BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

Totally YOUR input! Where is your link regarding Trump banning Venezuela oil?
Where is your PROOF regarding lift costs?
Who the hell do you think you are that WE all should just believe your subjective, unsubstantiated opinions?
Do some work for once and proof your statement!
"The Trump administration did not directly ban imports of Venezuelan crude oil."

So you lied!

The U.S. imports less than 500,000 barrels a day of Venezuelan crude, down from more than 1.2 million barrels a day in 2008, according to the Energy Information Administration. though it now only supplies about 6 percent of imports.
Surada... It took me less than 3 minutes to find the above!
Proof it!

We were buying 500,000 bpd from VZ in 2019 until covid.. Now we are buying a half million bpd from Russia because of Trump's sanctions.
We were buying 500,000 bpd from VZ in 2019 until covid.. Now we are buying a half million bpd from Russia because of Trump's sanctions.
You make totally unsupported statements? Who in the hell are you to make above totally unsupported statements?

1) About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
For you hate the American Indians???
2) With Biden's moratorium on Federal land exploration leases the affect is as follows:
a) Revenues from energy development on federal land and in offshore waters are a major source of federal income, second only to tax revenue. Each year, the money is distributed to states, Native American tribes, and the U.S. Treasury and is the primary funding source for popular federal and state programs devoted to everything from education and conservation to health care and public safety. More than $8 billion of energy revenues were disbursed last year for these purposes, primarily from royalty payments and lease sales associated with fossil-fuel development. Prior to the pandemic, disbursements were nearly $12 billion.

As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden​

OK, but what did you think of the PBS show Washington Week's episode with the authors of "Only I Can Fix It"?

No it is not.
As Leoning noted Don Trump spent oodles of bandwidth/time/energy to denigrate and discount the established medical authorities who were striving diligently to produce a safe vaccine....and once they got it he continued to trash 'em.

And, as Leoning also noted....Don Trump wanted to hog all credit for the eventual development of a vaccine that happened on his watch (on a vaccine framework long in existence)....yet, Don Trump has been luke-warm, shy, mostly silent in urging his followers to get out there and aggressively seek getting vaccinated.

*Just think what the effect would be if he was pro-active in that area?

Used his immense bully-pulpit to persuade his base that getting vaccinated is good for them, their loved ones, and the society they benefit from.

First, of course, he would piss off the more ignorant Luddites within his base;
But, more importantly, there could be millions more who would go get their shots.

But see, Don Trump is afraid of that first part......pissing off the Luddites.
you all see something completely different than what is said. The discussion is a rat hole with a demofk. You can't be honest about what is ever actually said. ain't worth a discussion on the event. you heard what you want and what isn't there. I can't help you.
"....biden is deliberately infecting Americans with the chinese disease..."

Why do you do that, poster Mac-7?
You can have no credible authoritative source for such an assertion.

Such pronouncements, coming as they do from one of our more strident Trumpfolk does nothing but make all Trumpfolk look like they are simpletons, nutters, fringies.

Now, Mac-7, my avatar does not wish to single your avatar out as the only one. There are, after all, a whole handful of Trump loyalist on this venue who make the most bizarre and unsupported claims. That is.....if their messaging can get around their use of epithets and f-bombs.

Why do they do that?
We all know what the cultural perception is --both here and abroad --- about the educational level and gullibility of Trumpfolk. And then you, Mac-7, come right here and validate that cliché.
Why do you do that?

You must know it makes you and other Trump supporters look like unread goobers.
What's up with that?
Why so willingly play right into the worst stereotypes your opponents apply to you?

I don't get it.

Why do you do that, poster Mac-7?
You can have no credible authoritative source for such an assertion.

Such pronouncements, coming as they do from one of our more strident Trumpfolk does nothing but make all Trumpfolk look like they are simpletons, nutters, fringies.

Now, Mac-7, my avatar does not wish to single your avatar out as the only one. There are, after all, a whole handful of Trump loyalist on this venue who make the most bizarre and unsupported claims. That is.....if their messaging can get around their use of epithets and f-bombs.

Why do they do that?
We all know what the cultural perception is --both here and abroad --- about the educational level and gullibility of Trumpfolk. And then you, Mac-7, come right here and validate that cliché.
Why do you do that?

You must know it makes you and other Trump supporters look like unread goobers.
What's up with that?
Why so willingly play right into the worst stereotypes your opponents apply to you?

I don't get it.
Since biden took office his policies have maximized the number of illegal aliens pouring across the border

and many of them carry the chinese disease

he cannot avoid responsibility for releasing those people into our society

You don't do decimals in conjunction with a % sign eh......still wrong go back to school Trump's pick up was over 10%. ....

You really suck at math. Of course decimals are used with percent signs.

Bush had carried 50.75% of the vote...

Can ya be more desperate?


And you didn't specify his vote gain. You specified the increase of his vote percentage.

His vote percentage in 2016 was 46.4%. In 2020, it was 46.8%. That's an increase of a whopping 0.9%.

Break out the champaign! :lmao:
Such pronouncements, coming as they do from one of our more strident Trumpfolk does nothing but make all Trumpfolk look like they are simpletons, nutters, fringies.
You can't deny the virus is spreading wildly during the Biden administration.
"....the virus is spreading wildly during the Biden administration."

For some very understandable and preventable reasons...chief amongst them the nature of the Delta variant and the 100 million vaccine-eligible Americans who haven't/won't/refuse to get their jabs.

Notably ----neither polio or smallpox (among others) went away by themselves.

Vaccines did that.
Chillicothe forgets America is a free country. Or does he want a mandate that forces us to get the vaccine against our will?
Yeah, Barr used to be loyal.
yup. Barr is now open about his Trump contempt which he had struggled to keep private for a long time. fuck him.

a follow-the-rules Attorney General can never get along with a break-everything president anyway!
yup. Barr is now open about his Trump contempt which he had struggled to keep private for a long time. fuck him.
a follow-the-rules Attorney General can never get along with a break-everything president anyway!
I think Barr is looking towards the future. He's hoping Trump becomes weaker. It looks like a bad assumption by Barr since Trump is leading the early polls for 2024.
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