks or so ago - remember? Poe confirmed, sign me up!
Did you read the whole report? All 476 pages? He indicates that there was a clear abuse of the FISA court. The predicate was there, and that’s the red herring here. Whether or not there was predicate is irrelevant. Anyone could’ve brought up any kind of claim against a candidate in that manner and triggered a potential FISA matter. That’s not what’s important here. What’s important here is that after it was clear that the information that initially triggered the investigation was unsubstantiated, it was still pursued and inaccurate information was provided to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on American citizens. That the media clearly doesn’t want to touch that aspect at all and only wants to gloss over it with headlines doesn’t change the fact that there was clearly abuse of the FISA process. Whether or not it was politically motivated is for someone else besides Horowitz to determine. I wouldn’t be putting the popcorn away just yet brotha.
I said three weeks ago that there were abuses in the FISA application process, but that those abuses would be deemed a-political and irrelevant to the voracity of the warrant. And that's what it concluded, no I didnt read 476 pages I read the executive summary
Does it bother you that the Obama administration lied to FISA to spy on American citizens? What would be the motive for it?

Horowitz’s job is only to determine these things in the report. He isn’t tasked with informing the nation that a political crime was committed, so people assuming this is the end of the road are mistaken. There are quite a lot of really pissed off people who are sick and tired of this shit happening through the years and no one ever going to prison. The time is now to finally see some justice. I don’t care what political party anyone belongs to, we have what clesrly is a crime here and if no one goes to prison for it it’s not gojng to end well for trump’s political future because his voters are at this point demanding it.
You're not someone I'm talking to about the specifics about all this crap man, and you know why. I was just pointing out that what I said was correct - that's a-political enough to not have to get into the woods with you so I figured it would be "safe," but going further than that isn't something I'mma do.
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Horrowitz did not have Subpoena power, and THE FBI refused to turn over documents, such as Exculpatory Evidence.

Horrowitz only made an opinion about intent, but within that, he found that The FBI with held exculpatory evidence, altered documents, altered emails, falsified evidence, submitted false affidavits, & lied under oath 17 times & did not bother to vet or verify The Dirty Russian Dossier even though they knew Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid to have it made.
He only reports what he is told by the individuals. Just like Hillary’s ‘I don’t recall’. Or, ‘I didn’t know’. He doesn’t try to read past their statements to him. He then gathers evidence where he can, which is limited. He is also limited to interviewing only those still employed. Most have left the dept.
Durham is able to subpoena documents, witnesses and put them under oath.
But the IG also said he found NO EVIDENCE of intentional misconduct...
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Horrowitz did not have Subpoena power, and THE FBI refused to turn over documents, such as Exculpatory Evidence.

Horrowitz only made an opinion about intent, but within that, he found that The FBI with held exculpatory evidence, altered documents, altered emails, falsified evidence, submitted false affidavits, & lied under oath 17 times & did not bother to vet or verify The Dirty Russian Dossier even though they knew Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid to have it made.
He only reports what he is told by the individuals. Just like Hillary’s ‘I don’t recall’. Or, ‘I didn’t know’. He doesn’t try to read past their statements to him. He then gathers evidence where he can, which is limited. He is also limited to interviewing only those still employed. Most have left the dept.
Durham is able to subpoena documents, witnesses and put them under oath.
But the IG also said he found NO EVIDENCE of intentional misconduct...
That's not what he said. He has NO SUBPOENA POWER and what he said was that he found no "Documentary Evidence of Bias." Which means, he could not subpoena documents that would confirm that bias. Then he goes on to RIP the FBI, Comey, McCabe etc. a New Asshole.

Barr and Durham can subpoena all the documents etc. Horrowitz was not allowed to. All Horrowitz was supposed to do was leave a trail of breadcrumbs for Barr and Durham to indict people with. And in that task, he did a great job.

Nearly 500 pages in his report detailing procedural abuses, ethical lapses in judgment, and yes, Criminal Acts are covered. Just on Carter Page alone, they Lied 27 times, and made 10 Exculpatory Omissions as well, and filed False Affidavits just so they could spy on him. That is just on PAGE. There are 500 pages of the same stuff on other bad actors, especially upper management.
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation

From what I've read Horowitz isn't a criminal investigator and a criminal investigator is what they need.

I'd get one and have him or her reinvestigate.
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation

From what I've read Horowitz isn't a criminal investigator and a criminal investigator is what they need.

I'd get one and have him or her reinvestigate.
That’s where Durham comes in.
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation

From what I've read Horowitz isn't a criminal investigator and a criminal investigator is what they need.

I'd get one and have him or her reinvestigate.
That’s where Durham comes in.

Good. Hope he reinvestigates the entire mess.
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Horrowitz did not have Subpoena power, and THE FBI refused to turn over documents, such as Exculpatory Evidence.

Horrowitz only made an opinion about intent, but within that, he found that The FBI with held exculpatory evidence, altered documents, altered emails, falsified evidence, submitted false affidavits, & lied under oath 17 times & did not bother to vet or verify The Dirty Russian Dossier even though they knew Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid to have it made.
He only reports what he is told by the individuals. Just like Hillary’s ‘I don’t recall’. Or, ‘I didn’t know’. He doesn’t try to read past their statements to him. He then gathers evidence where he can, which is limited. He is also limited to interviewing only those still employed. Most have left the dept.
Durham is able to subpoena documents, witnesses and put them under oath.
But the IG also said he found NO EVIDENCE of intentional misconduct...
He also said he was not satisfied with explanations given.
This entire thing, from the origins of the Steele dossier to Deep State FISA warrant abuse, is 100% about DEMOCRATS wanting to SPY on Trump and BILL THE US TAXPAYER for doing so.

This is why Democrats love BIG GOVERNMENT.

The BIGGER THE GOVERNMENT, the more the DEMOCRATS can use GOVERNMENT to quash those who do not support DEMOCRATS.

DEMOCRATS want socialized health care, because when they get it, everyone who does not support the Democrats will be diagnosed as "mentally ill."

That is who they are.

That is what they do....
How can you say an investigation is politically biased

I was referring to Barr's statements that are used to obfuscate the conclusion of certain investigations that don't comport with the alternative facts distributed by Trumpyberra's administration.

If you caught your friend and coworker violating company policy such as stealing from the company would you turn them in?

Depends on the nature of the policy they violated verse how strong our friendship is. Stealing? Also depends what were they stealing? Office supplies or thousands of dollars.

Do you believe cops turn a blind eye to bad cops?

Some do.
The nature of the crime was theft I specifically said that. ND you don't believe the DC crowd aren't life long friends after they've worked closely together 20 plus years?
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation
This dripps of political bias and a Coup D'etat.
All you have to do is open your eyes to see it.
My friend Kim sums it up perfectly.

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